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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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whatever you say mate, I have no intention of continuing thism so lets let it rest.


You are constantly trying to disprove me, something I do not understand, can you just not let other people have their own ideas? ALl you have done is constantly try and find holes or faults, most of which are very very weak at best.


Let it lie now bud. I think I am right, you think you are. However, the fact remains that you are basing your ideas on outdated interviews and general assumptions.


As a qualified historian, I know how history can change so dramatically over the course of ust a couple of years, with new ideas, techniques and theories coming into play. The same goes for games and their histories. In a few years time, we may look back at these theories and laugh, when we find out that Link is actually a homosexual martian who is incapable of dying.


Before OOT, no one ever thought of the split timeline. Before ALTTP, no one ever thought of games taking place before LOZ. No one even though of having differen links in a game.


one day if they release a "real timeline" with all the plot holes fixed, then we can talk and see who's right,


What is it with 'lets see whose right' style of conversation. Seriously, get a life. I don't care if i'm wrong, I just hate the fact that unless my idea is like yours, it has to be wrong.

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whatever you say mate, I have no intention of continuing thism so lets let it rest.


You are constantly trying to disprove me, something I do not understand, can you just not let other people have their own ideas? ALl you have done is constantly try and find holes or faults, most of which are very very weak at best.


Let it lie bud. You keep yours, I'll keep mine. Others will keep theirs. We will have to wait a while to see the timeline play out, but ANouman and Miyamoto have already said there is a master plan back at Nint HQ, and they are working diligently to get it configured for all to understand.

edited the post above before reading this one... so it already is kind of a response to some part of this one.


anyway... I was not disproving you... apart from the alttp matter that I simply don't see happening like you do... I never said I was right though, just stated some facts of a shady shard of the possible storyline that is out, a matter of opinion if you will, but I think it was a constructive discussion rather than trying to disprove you, I honestly feel bad if you think of it like that, I respect you opinion, just don't agree with it at some point, at all, but other points make sense, and I hadn't thought of some details I realized now. anyway... I learned some things with this discussion, it was positive to me.


What is it with 'lets see whose right' style of conversation. Seriously, get a life. I don't care if i'm wrong, I just hate the fact that unless my idea is like yours, it has to be wrong.
all that hostility... you're overeacting... chill out man :/


anyway... going to sleep gnight. no hard feelings :hmm:

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mate; hostility is my middle name....:p


I'd love to say I gained a valuable insight throughout this discussion, but I'd be lying mostly(no offence, just that I already considered everything you had to say a long time ago when I was making my own one in my faggoty pre college days). I respect what you have to say, I can see that some of the information you have may have worth, I don't understand how 'fact' and 'shardy shard possible' can go hand in hand in one sentence, but after that, good stuff matey : peace:


Geez; that late already.....oh the torture of zelda related discussion....i said in the first place I didn't want to talk timeline....now you know why...i bet the mods will be in here tomorrow saying 'WTF went on here last night!!??!!'

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ok who cares about the timeline? it's fun to not know exactlly when the legends happened! you just remember the legends of the past and just know the stories even though you don't know exactlly when they happened! besides, it's gonna be just about impossible to keep up with your OWN timeline theories as more and more zelda games are made and new not only time " lines" but time " eras" like in the games that will be happening after WW we'll be introduced to time eras like era of old Hyrule and the era of the new hyrule which is basically the same as the old hyrule it's just a land on the mountain tops of the old hyrule...

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Guest Stefkov

did this little debate start becuase of me just saying what i think would be a good storyline. if so, wow.

anyway. does it really matter what order the games went in, i know its nice to know but all we want to do is play the bloody game dont we? solets stop bickering over the order of it.

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TP will be a direct sequel to OOT, showing us how Ganon broke free of his seal created by the sages, I believe, but what I want to know is when these " prequels" are gonna end and when we're gonna see " sequels" to WW...you know what I'm saying? why do Nintendo keep making prequels...it's like they're scared of moving on past WW...but they're gonna have to...it's time to move on...to NEW HYRULE! woo hoo!

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TP will be a direct sequel to OOT, showing us how Ganon broke free of his seal created by the sages, I believe, but what I want to know is when these " prequels" are gonna end and when we're gonna see " sequels" to WW...you know what I'm saying? why do Nintendo keep making prequels...it's like they're scared of moving on past WW...but they're gonna have to...it's time to move on...to NEW HYRULE! woo hoo!


ALTTP IMO comes after the New Hyrule has been founded. Try and fathom why the master sword is in a forest and not in the castles or temples of the world. If it was pre-flood/WW, the sword would still be in the castle/temple. The only conclusion I can come up with(to keep to a storyline is)It was placed by WW Link and Tetra when they created their new Hyrule.


