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Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy (PS4)


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Played this for the better part of an hour just now. Managed to get a lot of gold/platinum relics. Four more to go.

It's painfully obvious that the levels of the first game haven't been created with time trials in mind. That's probably be the reason why some of times are very lenient. The biggest problem is completing the levels without dying.

Never played the second Crash Bandicoot, but there haven't been time trials, either, until this remake, have there?

Really looking forward to the relic hunt in Warped. The levels clearly have been created with a certain speed run mentality (which is emphasized by the final upgrade for Crash).

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And the trophy_platinum.png is mine :D

Thank God, this is over. The game itself is awesome, but the time trials are horrible. Well...the most difficult Platinum from the collection is done. :peace:

I won't bother with the DLC level. Moving right on to Crash Bandicoot 2.

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20 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

The platinum for Warped is very easy to obtain after doing the first one.

Should be piss easy, actually :D I've played the game to death back in the day and managed to get all Platinum Relics :laughing: Good times.

As soon as I'm back from work I'll start with Crash Bandicoot 2. Can't wait to finally give this a go.

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Started and finished Crash Bandicoot 2 today. Got all gems, as well.

A much, much better game than the first one, which was great itself.
The difficulty in the second installment is spot on. There's something for everyone:

  • beat the game only collecting the crystals (necessary to unlock the bosses); not that challenging
  • collect all gems; some of them can be tricky
  • get all gold relics; not tried it, yet, but read that it's challenging (though not as tough as in the first game)

Time to start the relic hunt :) But probably not today.



Look how cute he is :heart::heart::heart::D

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Easier relics my ass. :D

Those jet pack levels are the bane of my existence. I think I'm just too stupid to get used to the controls. :laughing: Took me 20 minutes to get a gold relic on the second jet pack level. Can't wait to do the first...

(I'm collecting the relics in reverse order, i.e. I've started with the final level - which was surprisingly easy; third try)

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Crash Bandicoot 2 trophy_platinum.png achieved :peace:

First time I've played this and it's wonderful. Refines every aspect of the first game making the second installment even better.

As I mentioned above: One relic was more difficult for me than the hardest one in Crash Bandicoot. The rest was ok. Nothing too difficult.

On to Crash Bandicoot 3, my absolute favourite :D

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Played Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped for a bit.

I've beaten the first boss, got all the gold relics in all the levels you don't need Crash Dash so far (swim, motorcycle, Pura, jet ski). Good god, that secret jet ski level...I completely forgot about that. Took me 10 minutes to get the gold relic. Happy I don't have to go back now :D

Love how Pura looks in the remake:


Pura may be cute, but he's nothing compared to my boy Polar:



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