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I would hate that, im still not massively happy about the new Star Trek to be honest. Things dont need rebooting, there is a perfectly good universe out there already. We dont need to see the same stories done over again just slightly differently. Too often these days the easy answer is just to reboot something, seems more like lazy writing than anything to me.

Edited by Happenstance
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I reckon they should do a Star Trek with things, the shows already have a few parallels, the original Stargate movie is like TOS, SG1 is like TNG in that it's new actors doing the same thing, Atlantis is like DS9 as they have the fixed point, and Atlantis is a space station, sort of, then SGU is like Voyager, stuck on the wrong side of the universe looking for a way home. SGU is doing an Enterprise too, as in being cancelled just as it starts to get good, so they should just follow through the parallel and send SG1 back somehow to before the original movie. The old solar flare trick would work fine, and they could arrive just before they got the gate working in the first film, maybe SG1 are coming back from a firefight on another world, only one member of the team survives to get back, and with their knowledge they reboot things. Just an idea.

God no. There is no reason to reboot it. Any reboot will be hated by me and anyone who lives

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Nobody has claimed interest has been lost though. Atlantis in its last season was seeing a rise in ratings, thats why it was such a suprise to a lot of people that it got cancelled. SGU was a different take on a Stargate show so it cant really be used to judge the Stargate (er......) Universe.


Plus as I said, reboots just shouldnt be used. They are lazy, it only takes a good writer with an interesting concept to reinvigorate a franchise. Plus talking about a reboot before the show has even ended is just rediculous.

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Nobody has claimed interest has been lost though. Atlantis in its last season was seeing a rise in ratings, thats why it was such a suprise to a lot of people that it got cancelled. SGU was a different take on a Stargate show so it cant really be used to judge the Stargate (er......) Universe.


Plus as I said, reboots just shouldnt be used. They are lazy, it only takes a good writer with an interesting concept to reinvigorate a franchise. Plus talking about a reboot before the show has even ended is just rediculous.


Well as far as the producers are concerned people have lost interest or it wouldn't have been cancelled, would it?


Reboots may be lazy writing, but it gives the writers new opportunities. It can open new doors that weren't originally opened, and it can close others. It's way too early to really judge the Star Trek reboot until the next film is with us, and I think it has lots of potential.


BTW, it's spelt ridiculous.

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Well as far as the producers are concerned people have lost interest or it wouldn't have been cancelled, would it?


Reboots may be lazy writing, but it gives the writers new opportunities. It can open new doors that weren't originally opened, and it can close others. It's way too early to really judge the Star Trek reboot until the next film is with us, and I think it has lots of potential.


BTW, it's spelt ridiculous.


No, the producers didnt cancel the show, the network did.


Good for you for enjoying reboots, ive explained what I think of them. Also thankyou for correcting my spelling, it didnt make you come across as a bit of a tosser in the slightest.

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No, the producers didnt cancel the show, the network did.


Good for you for enjoying reboots, ive explained what I think of them. Also thankyou for correcting my spelling, it didnt make you come across as a bit of a tosser in the slightest.


Producers, network, whatever, the shows been cancelled. Someone in control obviously lost interest in it.


I put an idea forward, you shat on it, who is the tosser here?

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Reboots aren't lazy. Sci-fi is strongly influenced by the eras in which it is made. Star Trek (and BSG) was a result of the 60s, the space program, the promise of the "final frontier" and various other circumstances. Battlestar Galactica was definitely a result of the "War on Terror". Likewise films like The Matrix and Dark city are a result of post-modernity. Even Tron Legacy has routes in the current front of science; the LHC.


Reboots are necessary at certain points. Franchises need re-contextualising.

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Reboots aren't lazy. Sci-fi is strongly influenced by the eras in which it is made. Star Trek (and BSG) was a result of the 60s, the space program, the promise of the "final frontier" and various other circumstances. Battlestar Galactica was definitely a result of the "War on Terror". Likewise films like The Matrix and Dark city are a result of post-modernity. Even Tron Legacy has routes in the current front of science; the LHC.


Reboots are necessary at certain points. Franchises need re-contextualising.


