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Gaming Podcasts: A Thread about Listening to Others

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So based in the advice of people on here Ive been listening to the nfr podcast and I really rewlly like it. I will say though that I still find James 'almost' unbearable - he's so so so obnoxious I can't believe people don't tell him to shit the fuck up, he screams jan his hideous whiny voice all the time, he rarely lets other people speak without jumping in and interrupting constantly, and he's just plain irritating. This week when he was arguing against guallame about kirby, a game he hasn't plaued and guillame has... You could tell metts was getting annoyed with him! Think he's such a prick. I like everyone else though.


Made me realise I do love listening to Nintendo podcasts. I listen to ign, gonintendo is unbearable to me (though I like the site and the guy, the podcast is a mess). Any others?

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In terms of Nintendo only podcasts, there's only IGN and RFN that I listen to. For general gaming stuff I listen to Kinda Funny Games and 8-4. Lastly, I listen to Beyond for Playstation stuff.


That's a shame. But I listen to enough I guess and at least they're weekly.

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In terms of Nintendo only podcasts, there's only IGN and RFN that I listen to. For general gaming stuff I listen to Kinda Funny Games and 8-4. Lastly, I listen to Beyond for Playstation stuff.


I keep meaning to listen to 8-4 but now that I dont have a bus commute I dont have as much time to listen to podcasts and the Giant Bombcast is still my main one.

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I highly recommend the following UK based ones:


The Rotating Platform - done by ex NGamer and NGC people (Matthew Castle, Mark Green and Alan Madrell) Its multi-platform but it does feature Nintendo a reasonable amount.


Chat Very Good - done by (quite a few) ex CVG people. Its not entirely about games - films sneak in too, but the banter is very good and its quite funny.

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I highly recommend the following UK based ones:


The Rotating Platform - done by ex NGamer and NGC people (Matthew Castle, Mark Green and Alan Madrell) Its multi-platform but it does feature Nintendo a reasonable amount.


I may have a crack at this one. Thanks for the heads up.


I'll give the other one a miss though. I like to listen to podcasts that keep the gaming chat going, rather than the random banter. It's why I never got on with Giant Bombcast. I remember trying to listen to an episode last year and they spent around 20 minutes at the start talking about different alcoholic beverages. I didn't care for it in the slightest.


Not really a podcast but i've recently started watching the Jimquisition videos that get posted on a weekly basis. Man, I love that guy. he's so on point and delivers the message in a hilarious way. This weeks episode about cinematic gaming was awesome, especially the way he said Citizen Kane. :D

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I'll give the other one a miss though. I like to listen to podcasts that keep the gaming chat going, rather than the random banter. It's why I never got on with Giant Bombcast. I remember trying to listen to an episode last year and they spent around 20 minutes at the start talking about different alcoholic beverages. I didn't care for it in the slightest.


Yeah thats what you'll always get with the Bombcast as its a personality driven site first so a lot of their fans like to hear all the random chatter inbetween gaming talk.

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Yeah thats what you'll always get with the Bombcast as its a personality driven site first so a lot of their fans like to hear all the random chatter inbetween gaming talk.


I still think it's possible to get your personality across, while staying on topic at the same time. I do enjoy some of their output though, it's just the format of their podcast i'm not a fan of.

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I still think it's possible to get your personality across, while staying on topic at the same time. I do enjoy some of their output though, it's just the format of their podcast i'm not a fan of.


Oh yeah I'm not saying its not possible, just that the random chatter at the beginning is pretty much an actual segment of their podcast so will always be there. I think it might be a bit shorter these days now Brad is hosting (he seems to get to games quicker but then has a much longer emails section which can quickly go off topic)

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Oh yeah I'm not saying its not possible, just that the random chatter at the beginning is pretty much an actual segment of their podcast so will always be there. I think it might be a bit shorter these days now Brad is hosting (he seems to get to games quicker but then has a much longer emails section which can quickly go off topic)


Hmmm. I may have to give them another go then. I'm always after some good gaming banter. I have a 50 min drive to work so it's nice to have a good podcast to listen to.

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Hmmm. I may have to give them another go then. I'm always after some good gaming banter. I have a 50 min drive to work so it's nice to have a good podcast to listen to.


One thing I would suggest listening to is their afterhours E3 podcasts (they usually do GDC ones as well but are at PAX instead this year). Those tend to have a lot of developers or other games industry people on them and you get some pretty interesting discussions (especially as a lot of them are drinking). Last year Rami from Vlambeer completely let the guy from EA have it over the Dungeon Keeper iOS game and wouldnt let him weasel his way out of it.

