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The RE Box of Mystery! (Apply here!)


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Ok lots of questions.

Just post one thanks so make it good! If your really unhappy with your entry PM me.

Enter what you want Mr murray! It will all be taken into consideration if its a game scene although as I said I much prefer real life pics.

And oh man it could cost me a lot to post abroad considering a package. :/ Probably for that reasons no sorry small dude :( How much would it cost? If its not to much I shall consider it.

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Ah the legend of Moria! If the bank bars you from going to it you make it come to you! Just build a crappy set at home, it will be classic stuff!


I doubt the bank would even let me pretend to plant a pretend bomb in it :heh:


I'll make up something else..


(I posted another video in the "Depressed" thread by the way that you haven't seen yet)

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Yay, I found out my friends have costumes they made some years back that could be used in this compo. I'm going to charity shops on Saturday to get some cool stuff, then steal my mother's sewing machine... I have no idea how I'll get everyone who will be involved in this together with exams around the corner and us all not going to the same school, meh it's all worth it!


I don't care about the prize anymore, I'm just having fun organising the picture! (And video...)

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Ahahahaha, I have a great idea, I'll get right to it. Nice idea, Haden!


Here we go!



Lewis Speller: Crap Attorney!


Sorry about the image quality, I don't have the digi cam at the moment :( This was fun though, even if I don't win I'll be glad to have done it :P Besides, mystery boxes are always good fun :D

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