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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Uh well DUUUH! that's what I'm so up-set about here! he is! cuz Mr Aonuma said so! he said " Also I want to get rid of the whole Ganon VS Link Concept and the whole concept of the triforce." !



When it comes to Zelda, the concepts are because Miyamoto said so, not because 'Mr Aonuma said so'. Hes a director sure, but Zelda is Miyamoto's baby. Aonuma 'directs' the concepts the Miyamoto dictates.


And besides, like others have said, the interview is fake anyway.

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When it comes to Zelda, the concepts are because Miyamoto said so, not because 'Mr Aonuma said so'. Hes a director sure, but Zelda is Miyamoto's baby. Aonuma 'directs' the concepts the Miyamoto dictates.


And besides, like others have said, the interview is fake anyway.



thats right, plus Miyamoto wouldnt want to get rid of Link od the triforce! hell, about 80% of the fans would quit playing Zelda. The shock of the graphics in WW only caused very few fan loss, but something like this! would cause MAAAAAAAAAAAAJOR fan loss! you could bet on that! Zelda would be dead without Ganon and the triforce. even if Ganon existed, but just not as an enemy, still wouldn't work. new evils like majora's evil mask and Vatti are ok...but just " ok " they are NOTHING like the allways epic final showdown with ganon! come on! don't you guys remember how utterly EPIC the battle was with Ganon in OOT?? only TP could beat that! and after TP I wonder if they'll EVER succeed it and make a zelda game better than it! maybe in 20years. it took almost 10 years to make a zelda game to be more popular than OOT, TP!

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Come on, we're not spoiling anything for anyone. everyone here knows what happened in WW right? you people have beat it I assume?


Some people might have, some might have not. Some might have never played it, so yes you are spoiling it for some people.

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Ocarina of Time sucks!!1 Zelda can't be done in 3D!!!11!1one

I think this someone thought like this about Ocarina of Time when it was announced. My point is: The future Zeldas will suck and lose majority of its fans if the series doesn't change! Minor changes don't help here. The whole concept of Triforce, Zelda, Ganon vs. Link is starting to get boring!


A true zeldafan doesn't want the series to be the same every time.

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I think this someone thought like this about Ocarina of Time when it was announced. My point is: The future Zeldas will suck and lose majority of its fans if the series doesn't change! Minor changes don't help here. The whole concept of Triforce, Zelda, Ganon vs. Link is starting to get boring!


A true zeldafan doesn't want the series to be the same every time.

I don't agree with you...


of course people who after hearing this say "I won't buy Zelda games after TP" are pretty dumb... same if they just go bashing the actual games without ganon as not real zelda games... it's silly and immature... but they (nintendo) can't get rid of the formula all together, look at MM for example, link doesn't have his triforce, but it's there, in his shield and all, there's references... the triforce is the main force rulling the land, even if it's nowhere to be found, it's the basis of the creation of hyrule... and link is a hylian, he will always be. (I hope)


As for Ganon... sure making every game with him (like this generation) may be too much if they keep doing it... but I think the ratio for home consoles of one game featuring ganon and the other doesn't is a good ratio... it builds up the hype to see Ganon once again in 3D as in every game the 3D models and overall appearance change. also it can be like: "is ganon in this game?" kind of question, that every zelda fan will make, they have to give ganon vs link battle a go once in a while...

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Yes, they shouldn't completely throw away the concept but there should be more games like Majora's Mask. Games without the regular bosses but things which may refer to Triforce, Ganon, Zelda etc. Maybe a game without Link? :p

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I think it may be good to not completly forget about the triforce, but just cut it out. Searching for 8 pieces of golden shit in hyrule's sea is so repetitive it made me stop playing for a few days. It also sets up the repetitive "I want the triforce, so i will kill everyone" storyline, which is plain stupid after 10 or so games.


Ganon however should definatly not go. He shouldnt be the main baddy in EVERY game, but to lose him for good would be awful. Basically what pedro said, make him a suprise :P

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jakeee, Link vs Ganon never gettos old! you're wrong about the " true Zelda fan" a "true" Zelda fan would NEVER want the concept to change! I can't believe they'd want to! but anyway Ganon will be staying. and the triforce's role will just change after TP, maybe we'll get a " glimpse of this future" at E3. I'm dying to know what they're cookin up.

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jakeee, Link vs Ganon never gettos old! you're wrong about the " true Zelda fan" a "true" Zelda fan would NEVER want the concept to change! I can't believe they'd want to! but anyway Ganon will be staying. and the triforce's role will just change after TP, maybe we'll get a " glimpse of this future" at E3. I'm dying to know what they're cookin up.
ohhh no... please zeldafan2020 get some facts right... no zeldafan would call MM and the other sidequests "not REAL zelda games" and you did... also the series changed a lot already over the years, that's evolution... ganon can't possibly be in every single Zelda game... he's not a given... but just like in DS's PHourglass the top-down view returned... all the classic Zelda elements will always come once in a while, it's a legacy that makes the franchise, if they get rid of them i'll be pissed, but it's not like they have to make every single game around that same theme.


