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DragonBall Z Tenkaichi 2 Thread


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Guaranteed no purchase for me, doesn't look like a particularly spectacular game, if it was Wii exclusve, I might've considered it.


Thats stupid, you're not gonna get it just because it isn't exclusive?? How would it being exclusive make it a better game??

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Thats stupid, you're not gonna get it just because it isn't exclusive?? How would it being exclusive make it a better game??


In terms of value for money it does. If its a 6/10 which it looks to be, Unless its exclusive, to me personally, its a waste of money, theres no incentive to buy the game. Why should I buy a game thats on another console, theres no point. Thats not to say that everyone else are morons for buying this game though. On rare ocassions, i've bought multiplatform games such as Tiger Woods Golf but only for the Gameface feature. I've already mentioned my Viewtiful Joe story so I won't mention it again but the moral of this post is, no exclusivity, no buy for me, if its an all time classic, i'll rent.

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So you pretty much saying that you bailed on The Sands of Time series, Beyond Good and Evil, Resident Evil 4, Monkey Ball etc, because none of those titles were exclusives...


Yes, most of those except the first two Monkey Balls as they were temporarily exclusive and still carried the "ONLY FOR" symbol on the box so for that very reason, I kept them as individual games they were EXCLUSIVE, the games released on PS2 & XBOX were a compilation under Super Monkey Ball Deluxe. I was annoyed that Resident Evil 4 was ported to PS2 but made sense though, blew GC sales right out of the water, but still no purchase. So if the game carries the only for symbol is exclusive and I have it but gets ported onto another console as part of a compilation, i'll keep, otherwise i'll sell like I did with Viewtiful Joe. Multiplatform games DO NOT have a place in my collection unless they have special features, the GAMEFACE feature on the Tiger Woods game I have has become outdated so I will be selling that multiplatform game soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

great to see the controls work well, this should show that "traditional" games like fighters can work with the Wiimote.


Is there a European release for this yet?


I looked at the info at the side of the IGN review and it said "December 31 2007" WTF?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah, I really trust them.






That's stupid,never heard of them but I won't really trust there scores ever again.


Is it a multi-gaming magazine or something?


Yeah, but they're really good, I've got every issue since the first. It can't be very good in terms of as a fighter though. They don't strike me as fans of the Anime so I guess they weren't really drawn to the story.


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