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Microsoft buys Lionhead Studios


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Today MS confirmed in a press release that they are going to buy Lionhead Studios. Both Molyneux as the head of Lionhead and MS are more than happy to strengthen their good relationship. Lionhead will now produce games only for the 360 and PC.



I am not quite sure if that was a good move - I mean MS definitly has enough money so it won't hurt them but reccently Lionhead did not really show that they are worth. I think Molyneux lost much of his fame for a reason. Well good luck at MS and I hope we will see a true FABLE soon where the promised features are actually in the game.


Source: http://www.consolewars.de

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RIP Lionhead, this is okay for PC gamers but it might mean that the relationships between Lionhead and Nintendo are going to be scrapped.


I am no longer expecting Black and White: Creature Isle or the rumoured Revolution game anymore.


I can't seem to get my mind around whether this is a good thing or not, publishers hated the Movies and Black and White 2 was less than amazing.

- It could put Lionhead in a good direction and give them the long term support they need post Movies.


On the other hand it will probably mean the future games are Vista and 360 exclusive.. which is a total bummer because I'm not going to buy a 360 or a Vista PC to play his game- however genius it is.

I have much resect for Peter.. I hope this brings good things for him, he certainly doesn't have to worry about publishers, money or hardware limitations anymore though- which for his position is probably a dream come true.


via: BBC News.

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Aw man, this means that the B&W game that was going to be made for DS won't be coming :(

I bet if there's a B&W3 it won't be as good now lionhead are gone.

Microsoft still allow handheld titles since they dont have one. Rare did some didnt they :)

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I have a lot of time for Black and White and Fable (and Molyneux) and even though Lionhead are in the habit of making big, big promises and then churning out stillborns which fail to realise Peter's grand rhetoric - the concepts blow my fucking mind. This is wet dream domain. Annnnnd, I love British dialects in video games.

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i suppose as long as it doesnt constrain Molyneux and the guys from creating their unique games and allows them the financial security to make what they want then its a good thing- i'm just worried that they wont release many pc games now unless its on vista :S:S:S

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Guest Jordan

Apart from Fable, Lionhead have been pumping out medicore and boring games for the last few years now.


This means nothing.

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