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DOOM Eternal


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  • 1 year later...

This is the first game I've bought since Battlefield V in 2018. Thought I'd treat myself during lockdown.

It absolutely shreds. I don't know why every shooter post-Modern Warfare became embarrassed about old-school design like arena battles, pick-ups, and the like. In DOOM, all of the baggage that's built up over the past couple of generations has been ruthlessly shorn off in the service of fun. And even though I can appreciate the nuances in how FPS' feel to play, they've been so concentrated in a narrow spectrum that it now seems novel to be the hunter who has 50 different ways to end an enemy's career. It runs like a dream, the weapons are CHONKEH, and when you get into the rhythm of chaining kills while zipping around the map... Well let's just say it feels good to be home, man.

Sound effect of the year goes to the blood punch (from 23 seconds in the video). It's nice to know when you've done something DARRRK


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