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Weight Loss and Fitness 2015


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Ah, yeah, I was doing front squats until recently. I'll give Goblet Squats a go and see how they do me. They sound promising.


Thanks for the advice! As much as I like programs, I do like tailoring them a little. I'll mess around with these either this week or next.

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I find that doing goblet squats are harder on the shoulders and thus they tire before my legs give out.


If you're really good, you could also do overhead squats instead of front squats. Then your abs and shoulders will burn!




On a side note, I managed a new PR for 100 burpees today. 5:47. Was pretty worn after that!

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I find that doing goblet squats are harder on the shoulders and thus they tire before my legs give out.


If you're really good, you could also do overhead squats instead of front squats. Then your abs and shoulders will burn!




On a side note, I managed a new PR for 100 burpees today. 5:47. Was pretty worn after that!


Nice, that's impressive, I don't think I could do 50 burpees in any time.


Yeah overhead squats are good too, that's why I also suggested an overhead walk, challenging the trunk and shoulders only without the flexibility issues and leg fatigue. There's a lot of options outside of tradtional situps, may as well use a variety.

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So 2016 is here.


What did people achieve last year?


What are everyone's goals this year?


Mine is the typical "lose weight" as is every year. The main problem with me is the diet. If I have had a busy/bad day at work the last thing I want to do when home (I get home late) is to cook so I have something easy which means its shit fatty food. That needs to stop along with the excuses.


I think we should keep this thread for 2016 as it contains lots of good advice.

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I need to get back into my running. I've probably put on a stone and a half since last summer. I need to get active and cut out shit foods. I've set myself until April to sort it out. Then I want to start entering half marathons again.

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