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Do you have a blog?


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So why is this any different to my Myspace thread? Y'know what I don't think Ashley likes me. boo. Motherfucking boo. Right I'm gonna rack my brains for a good thread.


You didn't make a Myspace thread, you made a "pimp my band on Myspace" thread. Also, if it was a thread about Myspace it would in effect be a thread about blogs ergo a duplicate.


I don't dislike anyone here. Its only a forum.

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I have an LJ which im really not gonna give out lol.


Its very much just a place to write your problems, ideas, your generall day in a few paragraphs. It makes you think too, i like having one.


They are also meant to make your dreams more interesting, and a live journal/myspace/whatever is free. It doesnt do you any harm to get stuff off your chest.

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I keep track of blog of friends of mine. Easy way to keep up to date with there whereabouts. I also read some gaming blogs every now and then. I got my own blog (see sig), which I use to keep my friends/family updated. So yeah got one... :) : peace:

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Exactly the best Blogs have one (or a combination of both!) of the following, an interesting opinion or piece of exclusive news. Thanks to those that checked mine out (don’t know who you are but my stats showed a few people came to my blog from here), hope you enjoyed the latest breast news, that cracked me up when I read it!

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Well if you can count commenting on the latest celebrity going ons then yeah, i have interesting opinions on my blog. Im shallow.


Personally my blog is about me, as its my personal blog. Although I do like blogger sites, such as Whedonesque. So it can work well either way.

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Interesting voodoo at work here, I just made a wordpress blog, then came on here and badabing, a thread.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, I'll see how it works out. The link is in my siggy and for the lazy people that don't want to reach aaaaaalll the way down there there's http://dieter.wordpress.com . Yes, there's only one post there, I'll try to 'update' tomorrow.



- I dislike the word blog for some reason. It has the same feel as 'podcast'. Bleargh -

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