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Metro Exodus (PS4/XBO/PC)


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Metro Exodus is an epic, story-driven first person shooter from 4A Games that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created.


Flee the shattered ruins of dead Moscow and embark on an epic, continent-spanning journey across post-apocalyptic Russia in the greatest Metro adventure yet.


Explore the Russian wilderness in vast, non-linear levels and follow a thrilling story-line inspired by the novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky that spans an entire year through spring, summer and autumn to the depths of nuclear winter.


Metro Exodus will be departing 2018 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC!


@Fierce_LiNk rejoice : peace:

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Thought this looked superb last night during Microsoft's conference, definitely a highlight for me. Visually, it looks incredible but I'm unsure whether they'll be able to keep that fidelity with going for a slightly more open world experience. Still, looking forward to seeing more.


Must get round to giving the original 2 a fair go, started the first ages ago but got caught up with other games and haven't gone back so thinking that I'll make it my task to play through the original and Last Light over the summer. Like you @Fierce_LiNk I've been tempted with reading the books over the last year as I've clocked them a few times when I've been in Waterstones but haven't picked them up yet. Have heard they're quite dense but if it's anything like the books for the Witcher, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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  • 1 year later...

Watching the gameplay for this has me so excited for February to roll around. The game just looks fantastic and with it building upon what was already there with the previous two, this could be a truly special game.

That release date though, February 22nd, it's going to be a scrap between this Anthem and Day's Gone and I just hope that this doesn't fall by the way side. I'm almost hoping for a slight delay to give it the space it deserves to breath because of the 3, I suspect this is the one people will over look even with Day's Gone not looking that hot.

Hearing the EZA guys talk about it during the mammoth final impressions stream, there's a lot of love and hype for the game and a good air about it. Looks and sounds like 4A Games are making a worthy final game in the series. It was certainly one of my top games from E3 this year.

Edited by Ganepark32
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  • 2 months later...

New trailer has been released to coincide with Gamescom:

The game looks incredible. Really does look like they're going all out with it, though I do hope they still manage to maintain the tension and atmosphere of the previous games with the more open spaces. Though the inclusion of wolves and bears alongside the other mutants should definitely keep us on our toes.

February can't come soon enough for this, I tell you what.

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Yeah, agreed, February is too far away! Great trailer and I'm liking the outdoor aspects of this game. Just wonder how much it's going to affect the gameplay in terms of getting air filters. I wonder if they'll scrap that mechanic for this one or if they'll approach it in a slightly different way. I guess it depends on what sort of feel they're going for here, whether it's still that survival horror feel or not. Either way, really looking forward to it. I keep meaning to get the books, but I just don't have the time.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This is out on Friday and the embargo for reviews lifted earlier this afternoon. Seems to be scoring as I suspected it would, with more or less 8's across the board.

Some seem to not like the more open areas, some like them, some are saying the gunplay is frustrating while others are saying it's snappy. By and large, though, reviews can agree that it feels like a Metro game and that's exactly what I want out of it. Always enjoyed the locations, set pieces, and inhabitants of the metro and I always thought the gunplay was always sharp and on point. The atmosphere and tone is just incredible and easily one of the best in a game ever and I'd definitely say the previous games sit alongside the likes of Half Life 2 and Bioshock as being some of the best story driven FPS games ever, for me at least.

I've got it pre-ordered and can't wait to pick it up on Friday. Easily my most anticipated game of the start of the year and unlike Shadow of the Tomb Raider which was my most anticipated at the end of last year, I expect this will live up to the hype.

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Seems like the game has a bunch of issues on the PS4 and Xbox One. Apparently there is input lag, reports of the game crashing on both consoles, sound mixing is way off ( footsteps are very loud), loading times are stupidly long...reading the impressions it looks like the game is a bit of a mess. Many who have bought it are saying that it's probably best to wait until there are a bunch of patches to sort this stuff out. Sounds like the game needed more time in the oven.

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Initial impressions from me are that it's mostly fine. Admittedly, I've not got to any of the open areas yet, which I suspect may cause some of the loading issues, but what I've played seems good.

The input lag isn't so much input lag as it is that aiming is slow even with the sensitivity turned up. I saw someone elsewhere mention that there may be a way round that by changing to a different preset in the options but I've not tried myself. It's something I can work with anyway and does seem to lean more towards making you use stealth of its a deliberate move to slow the aiming down. So yeah, doesn't seem to be input lag from what I've played.