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One thing I would suggest listening to is their afterhours E3 podcasts (they usually do GDC ones as well but are at PAX instead this year). Those tend to have a lot of developers or other games industry people on them and you get some pretty interesting discussions (especially as a lot of them are drinking). Last year Rami from Vlambeer completely let the guy from EA have it over the Dungeon Keeper iOS game and wouldnt let him weasel his way out of it.


Started listening to the latest episode and 20 mins in and they still haven't got to any gaming banter. Still, they are talking Demolition Man, so i'm willing to let it slide as I LOVE that film. :D

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Started listening to the latest episode and 20 mins in and they still haven't got to any gaming banter. Still, they are talking Demolition Man, so i'm willing to let it slide as I LOVE that film. :D


Lol, well maybe its not as quick to get to gaming chat as I thought then.

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Lol, well maybe its not as quick to get to gaming chat as I thought then.


I finished listening to it this morning. Once they got past the movie stuff and TV banter I really enjoyed. I also learned something about the N64 cartridges ( thought they all used batteries for saved states ) which was very interesting.


I've now started listening to this weeks episode which has started off great. They have Mark and John from 8-4 on the show.

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I finished listening to it this morning. Once they got past the movie stuff and TV banter I really enjoyed. I also learned something about the N64 cartridges ( thought they all used batteries for saved states ) which was very interesting.


I've now started listening to this weeks episode which has started off great. They have Mark and John from 8-4 on the show.


Yeah I heard they've got the 8-4 guys on this week, hopefully that'll be a good lead in to me listening to their podcast as well. I'll listen to it on Friday as thats my day off.

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So based in the advice of people on here Ive been listening to the nfr podcast and I really rewlly like it. I will say though that I still find James 'almost' unbearable - he's so so so obnoxious I can't believe people don't tell him to shit the fuck up, he screams jan his hideous whiny voice all the time, he rarely lets other people speak without jumping in and interrupting constantly, and he's just plain irritating. This week when he was arguing against guallame about kirby, a game he hasn't plaued and guillame has... You could tell metts was getting annoyed with him! Think he's such a prick. I like everyone else though.


I've just started listening to this weeks episode ( got an hour left or so ) and I can see where James is coming from. All he was saying is that the two player mode seems tacked on and I kind of agree. From the sounds of it the game, especially boss fights, can become incredibly easy with 2 players.


I love James to bits as he brings an edge to the show. He also seems to be the one with the most knowledge about video games and how businesses work. If I had to pick one person to lose from the show it would easily be Guillaume. I find him very boring and very predictable with his game selections. For me, he brings very little to the table.


I loved the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus talk this week. I've still yet to play Ico but SotC was such a fantastic gaming experience for me and to hear others talk about it always makes me want to replay it.

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I've just started listening to this weeks episode ( got an hour left or so ) and I can see where James is coming from. All he was saying is that the two player mode seems tacked on and I kind of agree. From the sounds of it the game, especially boss fights, can become incredibly easy with 2 players.


I love James to bits as he brings an edge to the show. He also seems to be the one with the most knowledge about video games and how businesses work. If I had to pick one person to lose from the show it would easily be Guillaume. I find him very boring and very predictable with his game selections. For me, he brings very little to the table.


I loved the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus talk this week. I've still yet to play Ico but SotC was such a fantastic gaming experience for me and to hear others talk about it always makes me want to replay it.


So weird, I just don't understand how anyone can not find him unbearable... :) Different strokes and all that!


As for Kirby, he made his point, Guillame combatted it, then he KEPT BANGING ON ABOUT IT, not listening (like he never does) to what he was saying. So so obnoxious.


For me the podcast would be infinitely better without him. If he stopped screeching and yelping and let other people speak without butting in he'd be far more bearable.

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So weird, I just don't understand how anyone can not find him unbearable... :) Different strokes and all that!


As for Kirby, he made his point, Guillame combatted it, then he KEPT BANGING ON ABOUT IT, not listening (like he never does) to what he was saying. So so obnoxious.


For me the podcast would be infinitely better without him. If he stopped screeching and yelping and let other people speak without butting in he'd be far more bearable.


I feel like that when he talks about competitive Smash. He sometimes just has an opinion and will not shift or budge, despite what anyone else says. It's very frustrating as he just ends up screaming sometimes lol.


Jonny Metts though.... :heart:

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Finished this weeks episode this morning and really enjoyed the 100% discussion. I wonder how bad Jonny had OCD and for how long? I can see why he feels the way he does about achievements and trophies though.


