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And with a lovely power-deck including Mummified Hand it has been done: The Defect destroys the true boss.



This time I might actually take a break from Slay the Spire and wait for the patch. I'd like to beat the final 10 difficulties with each character, but would much rather do it with the buffs/nerfs included in the update.

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This is an interesting video series. I think I've posted other videos before (they have cool ones one Command & Conquer, Thief, Blade Runner and DeadSpace amongs others. But I wasn't aware they had added new episodes to it, like this one which by now is almost a year old, still very interesting.

They also have a special message for you @drahkon, @ around 2:09.

I think I'll do a quick run before going back to Mario Maker. I wonder when the update will be released on Switch though.

Oh wow, and I found this lone before I hit that submit button.. A video in another interesting series (I just watched a dev commentary on a speedrun of Tomb Raider, and some time ago I watched one of Outer Worlds).

The guy looks like a young Newman.

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20 hours ago, Sméagol said:

They also have a special message for you @drahkon, @ around 2:09.

Pff, it's the best combo there is and I will risk everything to make it work :p 

20 hours ago, Sméagol said:

I wonder when the update will be released on Switch though.

Sometime in Spring, was Megacrit's answer to the question. They should really find a different publisher for their next game. Humblebundle is horrible when it comes to delivering patches...

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Finally beat the Heart with character № 2, Ironclad, with my favourite type of Ironclad deck.. The Barricade / Bodyslam combo. Also had a nice set of artifacts, plenty money, and plenty of energy during fights. Now I it's the Silent's turn to defeat the Heart, then I'll have "finished" the game as far as I'm concerned.


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I absolutely love tight decks when I can get them, but it's walking on a tight rope if you're looking for specific things. I was holding out for the last shop before the 2nd act boss to give me some good block options, but the merchant didn't have any. Hence the Grand Finale.. Had money to spend so I thought "eh, why the hell not". Actually got it to go off during the bossfight, so that's cool, and totally appropriate for a grand finale! Even if I didn't have any cards to set it up. In any other case I'd pass on it because it requires specific decks, and it's plain useless in all others. I got him to 70 HP, so it was very close, but I couldn't block his last attack. I needed one more turn I suspect. I had 3 intangible potions earlier, but I used all 3 on the Book of Stabbing. I did pass on a Blur earlier, perhaps that'smy biggest mistake, but I don't know if that would have saved me.

But I'll keep trying for this type of deck haha.

Edited by Sméagol
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After a few failed attempts with the Silent.. I misclicked, and started a new run with Ironclad instead. I thought "whatever", so went ahead with it. Result is I unlocked A6 with pretty much the same deck I beat the Heart with previously. Slightly inferior set of artifacts for this deck, and I was missing Entrenched, but the deck was a bit tighter and had more card draw, and had a couple of Imperviouses to make up for it. Took down the Awakened One with apparently only 7 damage.

Facepalm moments though: since I always intend to go for the Heart, I try to look out for the key parts. But I often forget in Act 3.. I was checking the contents of the map chest, then suddenly realized this might be the last one. This is dumb, because of course it's the last one, because there is only one on the map. I also didn't realize I could check the map while I'm in a menu, because I wanted to check, but didn't know how. Still, I went ahead and picked up a Happy Flower, not gamechanging for this deck at this stage of the game by any means. :indeed: I was hitting my head against the wall when I immediately realized my mistake. But I got lucky, a question mark provided me with another chest! Got  the key part!.. Then I arrive at the camp fire and muscle memory takes over again, and I upgrade a Body Slam and forget yet again to take the key part. :indeed: So I didn't get to play Act 4.

Back to Silent again. I watched some Jorbs videos, and this might be the first time I played the game as the devs intended it (apart from when I just got the game and didn't know what I was doing anyway). Go with the flow, and build a deck around what you get and what you need. I lose constantly, and I know why. I suck at Roguelikes in general, and bought this for the deckbuilding. But the Roguelike part will not often allow me to build a deck i like and want. So I try to force my way into a type of deck, but this will most of the time fail miserably.

