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Call of Duty: Ghosts

Zechs Merquise

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Last night was awesome. I'm getting to grips with the customisation on Extinction, we really need to play that mode more, I love it. I ended up last night maxing out the amount of cash I could hold, in future I need to spend more to help the team...


My suggestions before we do it again are thus:


1) Everyone learn a bit about the class they are using. There's quite a bit of depth to it.

2) In between rounds, make sure you bring up the menu and spend your skill points. I tend to put mine into ammo capacity and then all on gun upgrades for quicker reloads, longer mags etc.

3) The aliens only come when you engage the drill. On later hives I need to spend more money and we need to set up sentry guns and other bits to ensure we don't get swarmed, no point being dead with $6000 in the bank!

4) The first section is quite easy, no problems there. But the second section gets harder, we need to pick the order in which we do the hives more carefully!

5) Potentially before setting up the drill we need to have a run around and check out the actual area as often you can weaponise different points. For example the electric fences can be turned on.


Hopefully we can do a lot more of this and dominate the leader boards!


Agreed. Especially with point 5.


I think it would be good to have a scout about after we have finished one of the earlier rounds. That way we can learn where certain guns are available to buy and have a good look around the map and see if we can set up camp at various places. Having a decent weapon to kill the things is just as key as it was while playing Zombies.


We really got screwed over with the challenges though last night. Giving us a pistol one halfway through the game was harsh, especially when it was the first challenge we had during the previous nights game.


What's these Relics that you can find while playing Extinction?

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Can I ask what is annoying you? The lag or the actual gameplay style of this one compared to BO2?


There are a few things that truly get my blood boiling with this game. Many of which I do say whilst I am playing. These are just a few that I can think of on top of my head and therefore piss me off the most:


1. Spawn system. I am continuously respawned in the line of gun fire, next to enemys or where you last died meaning that your enemy can just immediately shoot you. I dont find this particuarly enjoyable and makes me frustrated.


2. The maps are too big. I can play for around 4 minutes going through the map not finding anyone and then all of a sudden I get shot in the back. This, I find just gets boring very quickly. I fail to see what is fun about this.


3. One shot kill. Happens way too much. Often it happens when point 1 occurs. Again not fun.


If im being honest I dont want to play in a serious manner. I am, by far, the weakest member of the team which together with the above points make this game stressful rather than enjoyable. I game in my spare time mainly to have fun with my mates. I am simply not having fun.


Maybe I will join you guys in the other modes when there are less members as it will then be less serious and more about having a laugh than where we are in the leaderboards. Little point in me playing when it is competitive. :)

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Come join me and my mates @Blade We don't give a fuck and just run around and shoot and don't care if we win or lose!! I think the games great personally, have a lot of fun with it and really like the maps; never feels too big for me, but I haven't played it loads yet. Still getting to grips with the whole thing.


But yeah personally I don't find it find fun having to stay behind invisible lines or whatever, occasionally come up with a strategy maybe, or just decide to go round together as and when, but just play and have fun. And I do.

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There are a few things that truly get my blood boiling with this game. Many of which I do say whilst I am playing. These are just a few that I can think of on top of my head and therefore piss me off the most:


1. Spawn system. I am continuously respawned in the line of gun fire, next to enemys or where you last died meaning that your enemy can just immediately shoot you. I dont find this particuarly enjoyable and makes me frustrated.


2. The maps are too big. I can play for around 4 minutes going through the map not finding anyone and then all of a sudden I get shot in the back. This, I find just gets boring very quickly. I fail to see what is fun about this.


3. One shot kill. Happens way too much. Often it happens when point 1 occurs. Again not fun.


If im being honest I dont want to play in a serious manner. I am, by far, the weakest member of the team which together with the above points make this game stressful rather than enjoyable. I game in my spare time mainly to have fun with my mates. I am simply not having fun.


Maybe I will join you guys in the other modes when there are less members as it will then be less serious and more about having a laugh than where we are in the leaderboards. Little point in me playing when it is competitive. :)


Yeah, but like I said in my long explanation and in numerous text messages - if you carry on just doing TDM you will find it that way.


Join us in Squads, do Squads on your own against the bots and learn the maps, do Extinction, do Safeguard. There's so much more to this game than grinding in TDM. What's more, every COD has problems on release, you have to wait for at least the first patch before you judge it.

