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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (29th July 2022)


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11 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I nearly ordered all 3. It's the same issue I have with omnibus', I worry that something will go out of print and when you order stuff with PayPal buy over 3 months it tricks you into feeling like you aren't spending all that much. Thankfully stopped myself :laughing:

I know both 2 and Torna were hard to get for a while. Not sure if that has changed now though.

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6 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I was planning on starting with 3 like you guys suggested but then thought that the series is so well regarded if I start with 3 and really enjoy it I'd probably struggle going backwards. Figured I would just take the risk that I'll like it and go from the beginning.

For what it's worth, Torna: The Golden Country is not super important in the over arching Xenoblade trilogy. It's more to provide some extra backstory for 2.

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10 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

For what it's worth, Torna: The Golden Country is not super important in the over arching Xenoblade trilogy. It's more to provide some extra backstory for 2.

Still a cracking game/worth playing though. Some of the character interactions in Torna are better than in XC2. Plus, it's a nice bite sized JRPG. Although he will have to play a 60-70 hours JRPG to appreciate what's going on. :D

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3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Still a cracking game/worth playing though. Some of the character interactions in Torna are better than in XC2. Plus, it's a nice bite sized JRPG. Although he will have to play a 60-70 hours JRPG to appreciate what's going on. :D

Oh, no doubt about that. The battle system in Torna is way more streamlined while still maintaining the system the base game has.

I enjoyed it more then the base game.

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11 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Just watch me immediately hate the first game and refuse to touch any of the others :laughing:

I'm not huge on the original game (The Last Story was the better JRPG on the Wii) and I've yet to finish the Definitive version on the Switch (on Chapter 13) but I loved both the sequel and the 3rd game to bits. Characters and story were more like an anime in the sequels, which was more to my liking.

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25 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Characters and story were more like an anime in the sequels, which was more to my liking.

Welp, it was fun while it lasted, but I'm afraid this is where we differ. 2 veered too much into anime tropes for my liking. Embarrassing character designs (Pyra, Brighid, Poppi, a certain character that would be spoilers), embarrassing character (Tora makes Nopon look bad) and mostly dumb decisions throughout.

The last few chapters are great, but you wade through so much cringe to get there.

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