So I tried another approach. Well actually, now I think of it, I think I've tried several times, but always failed due to lack of experience, not seeing the value of certain (often common) cards. Rather skip them because I'm alergic to bloat. But not this time, tried the intended approach, which got me this bloated deck:

But as you can see, it unlocked A5 for me, and made it to the Heart. I got a bit lucky though, Lizard Tail saved me from a death from Time Eater, needed more time to set-up with this bloated deck, which I got. But the same thing failed with the Heart. There's definitely some cards I should not have taken, but the deck is obviously close to being good. And the videos inspired me to take cards I didn't like myself, like Pierced Wail and Backflips. Anyway, deck probably tried to do too many things, but it was fun getting the various strategies to work in one deck. After my resurrection, I got Time Eater with a Cataclysm kill. But the most satisfying thing was getting my Choke and Storm of Steel combo off with a hand full of cards and an Envenom active.

Anyway, after that, started a defected run again, since he's behind on A3. I looked at the Neow blessings, I looked at the map, and thought "why the fucking hell not. Let's go yolo."

Took the curse to receive 250 gold. Shop was way up, but there was a nice path with lots of events. Figured one of them let me remove the curse, otherwise I'd just keep it until the shop. First event actually let me remove it. Second I forgot, I think I took a yolo hit and traded some health for some upgrades. Third was an early surprise shop, so I spent all my money there. There was a fork, one lead to a Elite, but I had only fought one or two normal enemies, so most of my new stuff I got from the shop. I did have a Genetic Algorithm from the start, maybe from the first fight even. While I didn't have any actual good attack cards at this point, this was yolo, so went ahead and tried my luck for a relic. I didn't need good attack cards, Gremlin Nob was getting slaughtered by a dualcasted dark orb from the Symbiotic Virus I got from the shop. Yolod my way to the top, mostly hitting the campfires and events, barely fought anything in Act 1. Scariest thing so far? Not the Hexaghost boss, but the pair of lice before it. I entered that battle with 2 HP I think. One wrong card draw..

I quit and saved there, I wonder what Act 2 will bring. May stop yoloing, but Act 1 was fun haha. At least I've secured the Neow blessings.

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Cool, can't wait to die on A0 again! Haha. But I'll give her some test runs tomorrow.

Also that Yolo run didn't go to well in Act2 haha. Though I think it was mostly due to mistakes in Act 2 rather than not preparing for it in Act 1, but not sure. 

I've been productive the last few days, I unlocked several ascensions.

Silent A5
I actually can't remember this one. Looking at my history, it did look like a good shiv deck, with 3 cloak and daggers+ 2 Adrenalines+, burst, and a kunai. Phantasmal image and terror to help with damage. Lost to the heart, though I was low on health due to the elite fight before it. It looked like a good deck, but can't remember the fight, so I can't remember why the act 4 elite were giving me trouble. Maybe bad card draw, but the deck was relatively tight and also had some card draw. But I unlocked A6.

Silent A6
Now this was a fun deck! It wasn't actually doing something specific for a long time. It was mostly relying on poison damage, but I didn't have a cataclysm or something. I did spend most of my money on a thread and needle relic when I saw it in the shop, after seeing it recommended in a video, and not having seen any other worthwhile relics. Great decision! Because later I got the event where you get offered 5 apparitions, which work really well with thread and needle. To top it off I had not one, but 2 Nightmares, so I was always copying an apparition. This made me very hard to kill.. Alas, The Heart killed me anyway, but I think I could have won if I was paying attention. Made some mistakes. Although on the other hand I don't know if my damage output was good enough for The Heart, as I was relying mostly on poison without a cataclysm. I haven't picked up those apparations since when I just started out with this game, but I really had fun with this deck. Also it was the first time I ever chose to upgrade everything with the Mindbloom event. Normally I fight an Act 1 boss for a free relic, but seeing as I was relying on those apparitions, I chose the upgrade option. So satisfying to have everything upgraded!

