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Princess Peach Showtime (March 22 2024)


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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Don't worry, I still love it and continue to play through it.

I was tackling post game stuff yesterday evening and whilst filling in the enemy glossary I came across Starfy!


Bit of a pain to get him though. His appearance is random and you have to track him down in 3 different stages. Only then will he be added to the glossary.

Like Showtime, you have to finish the game for a second time in order to unlock everything. I've done the first 3 worlds so far.


I like that the bosses are a little harder and there are 3 extra levels per world to complete. Keeps things fresh and mixes things up a bit.


Damnnit you’re making me want to play it again but I haven’t even got half way through Showtime yet! :D

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Playing a little bit more Showtime this evening and I’ve just done the second detective stage (bomb one) and I actually liked it! 
I did groan when I saw it was a detective stage, but that was much better than the first one! 

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3 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

Playing a little bit more Showtime this evening and I’ve just done the second detective stage (bomb one) and I actually liked it! 
I did groan when I saw it was a detective stage, but that was much better than the first one! 

The end of that level was a great comedic moment.

"Alright! We found the bomb!"
"OH NO! We found a bomb!"

Got a good chuckle out of me.

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I took a break from the main levels and tackled the mini games that I had unlocked. These needed to be completed to get 100% on the game anyway.




These were stupidly fun and it was another reminder of just what we've lost with the creation of the Switch. The DS/3DS were full of little touches and experiences like these in games but not so much with the Switch.

Toad Shot has you tapping the touch screen to hit enemies and score points. Toad Tote uses the touch screen by having you drag a Toad around flames in order to get him to the exit. Toad Jump uses the microphone and you have to blow into it to make Toad jump over pits and enemies. This one caused me a few issues because the mic wasn't picking up when I was blowing into it. I decided to change tactics and sweep my hand in front of it when I needed to jump. Worked like a charm. :D


Just the last 3 world to do now, although I have already beaten the extra stages that are available in each of these and so it's just a question of doing the standard stages again. Hoping to have those done by the end of today.

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The adventure is over. :(


Endless Vibe becomes available once you have collected everything and played through each stage again. Bit of a pointless power up seeing as there's nothing left to do but hey ho.

Really enjoyed my time with the game. When you revisit a game after so long you often wonder if it was actually any good and will it still hold up today. SPP is a cracking platformer and I probably appreciate it more now than when I did back when it was first released. 

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Finally, the credits have rolled on Show Time. 

It took me a while, I know! 

Overall, very short. Considering it took me ages I didn't feel like the game really even got started. I know there are other bits and pieces to do now, but not sure I'm going to even bother. It was an ok game but there were too many ideas thrown at it for me with only a small selection that actually stuck. 

I think on balance there were more stage types I didn't like than I actually did. 

Id definitely be up for another game in the series but I do think they need to flesh it out a bit and maybe hone in on a smaller pool of abilities than the vast list that was here. 

Still, really nice to see Peach shine in her own game once again :D



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