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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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SamuraiPanda's from http://www.smashboard.com Sakurai's translation list




#31-40: Non-Nintendo characters added into the game MUST have appeared on a Nintendo platform. The tentative number of non-Nintendo characters to be added is 1-2.


#71-80: The speed of the game will be "moderated." Unclear whether this means slower or faster, but slower is more likely.


#71-80: Every character's ability is being refined from the very beginning in order to allow "more freedom" in aerial combat.


#81-90: Not all characters will return.


#121-130: Just like in SSB and SSBM, in SSBB some attacks will be weaker than others on purpose.


#141-150: If they add online functionality to the game (they are still working out technical difficulties), they do not plan to add a ranking system to online battles.


#161-170: "This time, we'd like to stress easiness over the small details of combat, so overall it might become somewhat easier."


#171-180: Now that Smash is world-renowned, they don't want to include characters only popular in Japan. However, due to the success of the Fire Emblem characters, they still may.


Full Story:


#1-10: Congratulating someone for getting married and having a kid due to a Melee tourny.


#11-20: Talking about the high calibur of his team, and how they will try their best to please people around the world with SSBB.


#21-30: "Annoying, right? But its so cute, isn't it?" Sakurai is just responding to an email talking about the Nintendog from the trailer.


#31-40: Sakurai starts by saying there wont be any manga characters. Then he begins talking about other companies characters to appear in the game. Among other things, Sakurai says that the character MUST have appeared on a Nintendo platform before. And to literally translate the last sentence (keep in mind this is in reference to the characters from other companies): "Anyways, at most we'll add another 1-2 characters [after Snake], maybe?"


Sakurai said it as a question, so it could still change. But now we at least have a ballpark of how many non-Nintendo chars will be added.


#41-50: Sakurai says that he thinks the new song (featured in the trailer) is very fitting, and there are already arrangements (I assume he means people hired) for the rest of the songs.


#51-60: Sakurai's witty response to an email suggesting Smash Bros should be featured in the Olympics.


#61-70: Its actually funny, the email Sakurai responds to actually was asking for Toad, but randomly interchanged Toad’s Japanese name with Pinochio’s Japanese name (he reversed the order of one symbol by accident several times). So Sakurai just made fun of him a little bit in this response.


#71-80: This was my very first translation of Sakurai’s stuff. I took a look at my old translation, and looked at the Japanese again. But I decided that my old translation is more or less good enough, because Sakurai was unusually straightforward about what he said. Here is the abbreviated version:


Sakurai said in response to a person complaining that SSBM is too fast: "Don't worry, the speed of the game will "be moderated" a little bit. When I asked "Could we allow more freedom in the aerial battles?" Everyone on my team agreed, so we are refining every character's ability from the very beginning"


Which personally leads me to believe that the changed dynamics of air combat will change the speed of the game (and since air combat is naturally a bit slower than land combat, as more of the game focuses in the air, the speed would be altered).


#81-90: Ah yes, my big translation. This is the translation that started this all. I cut down the original post a bit because it was so long:


After my initial quick translation that I posted on GameFAQs, I was bombarded with people shouting "LIAR! NOT TRUE! STFU TROLLER!" so I decided to post a full translation.


"In order to prove you naysayers wrong, here is a full, nearly exact, translation of what he said. My own personal commentary is provided in the [ ].


DISCLAIMER: Sakurai uses very ambiguous language in his response. So try not to nitpick the English in this passage too much.


"Sorry. I'm not very smart but I can't tell a lie so I'm just going to write it.

As for the previous game's characters, some of them will disappear. Definitely.


For the last game, we struggled to assemble 26 characters. We tried really hard and unintentionally reached that number.


But, although you'll see characters from the last game, this time, on a significant scale [Yes, this is exact], they will be remade. It is this sort of thing [This sentence is slang, so there really isn't a good English translation for it].


For argument's sake, no matter how much staff there is, with just manpower we can’t just put in everything, and as my own job [read: workload] does not decrease, there is a limit.


But, the consumer’s desired things to be included [There really isn’t a good English equivalent for that word] are weeeeell understood. You will be [he doesn’t give a subject to the sentence, so I’m using ‘you’] happy regarding the adapted characters moving around on different stages as well [The email he is responding to complained about how there are only 3 ‘fair’ stages in SSBM].


