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Posted (edited)

When I first saw a trailer for this months ago I was sceptical...the maps looked far too big with far too few ships flying around.


I have to say that those two videos don't help...

Sure, I don't expect 30 ships on one map, but those trailers don't show more than 4 ships at once?


Well, time will tell.


Kinda hope this will be a PS+ release so it gets as much exposure as it can get early on, because the playerbase on PC is practically dead it seems.


Glad to hear it will have a singleplayer campaign.


Edit: And the obligatory "looks better than Star Fox" comment. :p It really does look much better and more fun....


Edit2: I keep watching the trailer because the music is freaking amazing :D

Edited by drahkon
  Fierce_LiNk said:
@Retro_Link, I actually made a thread about this before and you even thanked the first post! :D




I'm still excited for it. Think it'll be a great game.

Sorry that was me being lazy :p I thought when we'd been discussing it before maybe it had been in the PlayStation Thread or something.


Hopefully a few of us on here will get it :)

  • 1 year later...
  Retro_Link said:
This is currently on sale on the PSN store: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/games/strike-vector-ex/cid=EP8938-CUSA05437_00-STRIKEVECTOREX01


Just downloaded it. I don't know when I'll get around to playing it, but just wondered if anyone else was tempted to pick it up and maybe we can get around to having a bit of a multiplayer session on it sometime.


Tempted to get it at that price. For the sake of four quid...may as well.


Bought it.

Posted (edited)

Bought it just now.


There might be literally no one playing this game online, though. Looks like its online mode is not populated at all.


Still, looking forward to some flying :)


Edit: Holy balls this game's awesome :D


Played a multiplayer match just now. Managed to get a 6 kill streak. We lost the match, though :(

It was a 3 vs 3 deathmatch. I think there were no bots involved : peace:


Really hope I'll find many more matches with human players and no AI.

Edited by drahkon
Automerged Doublepost
  • 2 weeks later...

Played this occasionally during the last few days.


Sadly I only played against bots most of the time. It's such a great game and a shame that it wasn't a PS+ game...it could've needed more exposure.

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