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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Online Meet Up Thread


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I should stick to standard fights I think :p never been one for customisation.
I think standard fights are going to remain the, um, standard (and I think most custom moves are a bit meh), but I think tonight was pretty fun. I must have a lot of speed equipment because the only thing my characters could really do was run about at uncontrollable levels. =P


Anywho, got a bit laggy with Glen-i's entrance, but otherwise I think it went well! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves tonight! Those who wanna play tomorrow, speak up!

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I think standard fights are going to remain the, um, standard (and I think most custom moves are a bit meh), but I think tonight was pretty fun. I must have a lot of speed equipment because the only thing my characters could really do was run about at uncontrollable levels. =P
Yeah, I was just using random because I don't have any custom characters (apart from Falcon and R.O.B., but it's been so long since I played, they were pretty much random too :heh:) that Yoshi I got on the last fight I took part in was crazy! :o

Super floaty, and able to KO with his neutral B!?: :hehe:


Anywho, got a bit laggy with Glen-i's entrance, but otherwise I think it went well! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves tonight! Those who wanna play tomorrow, speak up!
I certainly did enjoy it, cheers for the games! Unlikely that I'll be on tonight, but I really do want to play this game more often as it's such a laugh.


: peace:


Couple more GIFs from last night:


Awsome double KO by The Peeps:


And a nice mid-air rest on my unsuspecting DHD, by Glen-i:


Good times. icon14.gif

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Gonna need a senzu for that one.


By the way, when playing on Palutena's Temple, was it just my game that Pit and Palutena talked about a Mii Brawler (of which there wasn't one in that match)?


"Here we have a Mii Brawler." Good eye, Goddess.


There are still two more spots available for 8PM tonight! Do not be shy, my smash brothers and bash sisters, and post to join in. This time I'll be starting with our usual 3 stock, items on, customs off rules, but people are free to change it as the smashing continues!

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So it wasn't just me then.


Maybe my Mii made such an impression that he somehow invaded a completely different match!


Confession time, while you lot were randoming it up with customisations, I actually had a setup for every character.

My Dr. Mario is a beast thanks to a certain tie.


It's the only hope I ever have of doing all those damn challenges!

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Confession time, while you lot were randoming it up with customisations, I actually had a setup for every character.

My Dr. Mario is a beast thanks to a certain tie.


It's the only hope I ever have of doing all those damn challenges!

I caught on to that pretty quickly (you won far too much for your setups to be random =P). It did demonstrate how beneficial custom setups can be when you make them yourself, though. If RedShell takes some time to make some if his own setups he might actually start racking up the wins, too!



This was the only setup I made, hastily put together before jumping online last night. I think RedShell liked it!


EDIT: @The Peeps! I think I may have to cancel, I've got family over. I'll let you know if this changes, but in the meantime, somebody step up to the plate and play with Peeps!

Edited by Sprout
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Won't be around any time soon, but still a minor possibility for later.


EDIT: A Challenger Appears! .....and waaaits. Hmm. Darned stock matches of skilled folks!!


May disappear between matches to sort out washing etc.


Did not expect to be Yoshiing that long! Gtg for a bit.

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Thanks guys for a few really nice rounds. Was great when we ended up being..... more than just me and Sprout, as I just got a real whopping. I was really rusty, and I saw that XD. Havent been playing for two-three months. Looking forward to the new DLC's, that will definitly bring out the smasher in me, and put some more activity in this thread.


Had a lot of good laughs. Thanks for the fights! :D

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Sorry I was only in for a few, washing distracted me but I do find something mildly annoying about Smash online(load/wait times? lack of voice chat/communication? iono) so I was gonna come back but then I was thinking after I wait to join, then consider getting ready to watch the direct, there just wasn't too much in it for me.

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Sorry I was only in for a few, washing distracted me but I do find something mildly annoying about Smash online(load/wait times? lack of voice chat/communication? iono) so I was gonna come back but then I was thinking after I wait to join, then consider getting ready to watch the direct, there just wasn't too much in it for me.
@Alak, don't hesitate to put a handicap on me next time if you lose, 'kay?.[/size]
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@Alak, don't hesitate to put a handicap on me next time if you lose, 'kay?.[/size]


I'm happy to do so if other folks are - the issue is just deciding how to do it. I don't do voice chat workarounds really(it should be there in all fairness though) but I am happy to attempt something. I used steam for some Fantasy Life with friends, I could probably attempt some Skype too though I barely, if ever, use that. People say they use mobile phones sometimes now, is that right? Whilst it'd probably kill the crap out of my battery I don't mind trying with my mobile for ease(as opposed to my laptop, which is doable but doesn't usually live near my wii u at all).

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm happy to do so if other folks are - the issue is just deciding how to do it. I don't do voice chat workarounds really(it should be there in all fairness though) but I am happy to attempt something. I used steam for some Fantasy Life with friends, I could probably attempt some Skype too though I barely, if ever, use that. People say they use mobile phones sometimes now, is that right? Whilst it'd probably kill the crap out of my battery I don't mind trying with my mobile for ease(as opposed to my laptop, which is doable but doesn't usually live near my wii u at all).
So yeah I thought I replied to this like 10 days ago but I didn't so I guess I've got brain problems!


Judging by the super reception, I don't think any of the few people posting here (including myself) are really fussed about voice chat. I mean, I guess if people were genuinely interested we'd see people using what voice chat functionality is already in the the game more. And I think with a game like Smash Bros., you would kind of need all players to be involved to get the most out of it.


If you get more players interested, then we could discuss workarounds, but based on my limited knowledge (meaning a quick Google search), you've got Skype and Steam (requires an account and download), Mumble (no account required, but requires you download at least the client software), or a browser based thing like talk.gg (no account or download required, but more limited functionality, and I'm not sure how secure it is). I don't even have a smart phone, so I have no idea what options you have for those doodads. =P




Tonight is the last chance to play before everyone who took part in the Club Nintendo promotion starts playing as Mewtwo online! Tomorrow's patch is also said to introduce some character tweaks, so some characters today may feel a little different tomorrow. It also means that today may be your last chance to record any replays with a capture device (bloody typical that they're likely to delete our replays with a patch that includes sharing functionality, but thems the breaks).


I'm hoping people will be wanting to play tomorrow, but for those who want one last night of pre-DLC Smash, I will make a room at the usual time of 8PM! Let me know if you're around, or I'll feel sad and lonely and why would you do this to me I am going to cry.



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Sorry Peeps, I can't connect online because of a glitch. I've tried deleting the update data and reinstalling but no dice, so it looks like I'm out of Wii U smashing until they fix this. I've added a warning to the first post, too.


Hopefully you can find someone else to play with! I, er, guess I'm available to play on the 3DS version if people are up for that. People aren't even up for talking in this thread though, even on the day (some of us) get a new character, so...

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