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Was watching Comedy on Channel 4 (every friday), on which there are ads for the DS before and after advertisement intervals however what I never noticed until just now is they are using a DS lite to advertise the games, could this mean the DS lite is due for a UK release soon? Or are they just taunting us?


It's kind of wrong and illegal for them to be using the hardware in the advert. I'm not quite sure how the ASA didn't pick up on that.


Weird, must mean the Lite is due very soon either way

How is it illigal? other games companyies show there hardware of tv?



Because they're advertising one product by showing another causing false advertising?


Nah they're not. The machines do the same thing, they're simply hyping people up for the DS lite's release.

Because they're advertising one product by showing another causing false advertising?


But it's one company showing their own console and own games, they pay for the advertising, you need to show the console if you want to show the game. If it was anything super illigal it would have been stopped, because they have been showing them for months.


I wasn't saying it was false advertising, i was merely trying to state where er-no might have possibly got that view from.


And yeh the adverts are pretty entertaining.


i saw it as well on thursday or wednesday night i think before the comedy lab or whatever was on :S


plus in ONM 4 they repeatedly say that we'll get the lite before september and then they constantly reference new SMB's release date.

hmmmm, could they be hinting? or just hoping?

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