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Another continuity error:


Even after Magneto flinged loadsa cars for Pyro to blow up, when we see the bridge after all the cars are still there! Big mistake there.


Theres spoiler tags people.


But wasn't the bridge full of cars anyway?

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Another continuity error:


Even after Magneto flinged loadsa cars for Pyro to blow up, when we see the bridge after all the cars are still there! Big mistake there.


YES!! I noticed that!


I know it was full of cars when they took the bridge, but seriously, throwing cars for 10 minutes would of got rid of most of them, at least the ones at the end :hmm:

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X-men 3 is awefull for continuity like that but most big blockbusters are-i hated it when before the brigde scene it was just about dusk then like 2 mins later when theyre walking across its pitch black like 2am style!

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Just remembered something; when Phoenix/Jean Gray started floating and her skin went weird and stuff she reminded me of evil Willow from Buffy. Wonder if thats one of the "influences" (as I remember reading several plots were taken from Joss Whedon's X-Men comics, so why not Buffy).

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