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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Wii U)


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2 hours ago, Sofiz said:

Hopefully the gap for the Switch release is due to them fixing the frame rate issues. I'm getting a copy on Switch and PC, but I think I'll be playing the Switch version more often; to me, Metroidvanias mean comfy gaming.

I actually really enjoyed the PC demo, and I saw all the criticism for how it looked but I assumed they'd just put a nice shader over it and call it a day. Didn't actually expect them to go this far, but I'm really impressed. My first thought upon seeing that trailer though was "oh no, how on earth will they run that on the switch?". After I played the demo on PC, I was actually a backer for Vita rather than the Switch, and I asked myself the same thing, I couldn't imagine it actually running very well. And then they pulled their Vita support. Thankfully since they're still going ahead with the Switch release, I can't see it running poorly, they'd catch a lot of flak if their only option for a handheld port was a mess. (Inb4 it only works properly when docked >< )

The bit I'm most excited for is crafting. Dawn of Sorrow's Weapon Synthesis was really fun, so I'm excited that this has an even deeper crafting system. And the different kinds of food you can collect, and that some equipment is actually visible on Miriam, and OUTFITS- ah, I should stop gushing now...

Release day can't come soon enough 😬

I already asked them on the Kickstarter page.  It’s 30FPS on Switch (720p native in Handheld, 720p+ dynamic, with graphical enhancements, in docked).  And there’s not going to be any sort of 60FPS “performance” mode unfortunately.


Disappointing, but then again, Metroid Samus Returns on 3DS was 30FPS and that didn’t kill the experience; so maybe it’ll still be alright on Switch?


I’m probably gonna play it on PC though.  A shame, because I wanted the Switch version the most.

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14 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

I already asked them on the Kickstarter page.  It’s 30FPS on Switch (720p native in Handheld, 720p+ dynamic, with graphical enhancements, in docked).  And there’s not going to be any sort of 60FPS “performance” mode unfortunately.

Well, 30fps isn't too bad, I'll accept that on the condition that it won't drop horribly whenever there's more than 2 things on screen.

I am surprised that there's no plans for enhanced performance though, especially with the news that a more powerful Switch should be coming later this year. I'd be extremely happy if they put out a patch down the line that does utilise the new hardware capabilities when it comes out though. *keeps fingers crossed*

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  • 1 month later...

It's been 4 years since I pledged $28 to get the digital release and today's the day. Hopefully. Apparently the codes haven't been sent out, yet.

Anyway. Reeeeaaally looking forward to it. This might be the last chance for a Metroidvania to rekindle my love for the genre.

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I can't wait for this, I also backed it on day one, went with the Alchemist's Treasure tier so that I'd get a physical copy which should be for the Switch with any luck. :D

They're sending out the games first and the extras later, hopefully I should have the game by the end of the month, so we'll likely have a review of it in July. :smile:

I'm very eager to play it though. :peace:

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4 hours in, 3 bosses down, a little bit of farming (yes, it's what I do:p) and I can say: love it. :D 

Got a great sword from an enemy. It hits 3-4 times with each swing. Pretty great. Also have 7 GS shards at rank 7. It's quite strong but not overpowered. 

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Wow, it has been so long since the Kickstarter and it's great to see so many positive impressions coming in. :D

I've been kept well in the loop as a backer but because its been so long I kind of put it to the back of my mind because I trust the developer.

Now that it is out... the hype is finally real and each video that I watch I'm just thinking to myself... I want to play this game now! :p

I know it won't be long, I know I've got other games to play but this is going to be top of the pile when it arrives. :peace:

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So I played this non-stop last night, I love it so much!!! I need to play more, RIGHT NOW!!!! But I have work. So instead I'll talk about my impressions so far.

I'll start with the negatives. Firstly, the character models look very awkward up close in dialogue sections, they still look and move very stiff too, which I thought they had fixed. But this is a minor gripe, it doesnt affect my enjoyment of the game, and you could argue it has a unique charm. Secondly, the game is still fairly buggy, at least for me. The screen at times stretches past the bounds of my monitor (And yes, I did set the correct resolution, before you ask) and sometimes sound effects from one room will keep playing indefinitely through the whole game until you restart. These are just a few examples, but all in all, the game doesn't feel as polished as it could be.

Despite the above, it's still an extremely good game. I can forgive the issues just for the sheer amount of joy this game brings. It's very fun, and really pretty. Certain locations took my breath away, and I appreciate the effort they put into making Not Dracula's Castle look fittingly opulent. 

Collecting shards and item drops is SO satisfying, which is good because I'm spending all my time grinding out that demon catalogue in each area before I move on to the next.

Enemy placement makes you have to think too; they planned for the most predictable thing a player would do in each room, and placed demons in ways that catch you out if you rush in without using your evasion moves and shard powers. This isn't a game you should blunder around in thoughtlessly.

Crafting has a lot of depth, and I enjoy the "first time stat bonus" on food, because it encourages you to collect even more stuff.