Zelda is pretty much a variety game, just look at all the mini-games, world map (even in Hyrule), and every single game has it's own theme, aLttP was paralel worlds, LA was dreams, OoT was Time... Majora Mask was masks and time (diferent time management than OoT) WW was the ocean... TP is the miasma over hyrule.... I could go on... you have a diferent themed experience for each Zelda game...


It doesn't stay the same, infact... it refuses to stay the same.

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Yeah, you're a conservative south-state American all right.


The story is not the thing that makes Zelda - it's the way the story is presented to you with the talent of the creators of the game. I have no doubt that if Miyamoto would have chosen another big enemy in the first Zelda and another relic to collect the series would have been as good as it is now.

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hey, hey... no cursing... chill out... you're the one fuck*ng up this thread... and making a response into everything even if you don't make any sense... or do you expect not to be atacked after making a post solely on the purpose of cursing? read the topic! it says "Zelda twilight princess" right? this thread is just for that, if you want to curse anyone send him a PM, get his email and do it private, whatever. This thread serves a purpose if you think he was insulting you DONT RESPOND TO IT! you have a "report bad post" icon you know? just let a moderator take notice and decide who's right.


report.gifThe "report bad post" icon is this one, and I for one am tempted to use it on your previous "cursing" post, but I won't because it's just not my style. But, summing it up, you can't curse like that on forums, got it?

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Zelda games that Ganon never have appeared in are;


Link's Awakening

Majora's Mask

The Minish Cap


Zelda games that Hyrule never have appeared in are;


Link's Awakening (Koholint Island)

Majora's Mask (Termina)

Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons (Labrynna/Holodrum).

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Zeldafan your the person thats messing up this thread with your same and bias views over and over just calm down and post about Twilight Princess.No one cares where your from but you sound like some spoilt kid.Just change your attitude a bit like the rest of us and no need to fly of the handle because someone is describing what you act like,take some notice from our mistakes and us them to change like no swearing,no spoilers,and keep the text on the same case.We gotta get along here


How many Zelda games are there in total never released there was only 3 games without Ganon thought there was more

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^ well 4 swords doesn't have ganon either


as for how many... lets see...



Zelda Adventure of Link

Zelda a Link to the Past

Zelda Link's Awakening

Zelda Ocarina of Time

Zelda Majora Mask

Zelda Oracle of Ages

Zelda Oracle of Seasons

Zelda Wind Waker

Zelda 4 Swords (GBA and GC)

Zelda Minish Cap


11 games out... (not counting philips CD-I ones)

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A Quarter of the game don't have Ganon then.I'm guessing Phantom Hourglass won't and we will see Ganon om the future because

he got turned to stone with the master sword through his head.

If the ending is what we think I might have a few tears coming out :p

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A Quarter of the game don't have Ganon then.I'm guessing Phantom Hourglass won't and we will see Ganon om the future because

he got turned to stone with the master sword through his head.

If the ending is what we think I might have a few tears coming out :p

I think ganon in WW reality is finished after it... if he returns is thousands of years after it

(and I find it unlikely), the thing is...


TP and WW are in a separate reality from the other Zelda games... And Phantom Hourglass

seems to take place in that reality where there's not even Hyrule anymore



Thus it's perfect for keeping the sidequests going while they do some mainquest ones on the proper reality setting... the question is if they plan to do them, what will they do in the next major installment of the series.

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They were to go and make a new hyrule where they not?

Is WW the latest in the timeline?

But if they continued to put Ganon into another game

they need to take sword out of his head unless someone

like agnihm uses link to release the master sword from him by

making a rock or pedestal

round ganon and release Ganon by accident


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That's always a possibility, but I prefer if they leave it as is... Ganon had lost

his motive for living in WW, he wasn't the same he was in OoT and will be in TP,

there's no real point in bringing him back.


And yes, currently WW is the latest in it's timeline, unless nintendo decides to

shift some previous games into there if they go for a unified storyline.


but hyrule being flooded is a alternate reality in itself a "as if" situation


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The master sword was in the Lost Woods in LTTP it's in a different place at end of WW so LTTP can't be after WW



According to that report, ALTTP does happen after WW so it takes place in the new hyrule and the triforce isn't gone. so in future Zeldas he will be trying to get the triforce again just like allways I believe. he will just be trying to take over a new land. the new and the old Hyrule I believe.

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