Failed Defect A4
Facepalm moment. I had a GODLY deck. Pure frost deck, 2 cold snaps, 2 glaciers, 2 blizzards and a chill. And a fission to help out. Inserter as a key relic. Pretty tight deck at 25 cards. I only needed a consume and maybe some defrags, plus some coolheadeds.. But it was mostly about removing the starter cards. Lost to Bronze Automaton, because I'm an idiot. I had 2 blizzards doing 80 damage in my hand, enough to kill him. But noooo.. "Let's stall this turn to upgrade the genetic algorhitm". Of course he kills me next turn. <sigh> I'm definitely replaying that one by entering the seed in a custom game.

Defect A4
Tried to get that pure frost deck going again, but this deck was much more bloated and didn't have an inserter. Nor did I get a consume and capacitor the entire run. I did have some defragments, but consume is so much better if you have the spare orbs. I had some lightning stuff from the beginning, but by the end that stuff was just getting in the way. I did have an early genetic algorhithm again, and this time I got to duplicate it later, so I had 2 high block cards. Good enough to unlock A5, but I lost to the elite fight in Act 4.

Silent Daily
Decided to check out one of the dailies. I checked one out earlier, one with Ironclad who started with all rare cards.. But I didn't find it fun (it's something you have to get used to) so I stopped playing after Act 1. But this one was very fun. It was a draft, and all colours were available. I already had at least a Claw, but once I got an All for one in Act 1, the direction for the deck was decided. Again, all colours were available, so I had fun with this. It appears that, flex and anger, work really well with all for one! I also had a couple of claws, and some other defect 0-cost cards. I duplicated the all for one, and it was just a massacre once I've drawn one of them. Play the flex, angers and claws.. Then the all for one. You can play flex again for +8 strenght in total, you have upgraded claws, and more angers than you previously played. Insane haha, I also had a single fusion, and decided not to go for any other orb cards. Playing it once makes sure you have at least one extra energy, and when you draw the card again, you have 2 extra energy. I also got a hyperbeam for the AoE damage. I generally don't use the card, as I think the drawback's too big, but I wasn't using focus anyway, so it was great here.

Defect A5
And another fun one. Having 2 echo forms is fun! This time I did have the inserter and consume combo. I had some frost cards, so once set up I was generating insane amounts of block. It was risky, as it's slow to set-up. I usually took heavy damage the first several turns. But once I set, I was unkillable. The thing is you have to wait for your echo form, which is expensive.. Then wait some more for the 2nd. But after that you'd be set. Echo forming your echo form means afterwards, the first three cards would be played twice. Self repair+ heals for 20, really compensating for the early damage. Claws gets upgraded twice as fast. Coolheaded give you 2 more frost orbs and 4 cards, and Glacier gives you 4 frost orbs and plenty block. Plenty of things you can do with echo form, and with 2 of them you don't even have to choose. I took out The Heart again with this deck.

Ironclad A6
Last one, and nothing exciting.. I got a dead branch from Neow. So I thought "well ok, let's try the combo", and went for the first corruption I laid eyes on. After that.. well it's messy, all those cards, but effective. But yet again, being an idiot, I forgot the key parts, so didn't access Act 4. Pretty sure that would have been another Heart kill.




Edited by Sméagol
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Can't believe I managed to hold off playing this for more than a month now :o Really looking forward to the new character, but more importantly to the new balance changes. Runic Dodecahedron will be gone, for example. Fuck that relic :D 

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9 hours ago, drahkon said:

Can't believe I managed to hold off playing this for more than a month now :o Really looking forward to the new character, but more importantly to the new balance changes. Runic Dodecahedron will be gone, for example. Fuck that relic :D 

Haha, whoops. For some reason I had "tomorrow" in my mind.

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Defeated the Act1 boss. I'll save here because I want some relaxing island chores done, and this is making me think. :p

I'm really liking tantrum, and it looks like "multihit decks" is one of her archetypes. There are a lot of multihit attacks, and talk to the hand works really welll with that. Defintely adding anoher copy of that if I see it.

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