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Games worth buying a PS2 for?


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Well most people are scoring Chibi Robo is being badly scored because that most mags and internet sites have now become sony fanboys.


In the two trade mags MCV and Developer, both of those have done surveys that retailers give you figures in, I was providing the truth that when I was in gae shops out there, thats what happened as I previsouly stated.


That doesn't make some one immature.


Most mags are Sony fanboys? Give me strength, somebody. I guess everyone must be a fanboy that doesnt highly rate any Nintendo game (including those unreleased to the public) - I didnt like Super Smash Brothers Melee, quick, destroy my gamecube and its collection as I am clearly a Sony goon in disguise! How I will rue the day that Zelda_Freak saw through my fiendishly cunning plan!


Saying that what happens in ones own experience is indicative of an entire nation - perhaps its not immature. Just very, very ignorant (and perhaps more than a little conceited would you say?). Your choice; ignorance or immaturity? Either way, no kudos for you.


I will await this "justified statement" you speak of (though Im not holding my breath).


Eunos 500

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How the f**k did this discussion begin was the fact that I personally found Chibi Robo to be a triple A title was that it,because really like all things in this life its down to choice and peronal beliefs not ignorrance and immaturity (except in some real dire situations which this one is clearly not).



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The Sly Racoon series is great. I don't have a PS2, but I've played at a mates house, and I juts love all of them. It's a nice colourful platformer with loads of personality. Fantastic fun and great to unwind with.


True, although I have played the first game. I do prefer the Ratchet and Clank series. Here is a developer who I like, they make the first game which was amazing and then just add new weapons and new storylines for the sequels. They basically keep to the rule " if it aint broke then dont fix it " and I wish more developers would have the courage to do the same. Case in point was Naughty Dog. I loved the first Jak game but then they went all GTA and it ruined it for me and many of my friends.

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How the f**k did this discussion begin was the fact that I personally found Chibi Robo to be a triple A title was that it,because really like all things in this life its down to choice and peronal beliefs not ignorrance and immaturity (except in some real dire situations which this one is clearly not).




Which is why you jumped on the guy whose personal belief was that Zelda was the only A* game still to come, right?


I can sympathise with liking games that arent quite what everyone else likes or expects; a number of my games are ones that I wouldnt expect anyone else to like particularly, but I absolutely adore them; things like Clock Tower, Sky Odyssey and so forth. But for me to then say that this must be an example of an A* title I think would be rather naive; surely a supposed A* game must be the kind of game that all gamers would appreciate? I can wholly support ones own enthusiasm for a game, but I see a problem with then assuming that ones own preference speaks for everyone.


But I suppose I should call it a day. Im pretty sure the original point still stands.



Edited by Johelian
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