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Never. AS its not the end name as it hasn't been trademarked yet.


shoulda read the announcement at the top of the page man.......i sense a padlock!!


I think he was referring to a Nintendo owned webpage like nintendo-europe or something


OMG, ZF, it is going to be the name, they're not this desperate for attention.


It's not though, i've spoken to a couple of the mods and they say it's going to be something along the lines of "nintendo-europe" or "ninty-europe"


Ah you mean the revolution.nintendo.co.uk page? They have it reserved as no other site can use .nintendo.com. It will be sorted in the next week.


Why not just keep it. I mean everyone who visits the site knows that Revolution was the codename, and it'd be a decent description of the console, and the whole movemtn Nintendo is making in games at the moment.


Or you could just go for somthing lame like "www.wii-are-europe.com"

Well i say go with http://www.wii-europe.com! I think it makes sense.


Not going with that kinda looks like everyone really hates the name and we've petitioned not to call the website by the console name!


Just my opinion, of course. :smile:


For once, I agree with you. I'd be happy to visit a website called Wii-Europe. I just hope the police never get onto my Internet history.

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