BigTac Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 So much could be said but unfortunatly it's only a few things I could and will say. Warning if your expecting huge new unreleased info and/or leaks you won't get any. Developer Support Overall developer support is growing, there are still a few big people still not into the whole concept yet. And really the only negative thing I find from developers is specs as it' seems like some are using the different wierd control as an excuse. Some companies have said that they will make a final decision around february based on the success of the Revolution and outlook. Games One Word = Exclusives Activision is working on 4 titles. As Matt-IGN has mentioned Spiper-Man 3 is coming along with Call of Duty. They seem to be very excited about bring Call of Duty to Nintendo new offering. THQ have 4 titles in development. I have heard some rumors on EA's stance on the Revolution. I talked with some EA folks last week and they have given me now indication that they would have any launch titles(06 titles)... EA will support the Revolution but not as much as 360 and PS3. They are discussing whether to hold off some titles until the 07 year due too Nintendo's launch frame. Most likely referring to sports titles. EA will have between 3-5 titles this year. There are some very nice games and I mean very nice games coming. FPShooters are right now number one on my list. One very tasty racer. Apparently what Matt said recently about FF:CC 2 is indeed true. Expect big things and if you wasn't a fan of the first game have a open mind when this gets revealed. Actually I think the game will do the talking on it's own. Sega has some nice titles cooking up aside from Sonic. Midway have 3 titles and one is whoa. Ubisoft have at least 7 titles in development. A beautiful RPG or 2, there is so much more, from every genre, including new genres we'll see at E3. Release Date I have gotten word from developers along with some rumors from last week. 1st and most likey - US = November 7th-16th EU = November 16th-Dec.1st JP = November 18th-Dec.3rd Rumors - Talk of Revolution releasing as early as October in US/Japan. For Europe Gamers. I will say this don't be super suprised if Europe sees Revolution in January-March 07 but it is very unlikely. And would be stupid for Nintendo to do this. Expect a release in 06. Get ready for some very nice things to be revealed in April. Be prepared for E3 even though what you and I find out will be greater than expected. I only wish I was attending this year. And one things Nintendo is making sure we get for the launch is at games that will sell systems. Along with big and unique 3rd party titles to go with the unique and amazing features of the Nintendo's newest console, the game indstry will be set for the ultimate earthquake to shake things up.
monkeyDluffy Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 was just wondering have you heard anything about rev's game pricing? ie will it be the same or less than 360/PS3?
ShadowV7 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Good to know that support is looking good.Have you heard anything about Phantasy Star Universe coming out for the Rev?
Guest Jordan Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 monkeyDluffy said: was just wondering have you heard anything about rev's game pricing? ie will it be the same or less than 360/PS3? You don't need a BigTac to tell you that the Revolution will be significantly cheaper.
monkeyDluffy Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 even though the development will be cheaper it doesn't mean that the saving will be passed onto the user though, hopefully it will though.
Delhijo Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Quote what you and I find out will be greater than expected That´s impossible!!! I expect so many and amazing things!!! ... so, maybe there is a 3rd secret and it's the biggest one... ... it's a shame that i'm having a heart attack now and i won't be able to know all the amazing things.
BigTac Posted March 27, 2006 Author Posted March 27, 2006 Pricing = Hardware $199.49-$249.99 I honestly don't see the system launching for $150. I would like to see Nintendo have some sort of bundle for the launch. Whether it's 2 controllers and 2 nun-chuk attchments/ 1 controller with nun-chuk and classic shell attachment.... Games = $39.99-$49.99 There will be games that will be cheaper, think $25-$30. Also possible according to Nintendo that there maybe games that are $50+. Most 3rd parties seem to just be going for the $49.99 on most games.
colormonkey Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Have you heard the final name? ... is it good/bad?
BigTac Posted March 27, 2006 Author Posted March 27, 2006 Well since I heard back in January that Nintendo have decided upon the final name of the system I still have yet to hear what it is. Though Nintendo sources have said to me that we will al love it. I think it may have something to do with what they are hiding. Hence they haven't revealed it yet. But thats only speculation on my part.
Guest Stefkov Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 so in pounds thats £114.459-£143.060 for the rev ( ;D) and for the games its nearly the same price as now, thats awesome.. i think. if you think about it us euopeans have been ripped off, the ds came close to £80 for japan and america then we pay £100. not much but i mean couldnt they keepit the same in all regions. even if it does look a bit low.
colormonkey Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Some has suggested the final secret has something to do with the graphics or the way they are displayed. That would explain why they haven't showed any screenshots ... What do you think of that? Any news of what Sony are up to? You mentioned some good and bad news ...