The only other issue in my early hands on has been a tiny bit of screen tearing during one of the in game cuteness but that went as soon as it came to be honest. Loading time was fine but as I say, that might change as I get further and into the bigger open areas outside of Moscow.

The game looks fantastic though. The lighting has improved massively since Last Light and really does give a foreboding atmosphere. The extra fidelity in the graphics department really helps to make the metro feel dank and desolate and the attention to detail, something that's always been a big plus point, is still amazing.

Played the opening with the missus and we both got a massive jump scare early on thanks to the watchmen so it's still managing to nail the survival horror tension.

I'm very much looking forward to playing it through most of tomorrow. Easily my mist anticipated title and so happy to have it in my hands now, alongside a Metro Exodus emblazoned compass that I got as a pre-order bonus at game. Would have much rather preferred the watch (a recreation of the one in game that you wear) that's been made for the 10 exclusive editions they're giving away but still a novel idea.

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Been playing for the best part of the day and really enjoying it. Coming off of the back of playing Apex Legends, the change in pace did feel jarring initially but I'm really getting into the slower paced nature of the game.

I've been traversing the first big open area and with it being slower paced it's meant that there's been much more of a focus on stealth when getting through the areas and waiting for it to be dark to hit bandit camps and such. The addition of the day/night cycle is a small but brilliant touch that adds another layer of strategy to how things unfold and I really like it. Do you go by day and risk being seen or go by night and have to deal with more monsters?

Even if it's day, though, you may still not get a clear day. I was playing earlier and got caught in a massive lightning storm. Dark clouds suddenly rolled in and the sky started to light up with flashes of lightning, the controller started to rumble like mad and the screen shook every time there was a strike. It was insane and just so cool to have a dynamic weather event like that roll in. It meant I could clear out a bandit camp under the cover of the thunder without getting heard. That alone has made the game phenomenal for me so far.

I'm only playing it on a base PS4 but it looked incredible in that lightning storm and in general it looks amazing. The lighting and shadows really are some of the best I've encountered in an FPS.

I know for some people the game isn't clicking going by what I'm reading round the net. The slow pace of the controls and the gameplay seem to be pushing people away but for me, it clicked almost instantly and I'm having a great time with it. Really can't wait to see the other seasons and areas as even with the more open areas I still feel it manages to nail that feel that the metro games are known for.

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4 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:

Been playing for the best part of the day and really enjoying it. Coming off of the back of playing Apex Legends, the change in pace did feel jarring initially but I'm really getting into the slower paced nature of the game.

I've been traversing the first big open area and with it being slower paced it's meant that there's been much more of a focus on stealth when getting through the areas and waiting for it to be dark to hit bandit camps and such. The addition of the day/night cycle is a small but brilliant touch that adds another layer of strategy to how things unfold and I really like it. Do you go by day and risk being seen or go by night and have to deal with more monsters?

Even if it's day, though, you may still not get a clear day. I was playing earlier and got caught in a massive lightning storm. Dark clouds suddenly rolled in and the sky started to light up with flashes of lightning, the controller started to rumble like mad and the screen shook every time there was a strike. It was insane and just so cool to have a dynamic weather event like that roll in. It meant I could clear out a bandit camp under the cover of the thunder without getting heard. That alone has made the game phenomenal for me so far.

I'm only playing it on a base PS4 but it looked incredible in that lightning storm and in general it looks amazing. The lighting and shadows really are some of the best I've encountered in an FPS.

I know for some people the game isn't clicking going by what I'm reading round the net. The slow pace of the controls and the gameplay seem to be pushing people away but for me, it clicked almost instantly and I'm having a great time with it. Really can't wait to see the other seasons and areas as even with the more open areas I still feel it manages to nail that feel that the metro games are known for.

Cheers for those impressions, so far! How are the survival aspects of this game in comparison to the other Metro games? I remember 2033 in particular could feel quite stressful at times looking for more gaaaas.

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This looks like a fair review of Metro Exodus which makes me want to play the game, hopefully pretty soon. :)

It sounds like about what I expected from the title, even though I don't really have a proper frame of reference yet as I need to play the previous games. :p

Speaking of frames, it looks like this game is possibly being discussed in this weeks Frame Trap amongst other titles (just going by the video title) so I'll be interested to hear more.

