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3D Modelling Thread


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Anyone know any good sites where I can get some decent free textures for some 3D modelling. Obviously I could just google, but someone might know of some decent libraries. A person's advice is better than a search engines.

Most of you should find these two sites useful. Best free texture resources on the net. After these two you'll be paying for better ones (which I'm considering doing soon for Semester B at Uni).





Both of these are limited per day on the amount you can download.


This is what I've been working on recently. It's an assignment which we were meant to base around archways.............there's some major screw ups on it, like the scale of the stairs to everything else, and also the different architecture styles between the walls and the grey archway itself. But I've decided to leave it now, and just hand it in.



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That's pretty good, man. What course do you do and where?


Please post more stuff in this thread because it's a bit dead.


Anyway, here is a better picture of my model, any criticisms or comments?




Also, I got into Bradford University today to study Computer Animation. :yay:

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Oh no no.. you miss understand. It's just the model. I haven't actually got a wall. It's not a floor to speak of either.


It's just the model without any textures or materials to ensure the model itself looks right before going onto anything else.

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Just got my blog up, been working my ass off over the past term on lots of things. I'll lots to post up over the Christmas break when I finally get them all textured. Check it out:




Also Colin, that environment is looking sick-good. I hate you... Did you make those textures yourself? You might wanna give a little more UV space to everything on your steps, cos they are looking a little stretched out and blurry.


I've got an assignment to do which needs tile textures pretty much well everywhere and I'm not too sure about how to start it. Mind if I run it by you a little later?

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No problem! The rigging is obviously top notch and the animation flows really well and looks very natural.




I think the textures need to be a bit more dirty... less clear reflection on itself and have actual grime, especially on the golden colour parts.


The metal base needs to have some sort of muck or stain because it looks all too flat and perfect. Might change the wood on the base a little too...


Coming along nice though, normally don't have the patients to do textures and materials, but I guess that's changed. Just a shame I have work in the morning because I would like to carry on doing this until the early hours.


I got some good ideas for the backing of this from Blender Artist. So I'm looking forward to creating some cool stuff with this idea.

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That's pretty good, man. What course do you do and where?


Please post more stuff in this thread because it's a bit dead.


Also, I got into Bradford University today to study Computer Animation. :yay:

Cheers. I'm currently studying at Hertfordshire University, now in my 2nd year on the 3D Games Art course which comes under the Digital Animation degrees there. The course I feel has kind of gone downhill since I've started back this year though, as we lost quite an important lecturer because he wanted to go back and work industry instead of teaching. And yes, I will try and post more in this thread when I've got the time or anything new to show...........just was under the impression that 3d had really died around here after quite a few people were into it for a while. Always good to see someone new starting it up, as it really does take patience and that extra dedication.


Congrats also on getting into Bradford. I can't say I know too much about the course there, but the day you get into a Uni (if it's your top choice that is) won't be forgotten..............my advice, get absolutely rat arsed and enjoy life for the 1st year, meeting loads of new people and just about passing the year 'grades wise' without failing......then in the 2nd & 3rd year knuckle down, as you'll have to accept any social life you want you just won't have the time for, especially when doing animation


Good old Blender.

I'd also have to recommend you drop Blender and move onto something more industry useful. I know it's a great piece of software and still can pretty much do everything, but considering you've also got into a Uni course now which I'm guessing you're set on doing, then it would be extremely beneficial to jump onto what ever software they use on the course there. Having that extra time with the program before starting the course will put you ahead of the majority of the class, and lecturers will have more time for you knowing you have some idea as to what you're talking about. So yeh, if you're set on Bradford, then find out what software they use and get hold of an educational version or a trial. I do like what you've created so far though, and the second image you posted up shows loads of improvement over the first. Keep going I say and finish it up to where you're happy with it.


Just got my blog up, been working my ass off over the past term on lots of things. I'll lots to post up over the Christmas break when I finally get them all textured. Check it out:


Looked through your renders and thought they were excellent. I personally can't stand animation, and I've got an assignment due in when I get back at the start of January. Great work though, and I have may have to ask you about certain things when I tackle the assignment in the next two weeks or so. We haven't got to render out a movie like that, but we have to make a load of short animations that would be suitable for a game environment. Talking walk cycle, run cycle, death animations and picking up a box. I'll post the full list up though soon, as there are a few things I'm uncertain about (my own fault for not attending some animation lectures), so some tips would be appreciated.


Also Colin, that environment is looking sick-good. I hate you... Did you make those textures yourself? You might wanna give a little more UV space to everything on your steps, cos they are looking a little stretched out and blurry.

