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'the sun' revolution article


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Everyone knows chavs can't read...


Actually in school a while ago (I was in yr10, college now) me and someone else were talking about a book we'd both read and some chav who was sitting at the desk with us said 'hah! who reads anymore?' as if we were meant to share his opinion lol.


It's good that we're getting good press though, no matter where it comes from. I read the sun if I get a chance to but most of the time I get my news from the internet :p

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the sun gets a bad press because everyone reads it, whether they're business men and women, or students. when it comes to things like this tho it usually would just tow the line with popular "cool" opinion and stick with the ps2 because, through no real fault of their own, they don't have anyone working for them that probably knows any different.


shame that the "article" didn't actually go into any detail about the controller other than it uses "movement" and is one-handed (with a picture of the two-handed device, d'oh!). but hey, i'm happy to see this too :D viva la revolution, and let's hope we get more support this time around...


...speaking of which, i think this is nintendo's doing. remember a lot of people were disappointed to hear yesterday's "announcement" (boy, i'm fond of quotation marks today aren't i?!) was just an event for the popular press...? well, i bet this is a direct result of that, enlightening more of the press means more support in the press, and a better public perception. nintendo ARE doing things right :D :D

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The Sun and other tabloids like Bild are there for people who can't make their own opinion (because they're too lazy for it mostly) and therefore need to get it out of a 'newspaper'. It's a good thing that the Rev gets some positive article in such a mag.

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I think it's a huge generalisation that only chavs read The Sun, it's Britain's best selling tabloid because virtually the entire work force of Britain reads it.. from the age of 10-70 people read it every day and have done for years on their lunch break on the way to work.


It's not just for chavs.. and it's a valid point that a lot of the Sun readers are like lemmings.. The Sun basically decides who wins Big Brother each year.. and then millions phone up the call line despite how much it costs.

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The sun is an evil news paper, so is the times.


It only writes what it wants you to read about, it gives into bribery. There's been cases of bribery in all sorts of Media, and with the sun as britains top selling newspaper, it wouldnt suprise me if its seen some. Its all to benefit the owner and managers of the paper, it writes as if its aimed at the gullible nation, its not open minded. Its pretty much all narrow minded, the only bit that shed's light is the opinion sections sometimes.


The only thing evil about the times is that it reinforces what the sun says, because its owned by the sun. It forces in any opinion to those willing to be a chav and follow the fucking crowd with what ever it says. Example : The last elections, the times and the sun both wanted labour to be the party in control, why? The labour party pretty much was for the rich, it benefited the rich alot having them in control, and the owner being rich wants to be benefited. So the Times wants labour, thats the upper class convinced that labour should be in control. Half done. So along comes the sun, also convinces we should go with labour, how? Girls have there titties out with vote labour signs! The lower class is convinced. (Im not accusing you of being lower class if you read the sun, but its the lower class that the paper is aimed at)


See? Drilling in opinions no matter what you read.

Evil paper.


But hey, the media isnt nice. I doubt we'l ever see a paper that isnt a bunch of corrupt writers taking bribes to advertise opinions.

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Yeah fish-head indicates that this is only a dumb person not worth to be angry about.

when you say: ... Oh that stupid fish-head." you normally get no answer, because the word is an agreement on itself.

The Bild, a synonym for the british sun i think, in germany is also owned by the CDU(the ger. labour party). So the cdu won in germany even though only company-bosses, doctors and alike benefit from this. Strange world!

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