So, we will once again struggle to create characters. I cannot promise you anything other than that.”


And that is exactly what Sakurai said. Hope you guys enjoy the info ^_^ "


#91-100: Sakurai is just being modest about the trailer. Nothing important.


#101-110: Now he’s being modest about his own intelligence, and reflecting on how he wishes he could do stuff like lose on purpose to help other people. Yeah, Sakurai has an odd sense of humor.


#111-120: Sakurai is thanking this guy for sending him an email from Korea (I guess no American sent a Japanese email). And Sakurai also says that there is no helping dreaming about a DS version of SSBB, but right now people should look forward to the Wii version that they are working so hard on.


Sounds like he doesn’t want to say for sure that there won’t eventually be a DS version…


#121-130: Sakurai is saying that they can’t make all of the attacks for each character really strong. And Sakurai goes on to say that the best people always use all of the different attacks for the character, and because they use everything they score much higher.


So yes, some attacks are weaker than others on purpose.


#131-140: “Yes! More than people only wanting to win, we want people to want to have fun in the game. Of course, there are times where the opposite is true, too.”


Take that for what you will, it could mean nothing, but you never know.


#141-150: Sakurai says that to be able to put online battles in the game, there are many high hurdles they must overcome. And if they are able to overcome these hurdles, Sakurai states (verbatim) " 'The winner is great [Also read as celebrated, famous, etc.]' kind of system is not planned to be added."


I'm assuming Sakurai means he's just going to add basic online functionality to the game. He also says his reason is to keep the game fun for the same reasons that melee was fun, or something along those lines. This doesn't mean that wins/losses won't be recorded, but we probably wont be seeing any rankings.


#151-160: This update is simply informing the sender of the email that the Wii can also use 4 GC controllers. Stuff we already know.


#161-170: Upon careful consideration, I decided that my original translation was as accurate as can be. So here it is: "This time, we'd like to stress easiness over the small details of combat, so overall it might become somewhat easier."


#171-180: In this update, Sakurai basically just says that since Smash Bros is popular throughout the world, he can't just use characters that are only popular in Japan. But then he brings up that it worked for the Fire Emblem characters. Once, a black man (yes, he said that) thanked Sakurai for creating Roy just for him.


Another typically cryptic response doesn't necessarily tell us if he will/won't include obscure Japanese characters, but given the general tone of his response, I'm leaning heavily towards no.


#181-190: All Sakurai was talking about were the voice actors for Metaknight and Pit. For you anime fans out there, Pit's Japanese voice actor also plays Conan from Detective Conan (Case Closed in the US I think).


#191-200: Sakurai is simply saying that there is ALOT of time before the game is done, and the staff will work their hardest. I think he also says that while he has a fever (could just be an expression) he will try his best to provide updates.


#201-210: Sakurai says in response to an email asking only for well-known characters (like Mario, Link, etc.) to appear in SSBB, "Asking only for popular characters to appear in Smash...doesn't get me excited"


#211-220: "The game isn't even finished and you already want to know the ending?" Another response where Sakurai is just being funny and playing around.


#221-230: Sakurai said that since you are able to do so many things with the Wiimote, maybe he might add a prank-like function [read: easter egg] to the game with the Wiimote.


**#231-240: The smash Snake will not use his knife or his pistol [read: guns]. Instead, weapons like his grenade and rocket launcher are being worked on, and it is planned that he will use them. Sakurai reasons that while in Japan, using a survival knife and using a sword are very similar, it is not the same in other parts of the world. In order to allow more people to play this game [read: to not get a T for Teen rating] they will balance it for all countries. Apparently, they also had this reasoning when they created Fox's blaster.


**#241-250: This was a rather odd statement by Sakurai. If I'm not mistaken, then I believe he said that this time, only Metaknight will have a Rock [read: Rock as in type of music] version of Kirby's Dance song.


One of the great SWF admins, McFox, clarified this translation in what I think is the closest interpretation: "Well, this is Kirby's victory dance song. I assume that means that when Metaknight wins, a Rockish version of this song will play, instead of Kirby's standard theme."

