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Monster Hunter XX


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Another confirmation.


Capcom confirmed to GameSpot that it has no plans to localize the recently announced Nintendo Switch version of Monster Hunter XX.


Originally released in Japan for 3DS earlier this year, Monster Hunter XX is an expanded version of Monster Hunter Generations, featuring additional quests, monsters, and other content. Capcom announced a Switch release for the game last month. In addition to high-resolution visuals, the Switch version also supports online cross-platform play with the 3DS game. Players can also transfer their save data over from the 3DS release to Switch.


Looks like I'll be importing. It feels like the PSP days again! :D

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So strange. Have capcom and Nintendo fallen out or what? Absolutely no support whatsoever.


Capcom are a mess. It seems they can barely release a game without the help of someone else. They are relying on HD ports of older games to survive.


It's a baffling decision. They've built up a loyal fanbase on Nintendo platforms over the years and now they are abandoning them. Saying that, it was a similar situation with Portable 3rd. We got Portable 1, 2 and Unite ( still the GOAT MH game ) but decided to leave Portable 3rd over in Japan. They even left the PS3 HD version over there as well.

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So strange. Have capcom and Nintendo fallen out or what? Absolutely no support whatsoever.


I think Sony must have promised them alot of money and support (and fair play to them)


Two things strike me as off; no official confirmation from any party that MH is now a PlayStation exclusive (Japan at least)/ will no longer be on Nintendo consoles, and if this is seemingly the case, why aren't Sony going wild about this and making a big fanfare?!


Very strange indeed, don't think Capcom are in a healthy state at the moment at all :(

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I think Sony must have promised them alot of money and support (and fair play to them)


Two things strike me as off; no official confirmation from any party that MH is now a PlayStation exclusive (Japan at least)/ will no longer be on Nintendo consoles, and if this is seemingly the case, why aren't Sony going wild about this and making a big fanfare?!


Very strange indeed, don't think Capcom are in a healthy state at the moment at all :(


World is not a Sony exclusive in the West ( pointless putting on the One in Japan ). It's out on the One and PC as well over here. The Sony paying money for the game or to keep it off handhelds makes no sense and is a wild theory. Why would they pay money for something that is still ending up on another platform? The only deal that makes sense is a marketing one and that's it.

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World is not a Sony exclusive in the West ( pointless putting on the One in Japan ). It's out on the One and PC as well over here. The Sony paying money for the game or to keep it off handhelds makes no sense and is a wild theory. Why would they pay money for something that is still ending up on another platform? The only deal that makes sense is a marketing one and that's it.


We all know it would have sold -20 copies on the One in Japan, but they must have paid a sum of sorts to make it Exclusive over there, or certainly more than Nintendo were willing to pay.


Perhaps Nintendo got complacent with it? Or even felt they didn't need it (which is nonsense considering their local multiplayer push with Switch and how this could have fitted in nicely)


Perhaps Sony wanted to re dominant the Japanese market, stopping the Switch's momentum and from running away from it (which it's on course to do I believe).


Wild theories maybe, perhaps it's as simple as Capcom just wanting to use a more powerful console to reimagine the series!


Can't explain the lack of XX localisation other than they are now done with Nintendo's agreement with them.

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In regards to Japan, I doubt World would run on the Switch so it probably wasn't even an option to put it on Nintendo's device. The One version would have sold terribly, as you said, but skipping it is a common practice for a lot of Japanese developers. There's a bunch of games from S-E and Bandai Namco that have released on the PS4 but not on the One, both over here and in Japan and with most of these no deals were made. I think it's simply Japanese developers don't want anything to do with the platform. It's why Phil Spencer went over there the other month to try and drum up support for the One/X.


I still believe the series will continue on the Switch but in its classic form. My worry, and one I mentioned in the World thread, is that Capcom are going to give up localizing the Switch versions for the West. XX could be the start of this.

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I think you might be right, unless their is a huge money deal in place Japan will likely get portable versions still at least.


I really hope that World does succeed (I said in the other thread I'd buy a Vita if it had local play!) But I just can't see it competing with Destiny etc at all for people's time on those sorts of games... we'll see I guess!

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I think you might be right, unless their is a huge money deal in place Japan will likely get portable versions still at least.


I really hope that World does succeed (I said in the other thread I'd buy a Vita if it had local play!) But I just can't see it competing with Destiny etc at all for people's time on those sorts of games... we'll see I guess!


If it does flop you can bet that Capcom will come crawling back with the Switch versions, providing that they don't come out over here. This why I find this a baffling decision. They are taking a big risk releasing World over here but not XX. They are upsetting fans that they may need in the future. Far better to keep everyone happy in case it all goes pear shaped.

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I have no issue with Capcom wanting to take the franchise to another platform.


What I find ridiculous is the game is already out on the 3DS and soon the switch in Japan yet they are not going to localize. It's ridiculous but it's Capcom and they have history of strange decisions.


MH stories is being localized but not MH XX. Capcom lose nothing by localizing the game. It's screwing over those already invested in the series in the West. Sticking two fingers up to those gamers.

