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cyberyvonne, her turning against the cybermen was out of place for the cybermen plot.


What happened to her though, and all the other cybermen who were created in that reality, none of them had traversed the void so none of them would have been sucked in.

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Yeah, but it's a loose end that should have been tied up, wouldn't have taken long, just a few second clip of the earth forces finishing them off or something.

Buit what about the Tardis, that went to the other reality but wasn't sucked in to the void, you could argue it was too heavy, but they were carting it around on the back of a truck in the previous episode.

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Or you could argue that the Tardis was in a locked storage room (hence the putting it into the back of a truck), where as all the Cybermen and Daleks were all in the open.


It wasn't though, it was clearly seen in the last episode in the warehouse with all the other stolen technology.

And even if it was, a locked door isn't going to stop the draw of the void, it was sucking up cybermen from all over the world.

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What happened to her though, and all the other cybermen who were created in that reality, none of them had traversed the void so none of them would have been sucked in.


The cybermen "suits" had to be made in large factories - Only the "conversion chamber" was made at Torchwood, so the cybermen must of brought loads of spare "suits" with them to use, which would of been covered in void stuff.


Buit what about the Tardis, that went to the other reality but wasn't sucked in to the void, you could argue it was too heavy, but they were carting it around on the back of a truck in the previous episode.


The TARDIS has a mind of its own, it could probably sence the "danger", travel to somewhere else in Time/Space, then back to Torchwood when the void was closed.

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The TARDIS has a mind of its own, it could probably sence the "danger", travel to somewhere else in Time/Space, then back to Torchwood when the void was closed.

Then why has it never done it before?

Nah, it's just sloppy writers not thinking through their ideas.

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The TARDIS seems to go where it wants to in quite a few episodes (like "Tooth and Claw" and "The Idiot's Lantern", in both the Doctor was expecting to be somewhere/sometime else, plus ones like "The Impossible Planet" where the Doctor had no idea where he was, just that is was "far away"), this is normally heading towards danger, so why can't it stop itself spending an eternity with Daleks and Cybermen?

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The TARDIS seems to go where it wants to in quite a few episodes (like "Tooth and Claw" and "The Idiot's Lantern", in both the Doctor was expecting to be somewhere/sometime else, plus ones like "The Impossible Planet" where the Doctor had no idea where he was, just that is was "far away"), this is normally heading towards danger, so why can't it stop itself spending an eternity with Daleks and Cybermen?


In 'Tooth and Claw' the Doctor set the date wrong by 100 years by mistake (he said so himself) and the TARDIS has always been notoriously unreliable, regularly landing in the wrong place or time, but never before has it shown the ability to move itself when in danger, and it still hasn't. The TARDIS also doesn't seek out danger, they just show the bits where there is danger, as they're always mentioning places they've been where nothing happens but are never shown. Wouldn't make for a very interesting episode if it was like a day trip to Bognor.

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As for the strength of the Void and the TARDIS not being sucked up, the Doctor and Rose escaped the Void by hanging onto a lever and magnet. Strong Void, eh?



And yet it easily picked up cybermen from outside the Taj mahal?

Blame their shitty writers for the inconsistencies.

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Those shitty writers who managed to put in words to the extent of we spent less time in the void so don't have as much void stuff on us so it shouldn't be too bad on us whilst the daleks and cybermen have spent years in the void collect more and more void stuff.

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Those shitty writers who managed to put in words to the extent of we spent less time in the void so don't have as much void stuff on us so it shouldn't be too bad on us whilst the daleks and cybermen have spent years in the void collect more and more void stuff.


Can you repeat that please?

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Those shitty writers who managed to put in words to the extent of we spent less time in the void so don't have as much void stuff on us so it shouldn't be too bad on us whilst the daleks and cybermen have spent years in the void collect more and more void stuff.

Cybermen didn't spend years in the void, maybe hours, but certainly not years, and who knows how long the Daleks were in there, the laws of time and space don't occur in the void so they could have gone in in the far future, came out in 2006 and still only have spent seconds in there. I thought the voidship/sphere was meant to protect them from the void so really they shouldn't have any void shit on them.

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Cybermen didn't spend years in the void, maybe hours, but certainly not years, and who knows how long the Daleks were in there, the laws of time and space don't occur in the void so they could have gone in in the far future, came out in 2006 and still only have spent seconds in there. I thought the voidship/sphere was meant to protect them from the void so really they shouldn't have any void shit on them.


actually if you remember pete tyler said the cybermen escaped "3 years ago" so yes they have been in the void for years.



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The Cybermen were in the Void for three years, as said by Pete Tyler.

But, did the cybermen say that, you're forgetting the normal laws of time and space don't exist in the void. Three years may have passed outside the void, but inside they could have been in there for seconds, hours, days, weeks, months, years, whatever.

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According to normal alternate dimension and current earth times, the Cybermen were in there for three years. No one knows about Void time. But then again, if the Void is nothing, a blank space sitting between realities, with nothing existing, then time won't exist there either, and so the Cybermen probably came straight back out with no recollection of the Void. PLease say that makes sense.

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According to normal alternate dimension and current earth times, the Cybermen were in there for three years. No one knows about Void time. But then again, if the Void is nothing, a blank space sitting between realities, with nothing existing, then time won't exist there either, and so the Cybermen probably came straight back out with no recollection of the Void. PLease say that makes sense.

So, they weren't in there for years then, were they?

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