ShadowV7 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Nah that's cube mapping or sometihng.Not a secret
monkeyDluffy Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Thanks Bigtac! so about £30-40 probably = good internet prices sounds good, I think I remember reggie saying a while ago that the name is related to the big secret that their hiding.
Guest Stefkov Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 the nintendo flap?? theyre hiding something behind that flap arent they, on the front of the rev.
BGS Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Absolutely nothing that we haven't heard or that isn't strongly rumoured already. Read between the lines and you will see this. There's lots of vagueness that isn't immedietly obvious. I'd go and disect this piece by piece but I can't be bothered wasting my time. I'll point out one thing though. Quote Games = $39.99-$49.99There will be games that will be cheaper, think $25-$30. Also possible according to Nintendo that there maybe games that are $50+. Most 3rd parties seem to just be going for the $49.99 on most games. So basically what he is saying is that he thinks the games will be priced from $25 to $50+ Lol. covered all bases there then?
Nintendork Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Haha, after all my criticisms BigTac has a pretty solid set of predictions here.. I agree with virtually everything he has to say. Especially the pricing structure.. as BGS has noted (it's hard not to LOL) Dude any work on Rare titles on Nintendo's back catalogue? and also any pricing structure on this would be appreciated too.. obviously anything more than a guess would be best because it could be anything from 69c to $20 as far as I'm concerned. Stef, UK can expect to pay £149-£189 for Revolution.. below £149 people will disregard it as cheap any crap in comparison to the xbox 360 and PS3.
Hellfire Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Dear god you people are annoying. Everything Big Tac said so far was trustworthy, so if you don't want to believe him, fine just shut up. Jeez.
ShadowV7 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Hellfire said: Dear god you people are annoying. Everything Big Tac said so far was trustworthy, so if you don't want to believe him, fine just shut up. Jeez. Thank you,least im not only one
Flunx Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 ...And I find BigTac a bit annoying. But that doesn't give me the right to tell him to shut up. Everything he says is 'trustworthy' because it's do damned vague. Nothing new or to get excited about, really. (Sorry if you(whomever reads it) find my post offensive, because it's not meant to be.)
djamb3 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 He was never proved wrong, and if he annoy you just don't came here say that. It it that hard? And Big Tac do you know if there's still anything important we will see confirmed before E3 or no more new stuff?
BigTac Posted March 28, 2006 Author Posted March 28, 2006 "Warning if your expecting huge new unreleased info and/or leaks you won't get any." This is what I said at the beginning of my thread. I'm sorry but if your expecting me to just come out and reveal everything I know then your not gonna get it. Oh by the way BGS, The Revolutions software will cover all ranges from $25-$50+ dollars. You may or may not see it right away at launch but that what it will be. How could I not "cover all the basis" is someone asked me about pricing. Also regaurding what I say as already being highly rumored or heard before. Well I'll ask you this, what haven't we all heard about the Revolution? Hardware, software, and feature wise. Whether it's true or false info it's almost impossible to say something direct and new and exclusive without actually revealing something you weren't suppose to say. That doesn't mean that I won't reveal something if I feel the urge to and I know I could get away with it. Well anyway I would just to let you all know as I said before recently I have looking into actually becoming a part of the video games industry as a programmer/graphic designer. I have been offered 2 jobs. One for a big company on the west coast USA and another offer for developer in Japan. So by July/August I should be gone and finally starting my dream.
ndreamer Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 as long as software isn't as expansive as some of the n64 releases (turok, conkers bad fur day) ill be happy.
kellett03 Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 BigTac said: I have been offered 2 jobs. One for a big company on the west coast USA and another offer for developer in Japan. So by July/August I should be gone and finally starting my dream. could you name those companies, if you would not mind
Flunx Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 djamb3 said: He was never proved wrong, and if he annoy you just don't came here say that. It it that hard? Hah, who are you to tell me who I think is annoying? I thought this was a forum. If you don't like it, just don't read my post then. (Notice how this is a reply with the same type of argument as yours. This ain't going nowhere) After all the fakes and blogs, you would think that people would have learned by now. I highly doubt BigTac is what he says he is. You all should listen more to BGS. He seems like the smart one.
small tac Posted March 28, 2006 Posted March 28, 2006 BGS said: Absolutely nothing that we haven't heard or that isn't strongly rumoured already. Read between the lines and you will see this. There's lots of vagueness that isn't immedietly obvious. I'd go and disect this piece by piece but I can't be bothered wasting my time. I'll point out one thing though. So basically what he is saying is that he thinks the games will be priced from $25 to $50+ Lol. covered all bases there then? LOL good one BGS especially your LOCKED thread. A old saying by one of our footballers is 99% of the population is stupid. Going on the numbers here who believe big tac prooves that.
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