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Cool. I can see why online will be hard to make, the slightest bit of lag can throw the game off.

EDIT: I'm not comparing to snaking in terms of skills, but in terms of being fun to play. Both snaking and wavedashing are tiring and repetitive ways of playing, it's just boring to do it and if the game indeed focused too much on statistics we would just see people trying to be ultra giga champions and they would use wavedash wether you used it or not. ANd wavedashing makes a very big difference, if you say otherwise, you just don't know what the hell you're talking about.

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Cool. I can see why online will be hard to make, the slightest bit of lag can throw the game off.

EDIT: I'm not comparing to snaking in terms of skills, but in terms of being fun to play. Both snaking and wavedashing are tiring and repetitive ways of playing, it's just boring to do it and if the game indeed focused too much on statistics we would just see people trying to be ultra giga champions and they would use wavedash wether you used it or not. ANd wavedashing makes a very big difference, if you say otherwise, you just don't know what the hell you're talking about.


Erm ok wait you lost me...

People only wavedash will like a few characters, you are aware of that right (Marth, Luigi, samus and Fox). I wavedash but it doesn't make a fight boring or make a big difference, its all about timing. I wavedash against my mates peach, and he doesnt (peach has a shit wavedash) and he probs better than me. It's just about timing. You're acting like you think wavedashing makes you win when you compare it to Snaking. A more realistic comparism would be to say fox's infinite combo is like snaking, because you'll win...


Anyway...that was one massive post!!! (at the top of this page)

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If you're losing to someone who wavedashes (thereby not making it fun for you) then you could either learn wavedashing or combat wavedashing to make it more fun for yourself or you could just quit playing cause you dont find it fun anyway.

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That's because you probably aren't very good at wavedashing, like you said it's a matter of timing. And every character can wavedash, I've seen videos of awesome players wavedashing with Link for example. Most pro players that use those kind of techniques make stock battles last 30 seconds. And I'm not talking just about wavedashing, I'm talking about every type of techniques that will exist anyways that make online play unbalanced, unfair and not fun. If you see pro matches, it's basically a guy hitting buttons at the speed of light (I'm not saying it's button mashing) and another guy getting his ass whooped because he got caught in a combo. Concentrating on stats will just make these kind of players do it with everyone and you'll end up just playing with friends and people you know. If the online is like the Hunters one, I'm satisfied. About the speed, I suppose that in order to expand on the aerial combat, things have to be a little slower on the air, but I doubt they'll turn it onto Tekkem Tag.

EDIT: Zell, thank you for making my life easier. What about people that don't have time, skill or patience to wavedash and whatnot? They'll stop playing? Wow that's a great solution you should work for Nintendo.

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No G&W? ;_; Hurray for WW Link, Koopa Kid and giga jurray for Ridley. Man I want Game and Watch. I hardly used him but he rocked. Well, I guess there's a limit to work on these things, if he's not a very used character, they might as well spend their time on new characters

EDIT: Some people are saying that it's confirmed to be a fake.

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No G&W? ;_; Hurray for WW Link, Koopa Kid and giga jurray for Ridley. Man I want Game and Watch. I hardly used him but he rocked. Well, I guess there's a limit to work on these things, if he's not a very used character, they might as well spend their time on new characters


Apparently the thing was fake (just read later on so edited post to not seem stupid:heh:)...thank fuck!!

We still need Ridley though :)


G&W rules, I just wish more powerful blasts powerd up Oil Panic (?) faster (fully charged Mewtwo, Samu, Super Scope or PK Flash to full with one catch).



There's also an Okay video here of Brawl

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EDIT: Zell, thank you for making my life easier. What about people that don't have time, skill or patience to wavedash and whatnot? They'll stop playing? Wow that's a great solution you should work for Nintendo.


Well some people dont mind losing and find it fun anyway. Besides i would only expect a minority of players playing "professionally" so there are going to be plenty of n00bs out there for you to beat ;).


NO ICE CLIMBERS!?!?!? NO WAY!!!!! I dont care about game n watch but no ice climbers?! they were so cool!


