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Ace Attorney - One-Shot Mafia


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It's clearly reliable - as you've claimed you DID target someone, and so did I! What I'm saying is that for some reason, there was at first an apparearance that you WEREN'T targetting someone - I'm just giving full disclosure. It may have just been a slight disruption for me, as Poppa Cube be pointing out.

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I don't get why everyone is voting for Diageo; in my eyes Sprout and DuD are by far the most suspicious. @DuD, it makes no sense that the mafia has the ability to get info on your target before the night is over; I have never heard of such a power, which is unsurprising, given how overpowered that would be. Again, you having targetted the two kill targets and claiming alignment cop, the latter of which has only been "confirmed" by your most prominent defender so far, is just too suspicious in my eyes.


Vote: DuD


That being said, I agree that a no-lynch is a bad idea, so I am willing to change my vote to Diageo before 19:00 if the lynch is still headed that way at that point. At least that will give us info.

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Guess my trust won't be in question at least if it does have an effect, Mr. Edgeworth, sir. =P


I'm assuming it doubles all votes. Gonna quote DuD so I can use his ability again and Vote: Diageo just in case.


Diageo are you claiming protector?




This is a hasty theory but we don't have time and I don't know if I'll still be here next session, but if Diageo is a thief, then I think MadDog is probably one, too, pals. Diageo was very knowledgeable that he knew how Cube couldn't reach me.


Am I correct in assuming you targeted sprout but couldn't reach him? Maybe because of some sick ass guitar playing?


Yes, I was trying to reach him. However, due to some absolutely horrific music, I couldn't concentrate.
Chances are he forged Cube's PM, pals, so he knew exactly what the message would say.


MadDog later also said he couldn't reach me with the same reason. None of the stuff that he has found out has been new information, just stuff that's already been mentioned (and also contradictory. He claims he took handcuffs off Rummy and that his ability takes things from people, but he never mentions how he got the info that Sheikah wouldn't like to be made angry in Session 2). I think it's worth investigating, pals!


Double Post: On the flipside, Diageo could actually be telling the truth about bein' a protector, but I'm just throwin' somethin' out there that people may not have considered. Also, they could have forged Sheikah's PM in the previous session to give Diageo an alibi, which would pretty much clear up all contradictions I think.

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@Sprout, I'm not sure he knew what my PM had. The flavour of it is different, due to different music tastes.
Heh, maybe. It is a hasty theory, pal, and he could also know how he drove you away because he may actually be a protector and know how it works of course. I just figured it was something worth considering so I threw it out there in case I'm not here next session. Thinking about it more though, MadDog and Diageo contradicted each other during the previous session (MadDog was redirected to Rummy, scared by a shadowy figure, Diageo wasn't). So there is that.


In any case... it looks like nothing happened to the votes?




Don't scare me like that, pal!




We got an hour left and we're one away from majority. No hard feelings to Diageo, but I think it's time we made some progress, good bad or otherwise, pals.

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Vote Standings


Diageo (6): DuD, Rummy, The Peeps, Marcamillian, Sprout, Cube


DuD (3): Diageo, Sheikah, Dannyboy


Majority has been reached




October 17, 20:00 PM

The Portsman Estate

Main Hall


"A-ha! We have our first suspect! Diageo, what do you say to the present accusations?"










"...Alright, you got me. I did steal some of the grape juice. Well played, you found me out."


"How could you, Diageo? Why did you do it? Where did you hide it? And who are your accomplices?"


"I could tell you that... Or I could play this guitar solo I've been working on."

Broadcast Yourself



The sound was intense, the amps were up to eleven, and none objected to the air guitar.




People were dancing, those who didn't like rock music were converted, and some could swear there were more instruments in there.


Needless to say, nobody felt like doing anything else during the break.



Remaining Players (10):











@The Peeps


The 4th break will now begin.


Do not send PMs. Your powers will not work during this break, unless stated otherwise.

Edited by Jonnas
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Break 4 has now ended

(Along with the forum meltdown)



October 17, 20:05 PM

The Portsman Estate

Main Hall


"...Phew! Thank you everybody, you have been a lovely audience!"


"Well yeah, the concert was awesome, but-"


"I can't hear you, LA!"


"Diageo, you already confessed."


"Ach, alright."


Diageo has been found out. He was Klavier Gavin, and he was Guilty of stealing grape juice.


Broadcast Yourself




"We did it! Victory! For justice! For Ace detectives! He was Guilty!"




"No doubt! I am Luke Atmey, a champion among detectives! A duke! Duke Atmey!




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It was funny! I crack myself up! Ace comedian!"




"Hahaha! Who knew he had this reaction to grape juice? It seems he can't hold his sugar."




"Ja, he was drinking directly from the bottle throughout my concert. I suppose his cover is blown as well..."




"...DuD is clearly not in a state to continue debating. We'll let him rest on the couch"


Despite Diageo's attempt, the rest saw his words for what they were: yet another framing attempt!


DuD has left the game. He was Luke Atmey, and he was Innocent.





Ok, dear players, breaking character for a moment, I'd like to say a few of things:


-First, sorry for the longest break in this game, it was a bit out of my control.


-I'm going on holidays tomorrow for a week, and Wi-Fi is limited. I'll keep managing the game whenever I can, but the write-ups and PMs will likely be a LOT briefer.


-Dedede is currently inactive in this game. If he doesn't speak up until the end of the session, I'll have to replace him.


Now, back to the game.




Remaining Players (9):










@The Peeps


Majority is 5


Session 5 will now start

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Cube - Innocent, reverse tracker

Rummy - Innocent, tracker

Sprout - Clone abilities







The Peeps


Does anyone have any further information to fill this in?

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Well, I was obviously completely wrong, which makes me trust Sprout. I realise I myself appear suspicious at this point, but that's completely fair; I realise I have not come off as the most innocent player this game.


If there are no other leads, the most obvious so far is Sheikah, given that he was the most vocal opponent of DuD.

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-Dedede is currently inactive in this game. If he doesn't speak up until the end of the session, I'll have to replace him.


[/game] [/character]


The bastard just knock down gingered my house on a jog, but basically I don't think he's going to be coming back to play - the downtime combined with some small family issues has kinda taken it out of him, so he said to go ahead and replace.

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Forgot to post, pals, sorry (I don't think the @ tags worked in the write-up either, as it doesn't show when I check my list of mentions), but, uh, yeah. Don't have anything to report because I assume most of us couldn't do anything. Essentially gave the thieves one free incrimination last break and a session free of voting, as there's nothing much to talk about probably.


Cube's list is accurate based on the info we have, and we could probably just pick one from the list and have a 50/50 shot of nailing a thief, pals... but I'm not sure if we have the capability to reach a majority. When you have a majority of 5 and not even that many people have posted over the course of two days (again, sorry it took me this long to post), it might be time for Jonnas to just buy more grape juice instead. He looks rich enough anyway, pals. =P

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