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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Dude, you're pissing everyone off. Fine some people post a bit round here, but you double psot too much, there's an edit button underneath at the bottom of your post fyi.
He didn't double post in the previous page, there's a double post there because Swonza cleared his comments, one of the posts zeldafan made was already a response to it...


He might have done lots of double posts (and triple) a few pages back, but he's willing to learn and aparently making effort for it, so let him be...


And ok, we already know his opinion and all... but again so you know mine, and I might repeat it once in a while. It's just that he doesn't have the market or gaming sense some of us already have, because we've been in forums for ages, whereas he didn't...


His posts don't get the thread offtopic as much as these posts... although he shouldn't respond like that to them either.


let's get on-topic now.

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Guest Stefkov

what else is there to talk about now on zelda, we've, well not me but as a community, diiscussed about the timeline, what wouldbe a good twist in the story, etc.

i dont know if its been mentioned but ill start it up:

Do you think that maybe we could play as Zelda in this game? i mean looking at that pic with her holding a sword, maybe that was just a sketch before anything, but maybe we can play as her. i think it would be good having all the power she has, i remeber the boss battle at the end of OOT, she had some power didnt she?!?(i think)

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what else is there to talk about now on zelda, we've, well not me but as a community, diiscussed about the timeline, what wouldbe a good twist in the story, etc.

i dont know if its been mentioned but ill start it up:

Do you think that maybe we could play as Zelda in this game? i mean looking at that pic with her holding a sword, maybe that was just a sketch before anything, but maybe we can play as her. i think it would be good having all the power she has, i remeber the boss battle at the end of OOT, she had some power didnt she?!?(i think)

I don't think it'd be anything major. More along the lines of controlling Medli and Ramar like in Wind Waker I think.


I agree with pedrocasilva, stop bullying zeldafan. Sure, he made some mistakes, but he learned from them.

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What can we say - he's American ;)


Ahem - but seriousely you post every 2 minutes with the same views that we have heard day in day out. Let the forum breathe a bit.. let it breathe (;)). SPANNNUUUND!

I see your a gaffer ;)

Interestingly enough I wrote fagger in the first place... mmm....

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@ Zeldafan2020


Yeah, a good rule is to only post if you've got something sensible to say. If you do that you can cut down your post count down to about two.


The way you change attitude when posting (sad, sorry, angry and then sad again) also makes it seem like you're emotionally instable or something.

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Ok sorry if I " post the same views too much" and " post too often" and now " seeming emotionally unstable" it's harder than I thought to be a member of a forum...I'm begining to think maybe I should do what I've allways done and just read forums, but not join them...I really think it was a bad idea to ever join one cuz obviouslly I don't know how to act on a forum...so I think I'll be canceling my account or just never posting again. bye people. and sorry for the trouble I caused. :(

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Ok sorry if I " post the same views too much" and " post too often" and now " seeming emotionally unstable" it's harder than I thought to be a member of a forum...I'm begining to think maybe I should do what I've allways done and just read forums, but not join them...I really think it was a bad idea to ever join one cuz obviouslly I don't know how to act on a forum...so I think I'll be canceling my account or just never posting again. bye people. and sorry for the trouble I caused. :(

don't be dramatic about it and post sensibly and when theres new info not same things after each other and EDIT things,we all done and learned that on our first day on joining you can to.You keep ignoring what we say.

But if your leaving then K bye

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Guest Stefkov

wont someone think of the chldren!?!.........

so back to zelda then,

remember that info ages ago that it would have 100+ hours of gameplay, i wonder if that was just the storyline or including sidequests and minigames (are they the same thing?)

if its 100+ hours of just the story then this will be one hell of a game!

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Guest Stefkov
I think it includes side quests awells not 100% hope it isn't would be great


Offtopic but ANOTHER FMA FAN !!!! I love that show I get the DVDs from America its amazing,just gotta wait for volume 9 :P


yeah i hope it 100+ hours just gameplay.

