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My IT coursework(picture so i would say 56k no, but im not sure)

Guest Stefkov

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Guest Stefkov

Hi, this is the only thread ive made in the creative board i think however here i go. for my IT coursework i have chosen of course, an online anime DVD shop. right thats all sorted out. my first 2 tasks are done which doesnt concern anyone however for my third and final task i am creating a website, hence online anime DVD shop. So without Pulisher my only other option is photoshop, which im happy with using. heres what the home page looks like with the help of 1 tutorial for just the header with 'home' etc.




now the main question is as you can see from the picture.........what do i call it?

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Guest Stefkov

yeah i can get rid of the konnichiwa might just change it to hello, i just put it in for a joke. ive changed the image so it might be better, and ive added more. cheers for pointing out that i had checked the resize box, ive unchecked. ;)

so the only thing is i need a name!


(that pics much better and easier to see)

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Guest Stefkov

k cheers for everyones help,

Mr Odwin, i realised that after i had done it so i changed it. now i think it looks a bit better. =



i laughed as i read through as no one but one has answered my origianl question, theonly thing thats missing now is a name.. please can people give ideas?

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Guest Stefkov

tie.nano its what it says, its just a big easy button to find to enter into the 'shop bit'.

instead of looking at the top its in big letters. Its for the 'end user'.

(also it takes up space)


so im on the second but first page of contents of id say around 28, ive got 544 records (DVDs) so split into 20 a page it makes 28 pages, well the website im basing it on has that many so...(before anyone actually says its copying. its for a GCSE It coursework so im not bothered, they dont care as long as everything looks good and works well.)

Another question popped (nearly 'pooped';) ) my mind is the top of it where that person from bleach is and now in this page where the guy from FMA is, do i carry on useing just the one picture(which my dad thinks so but i think will become repetitive and not looke good or do i use different pictures for every page? (i so please could someone give me a link with really good pictures of anything anime that i could put in that style up there?)

here it is (ive shrunk it down as itd be very very very long, so thats what ive doen up to know. so please could you help me with the questions?)


FMa pic doesn have greyish border around it like Bleach pic on first page because of minor misplacement.

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Sorry to say this, but it's pointless.


The navigational menu, is one of the first things that a user viewing your site, is going to look for.


Having a large button with the heading "ENTER" planted on the bottom left of the page, doesn't exactly show any relevance to anything whatsoever.


The link to the Shop on the menu at the top, is all you need.

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Guest Stefkov

im open to all helpful comments, however i have no clue whatsoever what else to put in that space. i agree thats its pointless. but if it takes up space then im not arguing. its only for GCSE anyway.

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Well it's forming up quite nicely. I would change the pic in the lower right corner as it looks like it's scanned off from a magazine. It doesn't fit into the sites graphical style. I'm pretty sure I know who that character is, but can't seem to remember it right now.

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Guest Stefkov
Well... it's a shop right? So why not put your shopping cart (list of what you've bought, cost and subtotal) in the bottom left? :)

you sir are a genious! cheers for that!

and bogbas, hes tetsuo from AKIRA. i know what you mean hwoever i have not scanned it, ill try and find a better pic or i could just try and sharpen it maybe, make it look less scanned as you say.


i would like to show you a very nearly finished version of the second page! its very nearl finished becasue i need to add the shopping cart etc, Shorty's suggestion.

i will not post it here as its BIG



EDit ive done the side bit, and it lookes pretty shweet. here it is


if you have any other suggestions ill be more than happy to listen. oh and a name?!?!

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You should use a different Font. The Font that you've used for the "BUY" buttons, the Navigational menu e.t.c., get rid of it. That font is better suited as the choice of font for text within a banner or logo, not for buttons and menu options on a page. Either use Arial, Tahoma or Verdana.

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Guest Stefkov

cheers for the feedback, ill change it now. ill use a different font. :D if you have any other suggestions or if anything is rap ill be more than happy to listen/read

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cheers for the feedback, ill change it now. ill use a different font. :D if you have any other suggestions or if anything is rap ill be more than happy to listen/read


I was going to suggest a new font as well, Arial or Verdana are a safe web fonts. I usually use size 12 Arial on my sites...


AniManga for a name?


(Anime+Manga = AniManga :) )

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Guest Stefkov

cheers for the suggestion, i thik ill just use it. theres no manga in it but oh well. it sounds good.

im in a pickle the website im using the info off well i dont know whats happened.


WTF. if it doesn come back up im gonna have to find another place with the same DVDs ive got in my list. hopefully they all have. damn, if anyone knows a site please tell me.

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Looks very good but remember- its the actual written work that counts. I havent even done an excel project with any sort of formulas and I'm on 36 ;)


Just make sure the things is extended and that it looks pretty. From what I can see, it looks like a good project.


Oh, and a name...




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Guest Stefkov

yeah i know the written work is the one that counts, but im having fun doing it so ill carry it on. i could actually give it to someone when i finish and they could use it, but i doubt that would happen.

cheers for the suggestion again. some good ones.

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Great, i like it, but have a look here:




Now you currently are using the text on the left, but it looks slightly blurred and a little un-professional. I have quickly thrown togther an example of how it could look (on the right) it looks alot cleaner and very fresh. Its arial, size 10 (i think) and smooth AA. Give it ago.

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Guest Stefkov

cheers for that, ive changed it to Ariel and it doesnt look as much blurred as before. Ive still kept it at the same size on the home page and it looks good. :D

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