I really love this game and I want to play it more RIGHT NOW!!!!! I'm hooked. 😫

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12 hours ago, drahkon said:

4 hours in

No idea why, but I was wrong. When I made that post I was actually only two hours in... :laughing: 

Now I'm at 3 1/2 hours. Thank goodness I have today off, I will spent most of today playing this. It's so good.

Did some exploring, got a sword familiar, still rocking my greatsword. I might switch to a different sword, depending on whether I understand my familiar correctly.

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Played past the first boss in Bloodstained this morning. It seems pretty good so far. Need to try and decide which type of weapon I want to use. The whip should really be my easy choice but it has a tiny bit of lag after use that I don’t like.

I’m sure they’ll get better as I go on but my one complaint so far was how generic a lot of those opening demon designs were.

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Looks like the newest patch (1.02) fucked up chests and item spawns. If you had played the game before this patch and opened chests, some of them might be refilled again. Not a huge deal, but here's the kicker: some chests that you haven't encountered, yet, are open and empty...and some of these chests' contents you need to advance.

I've been wondering why some chests are already open and some of the "max HP upgrades" are back again. Well, I think I'll wait for the next patch in the hopes that the issue will be fixed and then I'll start a new game.

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2 hours ago, drahkon said:

Looks like the newest patch (1.02) fucked up chests and item spawns. If you had played the game before this patch and opened chests, some of them might be refilled again. Not a huge deal, but here's the kicker: some chests that you haven't encountered, yet, are open and empty...and some of these chests' contents you need to advance.

I've been wondering why some chests are already open and some of the "max HP upgrades" are back again. Well, I think I'll wait for the next patch in the hopes that the issue will be fixed and then I'll start a new game.

You had me scared there, I saw this just as my shift was ending and I was salty the entire way home, literally seething about needing to restart and just now I was told it's only physical copies that were affected (apparently). Lo and behold, my digital copy is fine. So to anyone playing on Steam, don't panic!! All we have to worry about is Alfred's Endless Chalk Mode, items stuck in walls, and my personal favourite:




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Just now, Sofiz said:

I was told it's only physical copies that were affected (apparently). Lo and behold, my digital copy is fine

Lucky you, my digital copy is affected.

Apparently this bug only presents when you had a save file from a previous update version. If you start a new game with patch 1.02 installed it should be fine. Haven't tried it, yet. Might do it later. Kinda sucks that I have to restart because my file is corrupted. I mean 25% of the playtime was spent with grinding but I still made quite a lot of progress :( 

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Just now, drahkon said:

Lucky you, my digital copy is affected.

Apparently this bug only presents when you had a save file from a previous update version. If you start a new game with patch 1.02 installed it should be fine. Haven't tried it, yet. Might do it later. Kinda sucks that I have to restart because my file is corrupted. I mean 25% of the playtime was spent with grinding but I still made quite a lot of progress :( 

Oh god, I'm really sorry!!!! I assumed I would have been affected since I bought it day one, but I may have bought it later in the day after the patch hit!! I feel really bad now... On the bright side, at least now you can rush to the point where you were and maybe grinding will be a bit easier if you go at it with a higher luck stat and backtracking...? I'm sorry though, I know how you feel, I grind as I go so losing my save would have destroyed me.

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4 minutes ago, Sofiz said:

Oh god, I'm really sorry!!!! I assumed I would have been affected since I bought it day one, but I may have bought it later in the day after the patch hit!! I feel really bad now...

Well, it's not like it's your fault :p 

You probably don't know, yet, that I freaking LOVE grinding in video games so a restart isn't too too bad :D And apparently my progress wasn't that far into the game so...yeah, I'll start again in a couple of minutes :peace: 

6 minutes ago, Sofiz said:

On the bright side, at least now you can rush to the point where you were and maybe grinding will be a bit easier if you go at it with a higher luck stat and backtracking...?

Yeah, I think I'll pretty much just push through until I can farm a specific weapon. Once I have that I'll continue to the point where I am at my corrupt save file.

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Hopefully by the time the Switch version arrives, it will be patched to the latest version immediately, it still sucks that people playing it on day one/zero have to start again though. :hmm:

You'd have thought that the patch might have been put out a little earlier, especially as review codes were blatantly sent out earlier still because of course they were.

I'm just really anxious to play the game now, especially after backing it, I know the Switch version will have a reduced framerate but it still looks like it will play well.

I really can't wait to see how it holds up and if the differences really are that great then I may well end up double-dipping even after backing it.

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3 hours later and I'm further than I was with my old save file :D Everything seems to be just fine :peace: 

I have acquired quite the OP spell...


Welcome Company, the one you get from the floating paintings. Does a lot of damage just standing next to an enemy. Pretty good :D 


Edited by drahkon
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2 hours ago, drahkon said:

I have acquired quite the OP spell...

  Shard Spoiler (Hide contents)

Welcome Company, the one you get from the floating paintings. Does a lot of damage just standing next to an enemy. Pretty good :D 


Ah yes, quite powerful...


Based Alfred did it first :laughing:



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