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Split Opinion - Wave Race: Blue Storm

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Also playing Aspen Lake in a lovely sunny day, only to find that a thunderstorm sets in is probably the highlight for me :) Love Aspen Lake!


..is it just me or is Aspen Lake (Expert Circuit) easier with rain/ stormy weather than it is on sunny? Most of the rocks get covered by the waves..

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..is it just me or is Aspen Lake (Expert Circuit) easier with rain/ stormy weather than it is on sunny? Most of the rocks get covered by the waves..


Aspen lake is so much fun and easier with thunderstorm on, cause it looks bloody amazing, and the water covers up all the rocks so theres less stuff to collide with. Fricking amazing.

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The original on N64 is heaps better than the Cube version. I really disliked the graphic style for Blue Storm other than the water, bad music and sounds, load screens were annoying and was rather short, not a bad game, but certainly not spectacular.


I wouldn't sell it though as it has a place in collection as its a racer, but most important of all, it has that round fat only for sign in the corner of the case.

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Blue Storm was excellent in my opinion. I guess you could say the graphics are inferior to games made after it, but.. Duh? For being such an early game it's pretty great, seing as launch games never make full use of the system's potential. And still the water effects have got to be some of the best I've ever seen.

I'll agree on the few tracks thing, but that doesn't pull it all that far down, due to the varieties in weather and difficulty. Still a good game. Haven't played it in a while though.

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