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Official E3 Nintendo Direct Discussion - 11th June @ 3pm


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Yes, and if they did that


"Nintendo's playing it too safe"

"Wait 10 years for an F-Zero and all I get is a fucking HD upgrade?"


and so forth

It's essentially what all F-Zero's have been up until now.


GX added a Story Mode...

The Wii U version can bring back the N64DD's level creator if they like... or a Gamepad Paint Shop.


Tbh I don't see what any new iterations of NSMB are really bringing to the table, but they're still happy to keep giving us that!

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It's essentially what all F-Zero's have been up until now.


GX added a Story Mode...

The Wii U version can bring back the N64DD's level creator if they like... or a Gamepad Paint Shop.


Tbh I don't see what any new iterations of NSMB are really bringing to the table, but they're still happy to keep giving us that!


Yes, but people love NSMB, and every iteration sells extremely well. Two of the NSMB have sold over 55 million between them. The new 3DS game has already done 6 million plus and the Wii U version around 2 million (which is incredible considering the low sales of the system).


F-Zero on the other hand doesn't sell that well. I can imagine a new F-Zero coming out eventually, but unfortunately it's not going to be a seller and won't see systems flying off the shelves.

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Yes, but people love NSMB, and every iteration sells extremely well. Two of the NSMB have sold over 55 million between them. The new 3DS game has already done 6 million plus and the Wii U version around 2 million (which is incredible considering the low sales of the system).


F-Zero on the other hand doesn't sell that well. I can imagine a new F-Zero coming out eventually, but unfortunately it's not going to be a seller and won't see systems flying off the shelves.

Most games aspire to 2 million on the 360 and PS3 which have an "install base" of 76+m. For a game to hit that on a console with an install base of 3m is fantastic

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Most games aspire to 2 million on the 360 and PS3 which have an "install base" of 76+m. For a game to hit that on a console with an install base of 3m is fantastic


You are correct again!


Also I do understand that people want other titles, I would love a new Battalion Wars game but I can't see it happening - especially if sales don't pick up. My big disappointment with F-Zero and StarFox is that they didn't get a Wii outing as it was a great opportunity for Nintendo to relaunch a few other franchises due to the install base.

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Yes, but people love NSMB, and every iteration sells extremely well. Two of the NSMB have sold over 55 million between them. The new 3DS game has already done 6 million plus and the Wii U version around 2 million (which is incredible considering the low sales of the system).


F-Zero on the other hand doesn't sell that well. I can imagine a new F-Zero coming out eventually, but unfortunately it's not going to be a seller and won't see systems flying off the shelves.

Well it's funny because Nintendo putting the likes of F-Zero on the Wii U would help sell the system to me, and I'm a potential customer.


Give me an F-Zero (etc...) and then I might consider a Super Luigi, or Mario 3D World etc... it's horses for courses.


They didn't seem to have a problem giving us F-Zero, 1080, WaveRace, Doshin, Chibi Robo, Starfox, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Battalion Wars etc... on the Gamecube, and I thought that was a profitable console for Nintendo?


Nintendo are sat on a money pot. It wouldn't hurt them to put out some of their other franchises in order to get people buying the console, even if they aren't multi-million sellers. The current strategy clearly isn't working well anyway.

Edited by Retro_Link
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The argument of sales is solid, because that is the way this crazy world works right now, but, damnit, that really hurts as a gamer who'd love to see bad selling franchises given a new chance at life with all the shabang attached to it.


I'm tellinya mate, all this "this game wont sell because there isnt much demand" nonsense is just utter bollocks to be honest.

Well, if an half-arsed, old franchise like Fzero or what have you came out now then it will do terribly only because nintendo has given themselves a bad name (crap online, crap controls [not nailing the motion controls and having myriads of control options.... Which i love!], not the fanciest of visuals et cetera, et cetera, et bleeding cetera.


All that has to be done, is show that Wiiu is a badass machine. Show of epic visuals in many different art styles (not a toony style for Fzero etc...), show online functionality to be epic and, most importantly, flaunt many HIGH QUALITY games. Not just many half-arsed games.


Im tellinya mate, everyone would be willing to pickup anything because there'd be a huhe chance that this new experience would be awesome.

Currently, even if a new game releases, there is no willingness to try it because it will be viewed as a top-of-the-head idea with no refining, no soul (online, graphics, cool story, every other factor of art etc) that has a purpose to do Mario's up+B do drain the coins out of all our pockets.


If people are TRULY blown away by your karts, smash, pikmins, all the parties and side scrollers, ... and quality third part titles!.... Then any old franchise by nintendo that is NEW and 100% upgraded will piss of shelves mate.


To be honest, i think nintendo needs to prove what Wiiu is all about. But they are failing right now. Lots of people in my real world always lowers their eyebrows with anything nintendo but hype crap on other consoles merely because of graphics. Basic strategy hints to flaunt graphics in suitable games and online in every games possible. Gameplay THEN would be in nintendo's arsenal.

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