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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I feel left out :cry:


I think Pitt looks like a very interesting char to play as :)


watch this video mate, not only is this some amazing smash being played, it has the best music ever!!!


And yeah, I'm really looking forward to playing as Pit. It looked like he has a triple jump in the trailer (he jumps, wall techs, jumps, jumps) :hehe:

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yea with pit he seems to be able to split and rejoin his sword depending on the situation... probably with down B? I cant really see him as a good character though... somewhat like a floaty young link


the animation will probably just join the weapon together when he goes to use an attack. i dont see the necessity of having a move specifically for it. until u see a video of him u cant comment on his gihting style. u never know rele. metakinght take up a lot of the focus in the trailer.


LOL i beat Goron3. our fights are fun...:laughing: (falco vs marth)

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the animation will probably just join the weapon together when he goes to use an attack. i dont see the necessity of having a move specifically for it. until u see a video of him u cant comment on his gihting style. u never know rele. metakinght take up a lot of the focus in the trailer.


LOL i beat Goron3. our fights are fun...:laughing: (falco vs marth)


it's 15-14 to me, screw you lol.


I don't think there would be a button that would switch the weapon set of Pit; maybe, like samus and how she becomes Zero Suit samus when she takes alot of damage, Pit could switch to his two swords during certain situations. I'm interested to see what Nintendo will do here.

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it's 15-14 to me, screw you lol.


i would like to notify the audience, despite losing 9-2, i came back with a 12-6 winning streak. and i dont even own the game.


i think pit will be good. but i dont think his weapons will be circumstantially interchangeable. i think that would seriously restrict his ability as a fighter. i reckon that if u were to fire an arrow (B) then he would simply join them and have a quicker release than Link say, or have much more power...


i dunno, i may be wrong but as G3 sed, it'd be interesting to see:wtf:

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u may lose that stuff, but Samus becomes much quicker so if u can master both aspects of samus' charachter then once u lose ur suit, u can still use the speed to maneuvre urself out of death and kill the opponent instead. stope being so 1-dimensional :P:laughing:

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No one said it would be 100% or any given percentage. We know from the video that samus will lose her suit when something "happens to her". A scenario for this could be when she takes a lot of damage and if this is the case then u will play as zero suit samus at higher percentages than normal samus. Of course i trust that the developers will make this transformation fair.

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No what im saying is that its stupid if you only get to use zero suit samus at higher percentages. Dont get me wrong, zero suit samus will be a good character but she probably wont last as long as normal samus at that much damage.


Pendez make sure b4 you post read what i say.


Dude, u even said that it sounds rubbish. you have no proof of what she'll be like. for all you know, seeing as it takes a special event to get her, she could even be better. i know u like to spam rockets and she dont have them but seriously, what are u actually referring too when u sed she goes to 100% then becomes a weakling (this word also gives the idea of inferiority)


i did read your post. u should be more obvious if u have subtle meanings

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No one said it would be 100% or any given percentage. We know from the video that samus will lose her suit when something "happens to her". A scenario for this could be when she takes a lot of damage and if this is the case then u will play as zero suit samus at higher percentages than normal samus. Of course i trust that the developers will make this transformation fair.


You said it would be 100%.........(look up). There's no point in saying that she wouldn't be good or that it would happen at higher percentages; for all you know it could happen the moment you get hit the first time during the fight. Stop assuming and then going back on what you said; i get confused easily. I'm pretty sure the transformation would be fair anyway. Your argument is like saying that Shiek is crap because she can become zelda, which infact is not the case because: 1. Shiek is ranked 1st in the tier list (anyone that plays well with her is VERY hard to beat) and 2. You can transform into Zelda in mid air for better recovery. Zero Suit samus will be very good, just wait and see before you suggest something.

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Dudes im not saying zero suit samus will be crap! stop misinterpreting what im saying! i never said that she will transform on exactly 100% i just was just saying that in this instance lets say that she does transform on one hundred percent. Zero suit samus could be a better character than samus but i was saying it would be unfair because zero suit samus gets knocked farther than normal samus. Whereas normal samus could survive to lets say 150% zero suit samus could survive to 100% and that would be unfair if you transform at a high percentage such as 100%

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those stages in this game look class :p even better than the ssbm ones, and thats saying something. its got a mighty reputation to be living up to hasnt it? ssbm was a perfect game imho. i still play it now, and ive had it for a good 3 and a half years.