Edit: If you fill game&watch's bucket with 3 PK flashes from ness and empty it on a shield, it turns game&watch into a missile, instantly killing anything it touches (and itself).

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I get the whole "not ranking online matches" part, but I still want to be able to select what type of matches I want to play, who I'd like to play and whatnot.

I doubt you won't be able to do that.

Don't get me wrong, I use all those techniques back in the day, I just think that for a balanced online play, things need to be changed.

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Well some people dont mind losing and find it fun anyway. Besides i would only expect a minority of players playing "professionally" so there are going to be plenty of n00bs out there for you to beat ;).


NO ICE CLIMBERS!?!?!? NO WAY!!!!! I dont care about game n watch but no ice climbers?! they were so cool!


Edit: If you fill game&watch's bucket with 3 PK flashes from ness and empty it on a shield, it turns game&watch into a missile, instantly killing anything it touches (and itself).


Shield?!...U mean a bubble shield thing?! Does it have to be PK flash!?

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Shield?!...U mean a bubble shield thing?! Does it have to be PK flash!?


Yes and yes. The charcter's shield will break, but game and watch (and every one in his way) will die. It happens quite fast, but is funny when you first see it.

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They're trying so hard to fuck up the online part.

Yeah they're just thinking, hey let's make the game a lot worse so that it can sell less? What? What's that you say? Lag? Making the game accessible? Having a service that can be mantained profitably considering that it's free? Fuck that, I just want to make a lousy game.

WIth that said, I'm pretty sure the online game won't be what it has the potential to be and I'm also sure people will bash the game because of it and because of whatever changes they'll make.

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Yeah, you're completely right Hellfire. But people will soon get used to the changes. One of the biggies is the characters taken out, and also the speed.


Hmm...To be honest, I reckon the other "up to more non-Nintendo characters" if there are any more will be Sonic & Mario, they seem to be most popular; I think Pac-man has a chance though as he's 'worked' with Mario before.

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That's because you probably aren't very good at wavedashing, like you said it's a matter of timing. And every character can wavedash, I've seen videos of awesome players wavedashing with Link for example. Most pro players that use those kind of techniques make stock battles last 30 seconds. And I'm not talking just about wavedashing, I'm talking about every type of techniques that will exist anyways that make online play unbalanced, unfair and not fun. If you see pro matches, it's basically a guy hitting buttons at the speed of light (I'm not saying it's button mashing) and another guy getting his ass whooped because he got caught in a combo. Concentrating on stats will just make these kind of players do it with everyone and you'll end up just playing with friends and people you know. If the online is like the Hunters one, I'm satisfied. About the speed, I suppose that in order to expand on the aerial combat, things have to be a little slower on the air, but I doubt they'll turn it onto Tekkem Tag.

EDIT: Zell, thank you for making my life easier. What about people that don't have time, skill or patience to wavedash and whatnot? They'll stop playing? Wow that's a great solution you should work for Nintendo.


These arguments suck so bad, honestly they do my head in :mad:

Anyway, I don't understand what you mean by unfair (as in online play). You're going to be playing against your mates of a similar skill level, and most of these pro players won't go play people who don't use these moves in the first place, becuase it's no fun winning by a mile anyway.


And yes i have seen these pro players ive watched a lot of the best and have become a better smasher because of them (im alot better with Link).


Anyway, screw this argument. I should be revising for my GCSE tomorrow...AWAY!!!! *runs to 'revise'*

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Ok i've given up revising and decided to download some albums...anyway...


I was just wondering what people think of this whole new aerial combat thing. I thought Melee was perfect but this makes me a bit worried, especially watching the trailer and seeing Pit have a triple jump, because this will make the games longer and not as involving. Would be interesting to see what they would do with that.


On a plus note, he said Snake will have a rocket launcher :D

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I think it's great that they're expanding the aerial combat. I also think melee's fighting is perfect, but I don't want to play the same game, I want something new and improved, so I'm very happy. Kirby and Jigglypuff also jump like hell and it's quite normal for an angles to triple (or more) jump. I dont' think this will affect the game negatively. They'll probably add the ability to grap and smash on the air and maybe make the attacks slow your fall down a little.

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