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The official G.R.A.W thread


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Its very strategtic. If you go in guns ablazing ala Halo then you will die. Funny thing keeps happening to me, when I reload and a enemy is close I keep trying to hit then with the end of my gun like I used to do when on Halo 2. Also I think some of the maps are way to big for multi-player gaming. My favourite map has to be that beach level, I think its the Rocky Cove or something like that.

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Has anybody done any hard missions yet ??


Im half way through the first mission and its 2 hard :( Ill do it tho :)


The game is much better in hard mode, Its more tatical, U have to use your team mates alot m8


Yea, I tried to join but kept getting the "CANNOT CONNECT TO SERVER" error. It happens in PDZ all the time, too. Anyone else pissed off/know how to fix this?


This used to happen to me m8 but iv just fixed it :bouncy:


Go into "My Network Places" and take the firewall off the connection and it should work


well its working for me now :)

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Soory for the bumping up of this thread but creating a new one would be pretty pointless. Anyway is the co-op mode for this game playable offline as well? If so is it any good?


It is this game and Oblivion that has lead me into buying a 360 (from ebay, still need to pay for it but should arrive within the week :D)

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Soory for the bumping up of this thread but creating a new one would be pretty pointless. Anyway is the co-op mode for this game playable offline as well? If so is it any good?



Yes, 4 player split screen, but it suffers from the usual problems of split screen games, mainly that it's hard to see things on such a small screen space. Hell it's hard enough seeing the bad guys sometimes when you have a whole screen to yourself. 16 player system link is also available if you have any friends with 360s.

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I envy your PC sir.


to be honest, ive been hearing how the game sucks compared to the 360 version graphically.


also they force hdr and theres no anti alaising.


oh and i had to manually put the texture to high on the .xfl or whatever file it was, because they didnt allow me to do so before


but hey, at least its another fps where u can see your feet.

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to be honest, ive been hearing how the game sucks compared to the 360 version graphically.


also they force hdr and theres no anti alaising.


This is coming from people who have played the demo, which itself has graphics caps and no AA.


The 'early retail' version looks lovely and runs very good on my pc.

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Guest Stefkov

would anyone like a game tonight? or maybe now? im free all night apart from dinner time i hope.

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