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Paper Mario: Colour Splash


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Finished this last night. After the horrifyingly annoying final boss in Sticker Star, I was expecting something similar this time around but was pleasantly surprised that it was pretty straightforward, assuming you had the right type of cards (and lots of them!). The final level itself was cool and dramatic, if a bit short. The ending was really good, Huey was probably the Ninty sidekick I've enjoyed most since Midna. Oh and another example that Nintendo simply make the best end credits in the industry, particularly in the last few years.


Wonderful game with a few rough bits here and there but on the whole a fantastic was for the Wii U to go out IMO.

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Is anyone still playing this? I got it as a Christmas present but I've only really been sinking my teeth into it the last few weeks and I'm totally loving it so far, if it wasn't for the bashing this series got I would have played it sooner.


The graphics and music are incredibly charming, more than I could have ever imagined actually. The characters are also SO full of charm and humour, something that I was worried wouldn't be the case. And the battles are fine too, I was kind of preparing myself for rubbish battles because of what I'd read but I think it's fine, especially the 'thing' cards.


My favourite chapter so far has to be the hotel with the ghostly Toads, I loved playing through that and especially enjoyed the teapot ending, it was so cute. It was only then that I discovered the developer notes! It's great having a bit of back story about ideas or more information on what happened to the characters.


The game is hilarious and seems to have enough variety between chapters so it's a shame it seems to have been somewhat overlooked. One thing I'm not enjoying though is those rock, paper, scissor battles. Like, ugh, what were they thinking? There's nothing fun about them :p I do want to fill up the museum too, but I guess I can just leave all those temples till the end and decide if it's really worth it to finish my museum or not.


Another niggle is how some battles require a specific card, it hasn't really been a problem so far as they always make it quite obvious what you need, especially the Colosseum one (are you bad to the bone? Do you like crushing bones? BONE) but I recently got to Ludwig in a submarine and was at a loss as to what I should do. I guess I'll just check on YouTube.

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Another niggle is how some battles require a specific card, it hasn't really been a problem so far as they always make it quite obvious what you need, especially the Colosseum one (are you bad to the bone? Do you like crushing bones? BONE) but I recently got to Ludwig in a submarine and was at a loss as to what I should do. I guess I'll just check on YouTube.


There's a Toad in the first area of Prism Town, you know, the place where you docked your boat. He's in a bin, he gives you a hint on what Thing you need next. No need to resort to Youtube.

And just to the right of him, is the place where you can buy Things to squeeze.

As long as you've found them first.

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  • 4 months later...

Bought this ages ago, only just got round to playing it. It's actually quite good. I was expecting the usual forest, ice, fire, desert worlds that blighted Sticker Star, but these are the most interesting and diverse locations since TTYD. Special mention goes to the Green Energy plant level with the retroness :D


The Thing cards are annoying, as either you've got them or you haven't. But it's an improvement over Sticker Star. And yes, to echo what others are saying, I'm glad the Roshambo temples are optional. Yuck!

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