But as far as playing the game goes, I reckon by the time I get around to it, I'll have a better idea of what to expect which should be good. :peace:

It takes a lot for me to bother playing First Person Shooters these days if they aren't already from a classic franchise that I enjoy, as in really old shooters. :D

This series seems like a breath of fresh air though in some ways, which is quite apt given that's one of the aspects you have to fight to conserve while playing. ;)

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On 16/02/2019 at 10:03 PM, Fierce_LiNk said:

Cheers for those impressions, so far! How are the survival aspects of this game in comparison to the other Metro games? I remember 2033 in particular could feel quite stressful at times looking for more gaaaas.

I wouldn't say it's as stressful as 2033 for survival. I remember the filters being very scarce in certain sections but here, cause you can craft them and medkits from your backpack out in the field, it alleviates a lot of that stress. Don't get me wrong, there are still times where you'll find yourself running low and you'll end up having to search out resources to craft the bits you need but it's handled pretty well.

Ammo is still the thing that's in the shortest supply. It does seem like there's less of it, especially when looting enemies and their weapons, but you can craft ammo at workbenches in safe houses. The only ammo you can craft on the go are ball bearings for your pneumatic weapons (you can craft throwing knives and such as well). So you might find yourself backtracking to safe houses to make more but if you keep exploring the open areas you'll come across enough of them as you push forward to not have you back tracking as much.

Because of the limited ammo, it does push you to try using a more stealth approach more often and it still nails that aspect. Coming up against the monsters out in the field is a different question but some carefully placed shots will take care of then easily enough.

Some have suggested the more open areas dilute the survival aspect but I'd argue they've heightened it as picking the right time of day to attack (humans are easier to stealth at night but there are more monsters), dealing with the dynamic weather effects and dealing with the monsters, which is especially perilous at night, really ratchets things up.

If you liked the surface bits from the first two games, then you'll feel right at home here as the larger open areas are simply an extension of the work done there. The tunnel gameplay is still here too and still as sharp as ever but it's the outdoor sections that add to the survival aspect of the series in this game.

I'm loving it personally. It's definitely not a game for everyone because it does carry a slower pace. Finished off the first open area last night alongside a bunker section which was just mad and I'm now at the start of the Caspian Sea area. This is the section that I'm mist curious about as it's a complete change of scenery from the desolate winter locations. Looking forward to seeing how it works later on.

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  • 6 months later...

The first of two story based expansions has been unveiled at Gamescom during Microsoft's Inside Xbox show and, surprisingly, it'll release tomorrow, August 20th. If you've got the Gold edition of the game or the expansion pass, it's included within that. Trailer below:

It's called The Two Colonels and is set prior to the events at the end of Exodus. And for the first time, you won't be playing as Artyom. Looks like it's going back to the tunnel rat style gameplay of the first two Metro games and that's always a good thing. It's what I expected from DLC from the game so it's right up my alley.

Can't wait to jump in as I loved Metro Exodus. It's up there with Outer Wilds and A Plague Tale: Innocence as one of my favourite games of the year and getting the chance to jump back into more story is something I'm so excited for.

There'll also be a second expansion next year and Glukhovsky has said he is actively involved in writing for a new Metro game so there should be more to come from the series. Massively happy for that as it really is an underrated franchise.

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  • 1 year later...

Bump of the thread to say that 4A Games have just released the Enhanced Edition of this on PC, whereby all lighting has been redone and replaced with full RT lighting and various other bells and whistles. You'll need a rig that is RT capable to be able to play the Enhanced Edition on PC. Its a free upgrade for those who have the standard version.

And the Enhanced Edition is coming to PS5 and Xbox Series on June 18th, again as a free upgrade to those that have either the physical or digital versions of Exodus on PS4 or Xbox One. A Complete Edition will be available to purchase, containing both The Two Colonels and Sam's Story, for those who don't have the original release.

Digital Foundry had a look at the changes that have been made to the game for the PC Enhanced version, which I've posted below, but from the trailer above it looks as though the majority of upgrades will be present on both PS5 and Xbox Series X (Series S is 1080p but still has the other additions). Obviously the PC version will still look better but regardless of version, the upgrade looks phenomenal.

Hoping I can grab the Gold Edition on sale in the coming weeks on PS4 so that I can do a complete run through with the expansions on my PS5 with this upgraded version as I loved the game back in 2019 and would love to do another play through.

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