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Tim, i thought we had something special! :(

*runs off crying*

In normal news:

This morning i made it the bakers dozen in terms of girls that have said blatently fuck off after i told them i liked them! Hurrah!



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Oh dear indeed, i was being sarcastic actually. I was feeling quite shit earlier but i'm feeling abit better now. Just gotta see her on Monday again... erk painful.

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Oh man time for a power grab. Jordan you fake your own death I will report this to the police then edit this post out of existence and be made an admin for my heroic work. I will then somehow revive Jordan bring him back then have a heart to heart chat with Mr Odwin and Dan Dare in prision turning them into reformed citizens. Ah yes life will be sweet.


: peace:

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Ah Jav, man! I did not know you broke up with your girl. Man that sucks! Feel really sorry for you. After having lived with someone for so long and then break up, that does not do any man good. Bah! Hey I might be visiting London in two weeks for a gaming event where I might also see you. Maybe we can meet up there, talk, and have a few drinks?



Would love it mate :)


Well, update if you're interested. I maybe didnt tell you guys our situation, we live together so being friends isnt the easiest thing, she decided we'd go out on thursday night 'as friends' so, we did, and it was good and bad, good we had fun.. for a while, then she got all stroppy and later upset told me she was hoping id try and get us back together. So.. im not quite sure where we are now, i guess you'd call it 'trying to make it work'. Shes willing and if im honest, so am i so we'l see how it goes, we suck at being friends, maybe because it was soon after but we both just wanted to give each other some love. Guess that means we do have something going for us.

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Just because your in a relationship with no arguing, doesn't mean everything is going smoothly. You see arguing sorts out problems you have with each other. Also the best way to avoid arguments is to COMMUNICATE. My Nan and Grandad argue all the time, and thats mainly because they don't talk to each other.

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Eh, I don't know, I think it's kind of normal to have those kind of arguments and stuff in a relationship. No one is perfect and things are not always going to be going the way you want them too. If you want to be in a relationship, you'll have to take the bad things with it. You can't expect everything to just be all happy happy all the time; that's not being realistic. If you can't take the bad moments with it, don't get into a relationship because it's just not going to work.


That said, I've been in a long term and long distance relationship for over two years now already. We only get to see each other twice a year for about two to three weeks. In a way, we're living together then, if just for that short period of time (and of course there being family around). And even though those weeks are always supposed to be the best of the year, not every day goes by smoothly and arguments do happen (well, usually it's just me being down about something and crying because I'm so emotional, but okay...). But even though we have our differences and all that, I still know I want to try and live together with him, somewhere in the future. I don't expect it to be easy, but I do expect it to be something I want to work towards to. =3


Edit: well, if you both want to get back together, I'd say go for it. Try it out again and see if you can't do anything about those arguments. Just both try to be a bit more open and understanding; don't think things are going wrong because of a couple of words.

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My relationship problem is that ig et a girlfriend, then after a week i randomly think "do i want this to carry on" which then leads me into a never ending pit of denial etc etc, i've been with this girl for 2 weeks now, seems to be gonig pretty good, though i havent seen much of her in the last few days, because i wanted to do other stuff and yesturday i mjust wanted to stay in all day and play games.

I need a chick that loves games as much as i do so she can come round and we can play them together :heh:

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I need a chick that loves games as much as i do so she can come round and we can play them together :heh:



Heh, too bad I'm taken already. But yeah, that's basically what my boyfriend and I do all day. We just play tons of games, eat stuff and watch tv. Hooray. =P

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Heh, too bad I'm taken already. But yeah, that's basically what my boyfriend and I do all day. We just play tons of games, eat stuff and watch tv. Hooray. =P


Do you have these horrible people there called chavs? or people who seem to have an attitude problem? If not, I think I figured my problem out. :idea:

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Do you have these horrible people there called chavs? or people who seem to have an attitude problem? If not, I think I figured my problem out. :idea:


Don't know if you mean in Belgium or the States... but I'm pretty sure you have those kind of people everywhere. You just gotta know how to avoid them (like, not leave your house, yay!). =P

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Heh, too bad I'm taken already. But yeah, that's basically what my boyfriend and I do all day. We just play tons of games, eat stuff and watch tv. Hooray. =P

That's how i live all my spare time,

my ex used to play fps all the time, like W:ET etc.. don't ask why im not with her anymore. And it looks like my girlfriend wants mto split up with me. She wants to talk about "us" tomorrow ¬_¬

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