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Teach me!, I always paly as Liink but im getting the impression most people think he's 'noobish', i use loads of dodging and grabs but dont know how to improve my game. Teach me!


I'm the best by miles out of my mates that own it, probably because i've never played anyone with actual talen at it.


yes and no. link is a good character to start with, but he can be feccking awesome once you get used to him.


eg. you have heard all about samus's grapple beam and getting back... well, link DOES have a hookshot.


links spin attack is VERY powerful when used on the ground. if someone is close, and you are feeling uncomfortable (or if you just wanna hit them hard!!!) pull of the up+B move!

this can be used nicely in combination with his downwards throw move.


my timing is very good, so i can just about always grab people with the hookshot, so i throw them at the ground and then pull off a spin attack. simple little combo, but it works!


links long range is good (with his barrage of weapons), so if they are far away, just go nuts with boomerang! his shield will stop most beam attacks, and it forces players to take you head on!


all characters have the potential to be REALLY good. its just that the more agile characters, well, become incredible in the right hands.

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Dudes im not saying zero suit samus will be crap! stop misinterpreting what im saying! i never said that she will transform on exactly 100% i just was just saying that in this instance lets say that she does transform on one hundred percent. Zero suit samus could be a better character than samus but i was saying it would be unfair because zero suit samus gets knocked farther than normal samus. Whereas normal samus could survive to lets say 150% zero suit samus could survive to 100% and that would be unfair if you transform at a high percentage such as 100%

well yeah but you shouldnt think nintendo are that foolish. they will even the playing field. like i mean samus 'screw attack' doesnt really have that great a distance if ur trying to get back onto the stage. but what if zero suit samus, being lighter, can therefor jump futher? i mean thats just one example of how they may program her moves.

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well yeah but you shouldnt think nintendo are that foolish. they will even the playing field. like i mean samus 'screw attack' doesnt really have that great a distance if ur trying to get back onto the stage. but what if zero suit samus, being lighter, can therefor jump futher? i mean thats just one example of how they may program her moves.


Yeah you've got me there, of cousre nintendo wont let us down, its nintendo!


But about your 2nd point, samus actually has the best recovery in the game (using her bombs and her grapple beam). I do get what ur trying to say though, and i do think zero suit samus will hav a decent recovery as well to compensate her lightness(is that a word? probably not oh well)


PS (to spirited away) a very useful tactic is shield grabbing (pressing A when shielding to grab someone). its very useful as a counterattack when people run towards you and attack or attack from the air: just block there move and press A!

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yes and no. link is a good character to start with, but he can be feccking awesome once you get used to him.


eg. you have heard all about samus's grapple beam and getting back... well, link DOES have a hookshot.


links spin attack is VERY powerful when used on the ground. if someone is close, and you are feeling uncomfortable (or if you just wanna hit them hard!!!) pull of the up+B move!

this can be used nicely in combination with his downwards throw move.


my timing is very good, so i can just about always grab people with the hookshot, so i throw them at the ground and then pull off a spin attack. simple little combo, but it works!


links long range is good (with his barrage of weapons), so if they are far away, just go nuts with boomerang! his shield will stop most beam attacks, and it forces players to take you head on!


all characters have the potential to be REALLY good. its just that the more agile characters, well, become incredible in the right hands.


Mmmm, i've played the game for four years so i pretty much know how to use link's moves togethr for good combos. Link is great in close combat, which is why i use him because i normally charge in and deal heavy damage, come iut and barrage them with boomerangs, arrows. Just getting a bit bored of the same tactics so want to get to learn some of the more complex moves. I try and refrain from using Link's spin attack too much. Because when palying in the company of my freinds they dont know how to avoid it so i could repeat until they were ko'd.


I like to think i'm pretty good with link :p


Supersmashbrother, i always sheild grab :)

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