Well, they are a bit lazy, in so much as they give the writers an already established framework, but what they do with it is up to them.

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Reboots aren't lazy. Sci-fi is strongly influenced by the eras in which it is made. Star Trek (and BSG) was a result of the 60s, the space program, the promise of the "final frontier" and various other circumstances. Battlestar Galactica was definitely a result of the "War on Terror". Likewise films like The Matrix and Dark city are a result of post-modernity. Even Tron Legacy has routes in the current front of science; the LHC.


Reboots are necessary at certain points. Franchises need re-contextualising.


I disagree, at least in the place of Star Trek and Stargate. Star Trek just progressed without the need to reboot, they just moved the stories and the universe along so it became relevant to new generations. I mean just look at the difference between TOS and DS9, Roddenbery would never have had a war like that show had.

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Hence, "Reboots are necessary at certain points." (I'm not getting snarky just in case that reads like it is.) I do think the new Star Trek film came at exactly the right time. That franchise was dead in the water.


Stargate, on the other hand, torpedoed itself with the mess that was SGU.

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I disagree, at least in the place of Star Trek and Stargate. Star Trek just progressed without the need to reboot, they just moved the stories and the universe along so it became relevant to new generations. I mean just look at the difference between TOS and DS9, Roddenbery would never have had a war like that show had.


Pretty sure Roddenberys family were happy that the man himself would have taken the show (DS9) in that direction had he lived. Seen some quotes somewhere to back it up, but can't find them right now.


Yes, technically Star Trek didn't have to reboot, but they did the future, they did the past, where else to go? They could have done the far future, maybe with the timeships occasionally seen on Voyager, but what are they going to do with that apart from revisitting past episodes?

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Hence, "Reboots are necessary at certain points." (I'm not getting snarky just in case that reads like it is.) I do think the new Star Trek film came at exactly the right time. That franchise was dead in the water.


Stargate, on the other hand, torpedoed itself with the mess that was SGU.


This is what I mean though, personally I think that Star Trek could have just continued on in its real universe. You may not find reboots lazy but you must understand my complaints about them basically just starting again, there is no progression to that. Why can they not just create new characters instead of going back to original ones again and creating a cycle.


I wont really go on about the SGU issue as that is more a matter of opinion than anything. For the most part I enjoyed the show for what it was, just not as much as the other two. I think both the network and the show creators can be blamed for SGUs problems.

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This is what I mean though, personally I think that Star Trek could have just continued on in its real universe. You may not find reboots lazy but you must understand my complaints about them basically just starting again, there is no progression to that. Why can they not just create new characters instead of going back to original ones again and creating a cycle.


I wont really go on about the SGU issue as that is more a matter of opinion than anything. For the most part I enjoyed the show for what it was, just not as much as the other two. I think both the network and the show creators can be blamed for SGUs problems.


Yeah, I get what you mean. It doesn't bother me in the least because the original universe covers such a huge expanse of time it all feels slightly disjointed. Not in a bad way, in a 'that was a long time ago' kind of way.


SGU was a poorly written show. It was enjoyable at points, and started to pick itself up but it was doing nothing for so long. Just loaded with basic writing issues that should have been picked up in Writing 101.

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My complaint about SGU is that it is about people trapped on the other side of the universe, which ok is a good concept. However, I'd have loved them to explore a bit more and not have annoying episodes back on Earth "Oh no...my ex is a stripper and had a kid. Oh no...my lesbian partner doesn't think it's me and I forgot the boat in the painting" and so forth

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This is what I mean though, personally I think that Star Trek could have just continued on in its real universe. You may not find reboots lazy but you must understand my complaints about them basically just starting again, there is no progression to that. Why can they not just create new characters instead of going back to original ones again and creating a cycle.


I just don't understand your hatred for reboots, when done properly they can be great. You may not have liked the Star Trek one, but I bet you liked Batman Begins and the Dark Knight, and what about BSG? You don't seem too bothered about them rebooting Spiderman either from what you've posted in the SM2012 thread.