(I love FMA, ive just bought the first 51 episodes off ebay, new aswell so im chuffed, ive got the movie downloaded so i can watch that later)

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If the Revolution control was the main reason for the delay, I will be pretty pissed off. I mean, it's obvious that it comign out in Autumn is a business thing, but if that's all they've added for nearly a year, if not a year delay, I won't be very happy. Then again they don't care :heh:


Other then that, I would say it'll be interesting. Apparently an example is for aiming with the arrow and such.


On the other note: 100 Hours? I really doubt it. They're probably saying how long it'll be if you suck at the game. I'd say the main quest would be 30 Hours at the very very most. Side-quests and such, 15 Hours at the most I'd say. Unless they're really frustrating ones that take a really really long time to do.

45 Hours, tops for 100% of the game I'd say.

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If the Revolution control was the main reason for the delay, I will be pretty pissed off. I mean, it's obvious that it comign out in Autumn is a business thing, but if that's all they've added for nearly a year, if not a year delay, I won't be very happy. Then again they don't care :heh:


Other then that, I would say it'll be interesting. Apparently an example is for aiming with the arrow and such.


On the other note: 100 Hours? I really doubt it. They're probably saying how long it'll be if you suck at the game. I saw the main quest would be 30 Hours and the very very most. Side-quests and such, 15 Hours at the most I'd say. Unless they're really frustrating ones that take a really really long time to do.

45 Hours, tops for 100% of the game I'd say.


You do realise how long they've been developing the game? Nintendo themselves said it would be a 100 hour game iirc and that was before the delay! ;)


Size definately isn't going to be an issue.

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Ok I don't care what you guys think ..IM BACK and I'm gonna post my opinions on things and I don't care if I get SLAMMED by it. I'll just ignore whatever anyone says about me! so I say...it will have 100 hours if you play everything in the game. that was confirmed by the creator of Zelda himself so that's not some rumor someone dropped, it's fact and how the hell could you expect it to have less than 100 hours anyway as long of a wait we're having to go through. it should be 2,000 hours!

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Ok I don't care what you guys think ..IM BACK and I'm gonna post my opinions on things and I don't care if I get SLAMMED by it. I'll just ignore whatever anyone says about me! so I say...it will have 100 hours if you play everything in the game. that was confirmed by the creator of Zelda himself so that's not some rumor someone dropped, it's fact and how the hell could you expect it to have less than 100 hours anyway as long of a wait we're having to go through. it should be 2,000 hours!


Holy shit...

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I can understand some people saying it may be a bit less than 100 hours, but to go from 100 down to 30 is a bit silly. I think it will at the very least be 90 hours to complete.


I really can't wait for this game, it's the only reason I've held on to a cube... but if it comes out within weeks of the Revolution launch then I might sell my cube and just wait to play it on the Rev.

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.it will have 100 hour.......anyway as long of a wait we're having to go through. it should be 2,000 hours!



I hate you....seriously, like,...with a passion or something.


I expect the main game to be about 30 hours, as with most of the other zeldas. The rest will be filled with side quest, sub adventures....


edit-Hate may be too strong a word, but i'll leave ut as I'm in a foul mood.

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I can't imagine the game will take 100 hours either. Nintendo often over-estimate when it comes to saying how long it will take to complete a game, and I doubt this will be an exception. I'm with masaki86 on this one - I reckon the main quest will take around 30 hours, but hey, I'd love to be proven wrong.


I've got a feeling that there's going to be a lot of disappointed gamers when it takes them less than 100 hours to complete..

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I doubt I could ever play a game that is longer than 30 hours.


This doesn't mean I'd never play a game for longer than 30 hours though; just that anything longer for the main crux of the game is just too damn long, and the length would probably see drops in consistency of gameplay.


Look at OOT, MM, WW. Looking back, they all seem like long games to me, but when I think about it. They were probably 30 hours games to see Ganon finished/smash Majoras Mask.


Perfect length, didn't get bored, and never felt...'God, when is this gonna end'; the sort of feeling you get with say Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. The fact I enjoyed it so much meant that I was then willing to invest time in it to find every secret and collect every item, thus gaining the extra 20 or so hours hidden in the game.

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