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If im being honest I dont want to play in a serious manner. I am, by far, the weakest member of the team which together with the above points make this game stressful rather than enjoyable. I game in my spare time mainly to have fun with my mates. I am simply not having fun.


I'm the same, mate. I honestly don't care if I lose, just as long as i'm having a good time. For me, it's about having a laugh with people.


@dazzybee I ended up in one of your games yesterday. Sorry for stabbing you while we were playing. :)

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I'm the same, mate. I honestly don't care if I lose, just as long as i'm having a good time. For me, it's about having a laugh with people.


@dazzybee I ended up in one of your games yesterday. Sorry for stabbing you while we were playing. :)


Haha did you? Didn't even realise :)

First proper go last night and had a great time. That castle level is absolutely stunning. Massive, but stunning. Sometimes I quite like not seeing people for a while, adds to the tension.


What's funny is my mate usually gets it on the ps3 and this is the first time on the wii u (he really liked black ops 2 when he played at mine), but he cannot believe how few people play it online and there are so modes he can't get games on because no one is playing them. Oops :) Oh well, think he's loving it, but makes the occasional why did I get it on wii u joke!

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Here's something I didn't know about Safeguard.


If you do end up dying and respawning with nothing, you still have a chance to save your leveled up weapons. When you respawn make a beeline for the spot you fell. You’ll see a red box that you can grab to reclaim your weapons (but not perks or killstreaks.) Your teammates won’t see the red box and can’t accidentally grab it either, but you need to hurry – the box disappears quickly.


I was looking for some good tips on Extinction Mode and came across @kav82 is the double XP active yet?

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You'll be close to prestige now, won't you? I had a quick check this morning before heading to work and you were in the 40s.


60 levels per prestige, don't think I'll bother. I only prestiged in prior CoDs to get extra custom class slots.

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This will probably amount to nothing but whose got this here? How often do you play? Whats the online like? Will I be total noob if I've never really played CoD? I might consider a punt on it for a chuckle with N-E folks...but I'm really really very CoD noob.

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I really need help setting up my controls.. there's that many options that I don't know what to do to get them right.

I've probably spent more time changing my controls.. than playing and their still all over the place.


I can spot someone from behind and have that much trouble hitting them they can turn round locate me and kill me when I'm the one that had the advantage of them having their back to me.


Seriously I'm doing good if I make 6 kills in a game its that bad.

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I had a bit of a facepalm moment with @Hero\-of\-Time yesterday...


I received an invite from him so I joined his party. I had my headset on my head speaking to him but then wondered why he was not responding. I then realised..


I hadn't plugged the chuffin thing in!!

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I can spot someone from behind and have that much trouble hitting them they can turn round locate me and kill me when I'm the one that had the advantage of them having their back to me.


Well I didn't have any problems with my controls as I'm using the Pro Controller mainly, but from the sounds of that it seems like you're using the Wii remote & Nunchuk controls. Are you?


I may have to give it a go and see for myself.

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I've tried changing dead zones, sensitivity, speed.

It's so annoying to see the kill cams and see me shooting and then I'm killed instantly with ease.. they just turn round and like 2 rounds later I'm dead.


Blade how do I read the message? lol


Is multiplayer the only way to gain XP?

Surely it would make sense for everyone to have access to the same weapons rather than have the best players running around with the best weapons slaughtering the newbs and stopping them getting the XP needed to get these guns?

Seems retarded to me.

What happened to picking a weapon set for a particular match and everyone having access to them?

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Im sure we were gaming with you earlier.


Also I sent you an invite yesterday. It seems that you can't join a party if you dont accept the invitation. To do this bring up your friends list and tap right twice to get to the invitations.


Hope to game with you soon mate. Also get a mic if you haven't got one.


Oh I can honestly see why you are getting very frustrated with it! Keep with it though! Even the CoD veterans rage at!!

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A quality afternoon of matches today. I dominated and I don't think we lost once.


Zechs rage against Master was hilarious. I had to knock my mic off as I was laughing so much. Your blood pressure must be though the roof. He was bang out of order though, you shouldn't be pulling that crack against your team mates.

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Yeah for a while, although I left the room to grab a drink and when I got back I ass playing with a completely different set of people??

Still trying to get my controls right.. gonna resort to setting individual settings to 0 then Max and then hopefully find my happy medium.

What numbers does everyone else use for speed, sensitivity, camera etc? Do you use a small or large dead zone?

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