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I have no issue with Capcom wanting to take the franchise to another platform.


What I find ridiculous is the game is already out on the 3DS and soon the switch in Japan yet they are not going to localize. It's ridiculous but it's Capcom and they have history of strange decisions.


MH stories is being localized but not MH XX. Capcom lose nothing by localizing the game. It's screwing over those already invested in the series in the West. Sticking two fingers up to those gamers.


Another point to make is that World is having a worldwide simultaneous launch. This has never been done before in the franchises history. It could be a case of all hands on deck to get World finished on time.


As I mentioned earlier, western MH fans have had have to endure this kind of thing with the PSP games. It was a constant guessing game as to whether we would get a localized version or not. I had to play a couple of them in Japanese because I had no idea if we would get them over here.


I'm not trying to justify what they are doing, I'm just saying it's not surprising, even more so these days given how they mishandle their IPs.

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Another point to make is that World is having a worldwide simultaneous launch. This has never been done before in the franchises history. It could be a case of all hands on deck to get World finished on time.


As I mentioned earlier, western MH fans have had have to endure this kind of thing with the PSP games. It was a constant guessing game as to whether we would get a localized version or not. I had to play a couple of them in Japanese because I had no idea if we would get them over here.


I'm not trying to justify what they are doing, I'm just saying it's not surprising, even more so these days given how they mishandle their IPs.


True but wasn't the difference being Nintendo helped push the game in the West with advertising and marketing given Capcom more of an incentive to localize.


Capcom tonight tweeted:


Just to clarify: our official response is we have not announced any plans to localize MHXX at this time.


They need to clarify this before XX is released in Japan so people know whether they need to import or not.


Or is the tweet simply down to them getting hammered on twitter for 2 days and they want it to stop.

Edited by liger05
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True but wasn't the difference being Nintendo helped push the game in the West with advertising and marketing given Capcom more of an incentive to localize.


Capcom tonight tweeted:


Just to clarify: our official response is we have not announced any plans to localize MHXX at this time.


They need to clarify this before XX is released in Japan so people know whether they need to import or not.


Or is the tweet simply down to them getting hammered on twitter for 2 days and they want it to stop.


Yeah, Nintendo helped push the game a lot over here. I remember Unite being heavily advertised over here as well, but i'm not sure if Capcom just done that themselves or if Sony give them a hand.


I imagine the Tweet is just damage control. As you said, they've been getting hammered by this decision and are trying to get people to calm down. I dunno, maybe they just want to get Monster Hunter Stories out of the way before committing to and advertising XX for the West? I feel that is probably just wishful thinking on my part, though.

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  • 1 month later...

So the demo is out now on the Japanese Switch eShop...


It's a very lazy port job, more akin to Portable 3rd HD than MH3U Wii U.  It's the 3DS version running in 1080p with the touch screen arts mapped to the directional buttons on the Joycons and nothing more.


The textures seem to have all been redone, but outside of this and the resolution boost, the graphics are basically unchanged (no extra lighting, geometry or retouched special effects); even the HUD has been transplanted directly from the 3DS version, looking very pixelated and ropey indeed.  There's also no 5.1 surround sound support, which is tremendously disappointing, especially when MH3U got such a fantastic 5.1 surround mix on Wii U.  The FMV opening is also kinda low quality (certainly better than on 3DS, but definitely not at the same blu-ray movie quality as on Wii U, probably only 720p video here; again, disappointing after they really put the effort in with the Wii U remaster)


Nope, the only new feature is rumble (not HD rumble mind you) and it's only used very sporadically.


It's a very barebones and basic port that feels a bit rough around the edges; Capcom clearly didn't really care when they put this out.  If this is indicative of their attitude towards Switch, then I wouldn't get your hopes up about future support...


On the plus side, it is still Monster Hunter and thus is a great game.  I'd still want an English version, but the slapdash nature of this port doesn't give me hope for Capcom's future titles on Switch...

Edited by Dcubed
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Thanks for the impressions, Dcubed. I was going to create a Japanese account and play the demo but I don't want the Japanese news clogging up my feed.

I'm still very tempted to import the game. I've played a couple of them in Japanese and, given Capcoms attitude towards the Switch, I can't see them bringing it over.

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Thanks for the impressions, Dcubed. I was going to create a Japanese account and play the demo but I don't want the Japanese news clogging up my feed.

I'm still very tempted to import the game. I've played a couple of them in Japanese and, given Capcoms attitude towards the Switch, I can't see them bringing it over.

Yeah, it's not a bad version of the game per-say, just a very disappointing one.  It's certainly not as polished as MH3U was on Wii U, but it's a fine enough rendition.  I was just hoping for at least the same TLC they gave to MH3U Wii U...


I definitely can't see them localising it though if they've put such little effort into it here...


Edit: Have to say that it looks a lot nicer on the handheld screen than on the TV.  The shortcomings of the visuals are much less noticeable in handheld mode, making it actually look pretty darn good!

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