Fact remains, AOL is the last Zelda, not WW. Ganon is truly dead, and can never be revived at the end of AOL. In WW, he is merely frozen in stone, waiting to be released, so it cannot be the last game.


Oh, and what do you mean 'they keep making prequels to WW, they need sequels'. This is the first game out after WW, so they are not constantly making prequels matey. It is one game, not dozens of prequels.

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TP will be a direct sequel to OOT, showing us how Ganon broke free of his seal created by the sages, I believe, but what I want to know is when these " prequels" are gonna end and when we're gonna see " sequels" to WW...you know what I'm saying? why do Nintendo keep making prequels...it's like they're scared of moving on past WW...but they're gonna have to...it's time to move on...to NEW HYRULE! woo hoo!
personally I don't like at all, nor do I want a sequel to wind waker, I want a sequel to Majora Mask, or rather... a official sequel to Ocarina of Time, taking place in hyrule (and after MM) that being in the child link ending.


It would be the storyline development I'd rather see


TP/WW storyline after TP will have no point for a a sequel (or prequel), IMO, but it could happen, depends on what the creators want to do with it.


On the ganondorf being dead after AOL... just like we have multiple zeldas and multiple links we might have more than one ganon, if the authors would say so.


just like someone pointed... before OoT they probably weren't even fitting the games in a unified storyline, it would be a problem to input those in the storyline, otherwise they would have published the "oficial timeline" a long time ago, but all the new titles have a relation to ocarina of time, we have 2 sequels (one still coming) for adult ending, and 1 sequel (majora mask) for the child ending. as long as the new titles of the main series have a relation to OoT (or one of it's sequels), there's not really a need for nintendo to release a unified storyline.

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TP will be a direct sequel to OOT, showing us how Ganon broke free of his seal created by the sages, I believe, but what I want to know is when these " prequels" are gonna end and when we're gonna see " sequels" to WW...you know what I'm saying? why do Nintendo keep making prequels...it's like they're scared of moving on past WW...but they're gonna have to...it's time to move on...to NEW HYRULE! woo hoo!


Tch tch... shame this happened in Link to the Past already. :nono:

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what we do need is a definitive timeline, as, yes we know ocarina is first, followed by wind waker then LTTP, but what about the other main ones, theres numorous variations but not an official definitive one.


a dvd or something would be cool.



I don't know. I always thought that one of the beautys of the LOZ saga was that there was no definate structure to the timeline, and it was generally up to personal interperation, except OOT.

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welll it will be impossibe to figure out the timeline as more and more zelda games are made and trust me they will be made...they are never gonna end zelda, if nintendo ever ended zelda, they'd end their own selves...they'd be dead. and no AOL does not make it impossible to revive Ganon idiot, he can still be brought to life - allways.

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Ganon will NEVER be killed - he's what keeps the zelda series going.


Play and finish Zelda I and II for me mate, and then come back and say that. Zelda II explicitly states that Ganon was KILLED in Zelda I, and that Links blood was needed to revive him. When Ganons minions failed to do so, Ganon was lost forever. AOL is the last part in the timeline.


However, the fact of the matter is, Zelda II takes place well into the future of the zelda series. There are infinite amounts of games, events and alterations to the overall storyline that could take place between OOT and AOL, continuously adding to backstories and stuff. Don't worry about the series ending, it'll never end purely because of that fact. However, we have already seen the beginning and end of the series, we still have endless middle bits to play!


Oh, and don't call me an idiot, jackass.

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Play and finish Zelda I and II for me mate, and then come back and say that. Zelda II explicitly states that Ganon was KILLED in Zelda I, and that Links blood was needed to revive him. When Ganons minions failed to do so, Ganon was lost forever. AOL is the last part in the timeline.


However, the fact of the matter is, Zelda II takes place well into the future of the zelda series. There are infinite amounts of games, events and alterations to the overall storyline that could take place between OOT and AOL, continuously adding to backstories and stuff. Don't worry about the series ending, it'll never end purely because of that fact. However, we have already seen the beginning and end of the series, we still have endless middle bits to play!


Oh, and don't call me an idiot, jackass.

lol sorry :P ... I call my friends idiot! lol don't be offended, I was just playin :D
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lol sorry :P ... I call my friends idiot! lol don't be offended, I was just playin :D
hey can i play too! asshole! buttface!!! :grin:


anyway, i havent read the last few posts, but just thought id add my comments on the latest reggie related news.


-reggie hasnt ruled out revolution forwardness for zeldaTP. just that its likely that TP aint gonna use the controller. they still could have unlockable goodies and stuff if you play it on the revo.

besides. nintendo have been doin their usual circus backflipping antics all the time. they could still use the rvo controller for TP.


-i think that he was meaning 'you cant plug the revo controller into a gamecube and do stuff'.

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