Cheers for feedback, and yes, I know about the stairs........loads of people have told me to sort them, but I can't be arsed to go back and fix them now, as I created them in such a long manor that'll take to long to sort. I originally made a high poly version of the steps with loads of separate concrete tiles. Then I made a low poly mesh, and applied a projection modifier to that object, and made sure the cage was overlapping all the high poly geometry that I wanted included in the texture bake.


The problem with the stretching was that on the sides of the steps I didn't apply the grass/mud texture properly, so it's become a washed out mess. The tops of the stairs don't look all that bad though. Next time I'll probably avoid the highpoly/low poly to 'render to texture' way of doing things when making stairs.


The textures were all made myself, but then again I use that term loosely, as there's always someone/somewhere which you've taken the original high res photos from and then edited..........most of the textures came from the two texture website links I posted in my previous post.


I've got an assignment to do which needs tile textures pretty much well everywhere and I'm not too sure about how to start it. Mind if I run it by you a little later?

Yeh, let me know in this thread when you want to understand how to create tiling textures. It's dead easy really, and there's quite a few tutorials out there on how to do it. (I'm guessing you want to know how to make them tile effectively without having loads of seams and repetition?)

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Yeh, let me know in this thread when you want to understand how to create tiling textures. It's dead easy really, and there's quite a few tutorials out there on how to do it. (I'm guessing you want to know how to make them tile effectively without having loads of seams and repetition?)


Well I'm pretty confident on making something good and tileable in PS but its the mapping that I'm not sure I can get my head around. In fact mapping is becoming my real bug-bearer. I proabably need to play around with it but from what I can tell, I'll be maping them so that the edges of a road will all use an "edge" type tile and the center, a "center" type tarmac tile. I think my problem will be how to get the texture to fit each poly and also get their orientation right. I know how to do these generally but this is gonna be a large environment and would appreciate any tips on how to do it quickly.


It will probably make a lot more sense when I post the actual brief.


Feel free to ask me any animation questions. You are using Max right? Also will you be using any rigged characters?

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Jamba - Yeh, using Max. The character and rigging is already done to my knowledge......and it's just a case of downloading the max scene file and then animating.


The brief as to what needs doing is pretty much below.


Exercises for Assessment


1. Walk (front and side) + walk on the spot (front and side)

2. Run (front and side) + run on the spot (front and side)

3. Standing jump (front and side)

4. Karate Kick - rotoscoped

5. Push a box

6. Pick up a Ball

7. Climb and dive (with discrete squash and Stretch)

8. 3 X Idles

9. 3 X Firing Positions

10. 2 X dyings

11. Lip synch with facial emotions


• To be done in one max file framed with notes

• rig doesn’t matter.

• Lighting does

• Shadows on floor

• must have plain background and no distracting horizon lines

• plain or fixed camera


Road texturing? Well I'd first of all lay out my polys for the road. The best way in my mind to texture a road is to use a Multi/Sub-Object material.


So you'll need to assign material ID's for the polygons on the road, then the actual whole road object would have that one Multi/Sub-Object material assigned to it........and inside the Multi/Sub-Object material you'll have many textures with different ID's, then the polygons on that object will be referencing them ID's.




Hope that image kind of helps, and I'm guessing you're using max (soz forgot).

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finished up my Bass Model because I was fed up of looking at it. Finished it ages ago but... well, forgot about it.




I'll start using Max from now on... so a few tutorials later I can start to create something. Dunno what...

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Road texturing? Well I'd first of all lay out my polys for the road. The best way in my mind to texture a road is to use a Multi/Sub-Object material.


So you'll need to assign material ID's for the polygons on the road, then the actual whole road object would have that one Multi/Sub-Object material assigned to it........and inside the Multi/Sub-Object material you'll have many textures with different ID's, then the polygons on that object will be referencing them ID's.


Yeah that was the plan but I'm not sure how to approach it from a modelling point of view to keep the polys quite uniform and have a nice grid across it. Also, how do you control the orientation on the polys. Would I have to go around turning each and every tile?!

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Ok, recently I've only been looking at code and so I've had no time for 3D modelling..... I will however be starting something soon and I'll give updates on that here.... Oh and I have an unfinished work of a pier which I could show you when I get on my PC.....


Main reason for this post is to have some kind of commitment to what I'm about to start. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

For your first character that's really good!


I think the overall minus of it though would be that it's a little thin. The head seems a little squashed, but it's mostly the nose. Apart from that it is looking pretty good! Keep us updated!

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