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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Yeah, mainly on the random side of things - for better frequency...I still need to play you man. You still playing it regularly?


AND SHINO!!! - With my exams over may get my Wii back and Brawl once again this week.


(btw Shino, do you still have the link to our Brawl? Can't find it)

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No, I haven't played in ages, in fact I haven't played online since last holidays, when I couldn't play because my other connection gave me a lot of lag. Or at least I just played once or twice.

It's a shame I don't play it more, but real life gets in the way. We can have a go at it sometime, you'll kick my ass cause I never play, but it's cool :P

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No, I haven't played in ages, in fact I haven't played online since last holidays, when I couldn't play because my other connection gave me a lot of lag. Or at least I just played once or twice.

It's a shame I don't play it more, but real life gets in the way. We can have a go at it sometime, you'll kick my ass cause I never play, but it's cool :P




Gonna pwn you good...:heart: (Prison sexual humour)

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Yeah, mainly on the random side of things - for better frequency...I still need to play you man. You still playing it regularly?


AND SHINO!!! - With my exams over may get my Wii back and Brawl once again this week.


(btw Shino, do you still have the link to our Brawl? Can't find it)


Also looking forward to some matches when you get it back. :smile:


Here's the video by the way:


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Also looking forward to some matches when you get it back. :smile:


Here's the video by the way:



Ah yes, can't forget the pink Falcon...:shakehead ...Just curious, do you have a 2nd and 3rd favourite player? But yeah, we'll Brawl like crazy. I'm thinking Ivysaur will fair a lot better than Sheik.


Thanks for the vid.: peace:


Do the victory dance!


LOL...I remember when we had a good marathon, maybe 20-30 games. A good healthy dose I say. But yeah, I'll be back to claim my *cough* birthright. :)

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Ah yes, can't forget the pink Falcon...:shakehead ...Just curious, do you have a 2nd and 3rd favourite player? But yeah, we'll Brawl like crazy. I'm thinking Ivysaur will fair a lot better than Sheik.


Thanks for the vid.: peace:


I like Marth and Snake as well, although I'm not as good with them as I'm with Falcon. I'm planning to get better with them so I have a more diverse cast of mains, and maybe get good with some who doesn't suffer so much from the smallest bit of button delay. And seeing as uni is over for this year next week, I'll finally have some time to practice outside of only weekends. I had to get used to everything again every weekend before this, so that hampered my improvement a bit.

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I pity you :hmm: ...Though I guess its kinda like jerking; the longer you wait the bigger the LOAD! :o


LMFAO yeah in a way it is. Melee is getting loads of play still in anticipation of this. OH crap! My mate has finished his exams so hes gonna want it back! Must think of plausible excuse to keep it for longer...:blank:

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I still hope that something extra has been added but I seriously doubt it. Would be a small kick in the teeth to our fellow gamers overseas but meh, do I really care about them? :heh:


Yeah. i hoped they would at least give Europeans an online leaderboard as a 'thank you for waiting' present...But this IS Nintendo - I've learned to never expect from them...Just get what I'm given...:/

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I might start playing this again once it comes out here (since my US copy is broken as fuck, or my wii is broken as I keep being told). But really though, I don't think I'll end up playing this much again, Brawl has been a huge disappointment for me, I only really kept on playing to do those Challenges.

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Been a bit of a disappointment for me too. Melee was great because I had my sister play with me quite often, and for some reason it was more fun to collect trophies or to get weird things in matches (Switzerland, Connoisseur...).


With Brawl I only really enjoyed the Subspace Emissary. The Classic mode is just sorta meh and too boring to finish with all characters. And events are okay but I don't know how to unlock the rest.

I guess my problem is I can't enjoy the multiplayer of this game because I have no one to play with. And no one wants/can play me online. =/

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