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Im still planning on waiting for the Ark Of Truth dvd as the leaked version was apparently missing some CGI that'll be in the final version.


I do enjoy Atlantis and watch it every week but I dont think its as good as SG1 and probably never will be. Doesnt really have the same feeling between the team for me.



There wasn't much missing. Basically there was one planet that was a yellow ball instead of having landscape.


Also a couple of Replicators I were unfinished I think. I was very surprised the Reps were in this. And the movie was much better watching it a second time.


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SG-1 bloody ruled all.


I love Sky Two showing double eps every day during the week...and starting just as I get home too, perfect timing.


Atlantis is good but not as great as SG-1, it's got some good characters but they don't come off as great as Jackson and Teal'c.... when Sci-Fi (stupidly) cancelled SG-1 they should have just brought the SG-1 team to Atlantis instead of just Carter.


Didn't know the first film was leaked....might have to go look for that....when is the DVD release due?


Universe sounds pretty cool....though I'm a little confused, will the characters on teh ship be Ancients (as in it's taking place in the past) or will it be "present" day when a crew from SGC find the ship realize it's in a "Galaxy Far Far Away" but can't get back to Earth....wait that would be too much like Star Trek Voyager

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There were some minor cgi things that weren't done, but they didn't bother me. Of course I'll buy the DVD when it comes out :P

A fitting conclusion to SG-1.

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A fitting conclusion to SG-1.


Don't you mean to the Ori storyline?

There's at least one more movie on the way.

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I really hope these dvd movies do well because it would be great if we kept getting them every few years.

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Universe sounds pretty cool....though I'm a little confused, will the characters on teh ship be Ancients (as in it's taking place in the past) or will it be "present" day when a crew from SGC find the ship realize it's in a "Galaxy Far Far Away" but can't get back to Earth....wait that would be too much like Star Trek Voyager


It's set in the present...the ancient ship has been flying on auto pilot for millions of years.

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Don't you mean to the Ori storyline?

There's at least one more movie on the way.


It's still the conclusion to their main adventures, the other movies will be kind of like spin offs.

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Yeah but thats kind of like calling season 9 and 10 spin offs because it basically ended the Goa'uld storylines (I know it didnt completely but you get what im talking about)

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The next movie, "Continuum" has been described as a classic 'through the gate' episode. So not so much a "spin-off" but a regular episode.

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Exactly, plus it has RDA in it which will give it even more of a regular episode feel. I think Browder did alright in the end but nothing near the quality of Anderson.

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ONE regular episode isn't a saga or even a storyline, it's just seeing another SG-1 mission, while this was the conclusion of a saga. Is it that hard to understand, what I meant by "kind of like spin offs"

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Yeah but it wouldnt make it a spin off either, Atlantis is a spin off. Continuum is just another mission, you said it yourself.

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Yeah Ben Browder is no RDA that's for sure, but he was much better than I expected. Specially in the last episode. I can't wait to hear RDA's sarcasm again ^^

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Only problem I found with RDA is that he seemed weird in his season 9 and 10 appearences, im not entirely sure what it was but maybe just a little too much sarcasm and because he had nothing to do but talk to people on the base it showed.


Hopefully in Continuum he will be more like the old O'Neill who went on missions with a mixture of both serious and sarcastic.

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In fact Continuum is the real end as


at the beginning SG-1 is attending the execution of the last Goa'uld System Lord...Baal.


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In fact Continuum is the real end as


at the beginning SG-1 is attending the execution of the last Goa'uld System Lord...Baal.


Until someone creates an alternate reality.

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Until someone creates an alternate reality.


Exactly. :D


Then this happens:



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Exactly. :D


Then this happens:



Did anyone else think Continuum sounded a bit too much like





I mean its not necessarily a bad thing because I liked the story but you would have thought we might get something more original

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Right then, I was weak and just watched Ark Of Truth


I thought it was alright, maybe a bit disjointed though. The replicator part, even though actually a good idea never really felt right and poor Sam didnt get enough to do.


Also the fact that I never really liked the Ori storyline definately didnt help while watching it, they never really interested me. Not like the Goa'uld who were brilliant bad guys for 8 seasons. I think that was also down to the fact they were so closely linked to our own mythology whereas the Ori felt a bit forced.


Still, it was SG1 and ive missed that loads. Atlantis doesnt really compare to that team for me.


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I know what you mean about the replicators in AoT. I just thought they could have done something abit more dramatic other than slapping afew replicators in. I'd have quite liked a big search for weapon, or a better weapon for that matter.


As for the Ori storyline, i I quite liked the hunt with Merlins clues


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I hope Continuum uses the gate a lot, the last few seasons its been used less and less. I miss the old "Theres something wrong with the gate" episodes or just the simple exploration standalone episodes.

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I'm watching Ark of Truth right now, YAY, a cousin of mine just came back from the Philippines with some *cough* DVD's a few of which were 12 in 1, i spotted Stargate on one and thought, score no i don't have to spend time looking waiting for it.... will still look forward to the official release though of course


EDIT: Just finished watching


I loved it, i enjoyed the Ori storyline, and this was a great end to that.


I knew that IOA guy was gonna frack something up, i guess that's what they're there for.


The sudden addition of the replicators was brilliant, didn't expect that.... like how dumb do you have to be to think creating a replicator is a good idea?


Also the Frankestien-Human Form and the T1-Replicator (i just thought of that, haha) were pretty cool too.


The return of Adria i liked, i was hoping she wasn't dead as she's bloody hot :heart: , and it made more sense for the story than "the Priors are just acting alone thinking the Ori are testing them by not talking to them" or whatever it was.


The film had some good classic team banter moments which is always great (would have been better with O'Neil but hey we'll get that in the next one).


Oh and what exactly happened with Adria and Morgan Le Fé? Did Morgan kill/un-ascend her? Or was it like what Oma did with Anubus (locked in eternal battle)?





The unfinished CGI stuff was kinda weird, and weirder when near the end there's was subtitled notes for what effect should be happening, haha


Do you think they could be leaving the door open for even more films with the Ark of Truth being kept intact? Or maybe it might even pop up in Atlantis sometime?



Oh yeah and here's a good question....do you think we'll ever get to meet the Furlings? Maybe in Stargate Universe?:indeed:


OH snap, idea, they should introduce them then make them bad guys, now that would be a twist alright, one of the ancient peaceful races spends millions of years in exile for some reason, returns to take revenge on the Asagrd...woops their gone....the Ancients...oh yeah technically gone also....well there's still the other Race (crap forgot the name...) the Nocks?

Plus of course us (do we qualify as the 5th race yet? I know we were "on our way..." surely we must be there now :heh:

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We'll never get to meet the Furlings - the writers will be too scared to ever introduce them now as they've been hyped up by the fans so much. Whatever they did people would be disappointed.


And also the writers have said they regret ever making them up. :(

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