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Time for a soppy thread, try to hold yourselves together guys and gals. :aww:


I put a thread up in the summer about my plans for the near future and it would appear these plans have come to fruition and are coming together nicely. On Tuesday 27th September Im heading to France to spend the year teaching English. An Ulsterman teaching English? If you hear any Frenchies (ah, werent the Frenchies in Conkers Bad Fur Day great to kill on the Beach?) speaking with a Norn Irish (Ballymena-hey) accent well then you've me to thank for that, so in years to come Ill be keeping an eye out for any such threads.


I dont think this is goodbye, but I dont know if Ill be able to be online as often over the next months :unsure: I only been on so much this past fortnight cos I finished my summer job (Argos, yawn) and have been taking it easy/ being super lazy. Anytime I get online Ill pay this place a visit to see whats happening with Nintendo and see if the forums are still thriving. Ill try to pick up the releases I can when Im over there, but we gotta see how tight the cash is.


Anyway, its a happy birthday to me and a happy birthday to Twilight_Link. I think its that one anyway, there are so many Links around this place. It appears we were both born on the same fateful day, alas years apart. Im 21 tomorrow and Linky's still but a mere teenager.


Well keep the place alive guys, and unlock the Chrimbo thread. Go on, grant me my parting wish wouldya :indeed:


Thanks for all the kind words guys and gals. Im just looking at train times to get from the airport tomorrow afternoon. Should be a blast putting my french to he test after a summers speaking English. Might needa scoot on and pack my gear here.

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