I used to be like him when it came to playing JRPGs. I refused to fight the last boss unless I had fully leveled up my characters, done all the sidequests and got the best weapons. As i've got older though this has been phased out. I still like to be OTT powerful for the last boss but I don't try to do EVERYTHING now, not unless i'm really enjoyed it.


I finished FFVIII earlier in the year and the last time I played through it ( about 10 years ago ) I spent ages getting every card, weapon, GF etc. While I did enjoy some of that stuff, the payoff just wasn't worth it.


I still enjoy the trophy/achievement system though. Yes, it can be dangerous and people can get hooked but the good side is that it can lengthen your game experience and make you try certain things that you didn't even think of.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Finished this weeks episode this morning and really enjoyed the 100% discussion. I wonder how bad Jonny had OCD and for how long? I can see why he feels the way he does about achievements and trophies though.


I used to be like him when it came to playing JRPGs. I refused to fight the last boss unless I had fully leveled up my characters, done all the sidequests and got the best weapons. As i've got older though this has been phased out. I still like to be OTT powerful for the last boss but I don't try to do EVERYTHING now, not unless i'm really enjoyed it.


I finished FFVIII earlier in the year and the last time I played through it )( about 10 years ago ) I spent ages getting every card, weapon, GF etc. While I did enjoy some of that stuff, the payoff just wasn't worth it.


I still enjoy the trophy/achievement system though. Yes, it can be dangerous and people can get hooked but the good side is that it can lengthen your game experience and make you try certain things that you didn't even think of.


Yeah I liked it, and it's something I'm guilty of but also something I've actively changed. I've always bought all consoles and tried (and failed) to play as much as possible but never really got the full amount out of a title (for example I love Zen Pinball 2, and I'd love to play it more, but I don't because i have so much other stuff to play), and I finish games I'm not enjoying just to finish it (Siesta Fiesta the most frequent one), but where I disagree on these examples is the reward of having finished IS worth it for me.


However, I very rarely play through rig's and I'm not bothered about collecting everything if I don't want to. And starting from last year I've started not finishing games if I really hate them Assassins Creed 3 being one after 15 hours of play, which would've never happened before. And this gen I've realised I just primarily want to play nintendo games now, I'd rather play smash bros more than play a new game I'm not that bothered about. Meaning I simply don't play the PS4 or VITA (though Ive never really played that at all since launch) - I don't really enjoy a lot of the "best" games on those systems, so now I'm just going to play all the gamesI really want to play and that's it! Focussing on the games I really have a desire to play.

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Yeah I liked it, and it's something I'm guilty of but also something I've actively changed. I've always bought all consoles and tried (and failed) to play as much as possible but never really got the full amount out of a title (for example I love Zen Pinball 2, and I'd love to play it more, but I don't because i have so much other stuff to play), and I finish games I'm not enjoying just to finish it (Siesta Fiesta the most frequent one), but where I disagree on these examples is the reward of having finished IS worth it for me.


However, I very rarely play through rig's and I'm not bothered about collecting everything if I don't want to. And starting from last year I've started not finishing games if I really hate them Assassins Creed 3 being one after 15 hours of play, which would've never happened before.


Strangely enough I done the same with Creed III. In the other Creeds I have collected everything but the 3rd game was so bad that I just finished the story and left it at that. It was clearly just that game because I played through IV and Rogue last year and done everything in both those games.


I don't mind trying to 100% game I enjoy, especially if it offers a fair challenge. The newer Mario games are fantastic in this regard because you can play through the game normally and then if you want 100% then you really need to go that extra mile and hone your platforming skills.


Story driven games are a little different. I'll use Creed 3 as an example again. I disliked the setting and protagonist but the story had me intrigued and I was curious to see how things played out. If i'm invested enough in the narrative of a game then that is usually enough to pull me through it, even if the gameplay is dull. This is a big issue I have with GTA IV as I found both gameplay and story very dull, especially when you consider how fresh and fun the likes of GTA III and Vice City were.


I've enjoyed my more focused approach to gaming this year and its something I aim to continue with. I just need to get Monster Hunter out of my system and then head back to the other games awaiting me. I've missed posting in Your Gaming Diary topic. :D

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Started listening to this weeks RFN episode, just up to where Jonny is on about buying a TV.


Jonny's introduction to what James had been playing had me in stitches, as did James' reaction. I was honestly laughing my back off in the car. :D


It seems Guillame ended up not really enjoying Kirby after all. His girlfriend seemed to find it more annoying than fun.

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