A reboot doesn't have to mean a remake, it doesn't have to be the same characters doing the same things with the same stories reworked. Imagine an elderly O'Neill comes through the gate 10 years before the original movie on deaths door, with a gate address scrawled on a piece of paper, lives long enough to give some cryptic warning then dies. They could identify his body then bring in the younger O'Neill, who hadn't lost his son, and he would be a different person because of it. There would be no need for Daniel Jackson as they'd have a gate address already, and besides he'd be far too young in that timeline. The bad guys don't even need to be Gou'ald, maybe a new load of aliens had turned up and O'Neill unintentionally going back in time means they get to face them first. There's a lot of potential to do things differently in that one idea, with some professional writers on the case surely they could come up with something decent to reboot the franchise.

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I never said I didnt like the new Star Trek movie, I said I wasnt massively happy about it.


I have explained why I dont really like reboots, I feel that the worlds that have been created, especially in Star Trek and Stargate are big enough that reboots arent necessary, you can just move things on instead of starting again.


Its very nice that you like the idea for a reboot, I however dont so lets just leave it at that.

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I think SGU suffered from a few things. The change in style, the backlash from SGA's cancellation, the move from the summer, the move to Tuesdays and the terrible way ratings are counted in the US.


So no mention of the poor quality writing and storytelling that caused the plummeting ratings? Never mind that the first season was a waste of time, with the most horrendously dull cast and boring plots... let's instead blame backlash and "the terrible way ratings are counted in the US" ??


The series was starting to get good this year, but it's too little too late, and the writers and producers have no one but themselves to blame for the cancellation.

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So no mention of the poor quality writing and storytelling that caused the plummeting ratings? Never mind that the first season was a waste of time, with the most horrendously dull cast and boring plots... let's instead blame backlash and "the terrible way ratings are counted in the US" ??


The series was starting to get very good this year, but the writers and producers have no one but themselves to blame for the cancellation.


I didnt mention them because overall I have enjoyed SGU. Ive mentioned before in the thread that I found it a much more enjoyable show when watched back to back, even the dull Earth bits.


I did however mention the change in style, that was meant to show I wasnt just blaming the network etc. Dont just attack me.

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I reckon they should do a Star Trek with things, the shows already have a few parallels, the original Stargate movie is like TOS, SG1 is like TNG in that it's new actors doing the same thing, Atlantis is like DS9 as they have the fixed point, and Atlantis is a space station, sort of, then SGU is like Voyager, stuck on the wrong side of the universe looking for a way home. SGU is doing an Enterprise too, as in being cancelled just as it starts to get good, so they should just follow through the parallel and send SG1 back somehow to before the original movie. The old solar flare trick would work fine, and they could arrive just before they got the gate working in the first film, maybe SG1 are coming back from a firefight on another world, only one member of the team survives to get back, and with their knowledge they reboot things. Just an idea.


On the line of SG1 travelling back in time, Stargate: Continuum says hello.


On the idea of actually rebooting SG-1, I think it's a bad idea given that it wasn't that long ago. Especially if we consider the franchise as a whole. While SGU has been cancelled, the 2nd half of season 2 is still due to air at some point.


You can't really draw a parralel between rebooting SG-1 and Star Trek, since the Star Trek reboot was done/being done with films not as TV shows.

Even if they did a reboot of SG-1 through a film franchise again too early. Fans would expect the same actors to be brought back, for a proper reboot that can't really be done else you risk alienating new viewers who might think, same cast = same show that I ahven't seen 10 years of backstory too.


If ever SG-1 or just Stargate in general were to reboot it would have to be done a good few years from now. At least 10 I'd say.



Back on the topic of SGU's cancellation I'm still hoping another Network picks it up for a 3rd season before the season 2.5 airs/ends. Even if just for one more season so it can get a proper ending.

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New episode of Universe aired last night, just finished watching it:


I dont know what it was about the episode, maybe just the fact that I know the show has been cancelled but I could barely bring myself to care about anything happening. Even the space battles just felt very repetetive and oh look, Chloe is all fixed again.



Also its looking like we may still get an SGU movie or two to finish the whole thing off, something im again a bit meh about. Especially since because of that we wont get the planned SG1 and SGA movies.



On the brighter side though im still working my way through my complete SG1 boxset, onto season 6 with Jonas at the moment.

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