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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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Did the second boss fight earlier.


Was pretty easy! :p

Quickly hack the door, up the ramp, cloak through the lasers, hack the computer, arm the turrets, wait... Done ;)


I've just done the press conference stuff with Taggart, and stopped having just got the bomb sidequest and needing to go find Sandoval.


Finding a few rooms and things that I didn't first time round throughout the game.


Also I forgot to say. I went through my entire first playthrough without realising you could throw!

Found out on youtube because I was sure there must be a secret trophy involving that basketball. Although even knowing you can throw didn't help me with that and I ended up doing it by putting a dumpster under the basket standing on it, jumping and dropping it in. Just like the pro's do it! :p

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Haven't posted in a while, and this is where I am up to;

Panachea. I found the Missing Link DLC, that is integrated into this game a little repetitive. After finishing Burke off by hacking the door, rushing him and killing him with my arm swords (never get bored of that) the story picks up again. Off to the Singapore labs, talked to all 3 scientists and a little angry chat with Megan. Loved the fight with that tough guy, especially as he can't handle a rocket launcher, 3 direct hits game over. Maybe I read too many of the communications in game, but Hugh Darrow was always going to be trouble maker, and saw that coming a mile off. Just started working my way through the Panachea labs, and heck there are a lot of dead bodies lying around. I suppose it's near the end now. I have 2 more mornings to finish this before my son is off for Chinese winter break, and the New Year, otherwise it's going to be 4 weeks before I can play this again. I've been putting the hours in that's for sure.

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Yeah you'll finish it in time :)


You still have a bit to do so don't worry

:D but you're heading towards the end now. Shit get crazy in Panchaea!


I have to say the Darrow thing came a bit out of left field for me.


Whilst I picked up on all the stuff about the biochip, I never really read anything about Darrow that led me to think he would be the one to go and do that. Maybe I was just skim reading more as the game went on, but what were the signs? maybe I can find a few this time through. I don't think it helped that Darrow was introduced in person very late in the game. Unlike Taggart, Sandoval, or Zhao, I didn't really know him as a character, other than reading he was pretty much the guy who started developing this stuff. Left me a little underwhelmed in terms of a 'bad-guy' for the game.


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You still have a bit to do so don't worry

:D but you're heading towards the end now. Shit get crazy in Panchaea!


I have to say the Darrow thing came a bit out of left field for me.


Whilst I picked up on all the stuff about the biochip, I never really read anything about Darrow that led me to think he would be the one to go and do that. Maybe I was just skim reading more as the game went on, but what were the signs? maybe I can find a few this time through. I don't think it helped that Darrow was introduced in person very late in the game. Unlike Taggart, Sandoval, or Zhao, I didn't really know him as a character, other than reading he was pretty much the guy who started developing this stuff. Left me a little underwhelmed in terms of a 'bad-guy' for the game.


About Darrow; There were little things at first, especially the first meeting in Sariff's office where he just seemed a meglomanic pulling all the strings. Then, during the 2nd visit to China and upon completing one of the Sub-missions, and fast talking to the lady who you give the chip to (receiving a Ladies Man award), Darrow contacts you and is completely surprised by your knowledge of the Panachea and Hydra operations. He then adds, in a sinister way, that he feels that Jenson will visit this place (Panchea). I feared for the lady in question, and I didn't rate her chances of survival highly, because she was the one who divulged the information, went back to see her, but she'd gone. Now he says it, but implies in his tone that "Yeah, you'll visit, but you know too much, you won't return"


The biggest piece of evidence which made me think it's him at the top, he's going to do it, was found in the DLC 'The Missing Link'. Upon killing Burke in the security room, I hacked the computer and there was a very incriminating email from Darrow showing his complete involvement and knowledge of the scope of the amount of missing people, and their fate. In the 3rd Cargo Bay at ground level I also found a Pocket Diary with the same information placed on it.

Man, this game is the best mature title I've played in long time.

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Ah yes you are right about the part where you talk to Darrow on the comm radio.


Cool, I didn't get to play The Missing Link first time through as I was playing the original version of the game. I look forward to doing so this time! :D


Yep the game is fantastic!

I really hope there's a sequel, there are quite a lot of unresolved things from this game, but we can talk about those once you've completed it ;)




Also my Directors Cut is a little bit glitchy...


The comm radio symbol and noise go off randomly sometimes in the top corner.

I've just googled this and other people have it too, they say it might go off in the same place directors commentary is supposed to play if you have that option turned on.


And weirdly, my controller doesn't rumble when near one of the mech. bots stomping around, which is a small thing I liked about the game from before.


Think there have been a couple of texture problems too, and once the weapons seller didn't load for a few seconds, but oh well, it's still great.

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@Retro_Link Are you playing the Director's Cut on the Wii U?


I honestly haven't seen texture pop-in's or anything like that, but the game does get choppy in the cut scenes. Everything else runs smoothly, so far.

I'm playing it on the PS3, but they were released at the same time so it's a bit strange :/


Do you get rumble when you're near a mech? (it's strange to have had it in the original but not here) I get rumble everywhere else.


Don't think I've had any choppy cut scenes... although once or twice the shadows/light sourcing has gone a bit strange on the face of a character I'm talking to in an in-game conversation scene. I remember it on Megan's Mum. But I wasn't sure if that was just something gone a bit awry with this new 'improved' :p lighting system they'd put in the directors cut. And and sometimes the camera seems to switch a bit to often during some in game conversations, but again I wasn't sure if they were trying to be a bit more dynamic or something, haha. Oh also the cutscene at the Garden Pods when Belltower arrived seemed a slightly odd colour.


I think the PC version got a patch. Guess the consoles not so much.

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I'm playing it on the PS3, but they were released at the same time so it's a bit strange :/


Do you get rumble when you're near a mech? (it's strange to have had it in the original but not here) I get rumble everywhere else.


Don't think I've had any choppy cut scenes... although once or twice the shadows/light sourcing has gone a bit strange on the face of a character I'm talking to in an in-game conversation scene. I remember it on Megan's Mum. But I wasn't sure if that was just something gone a bit awry with this new 'improved' :p lighting system they'd put in the directors cut. And and sometimes the camera seems to switch a bit to often during some in game conversations, but again I wasn't sure if they were trying to be a bit more dynamic or something, haha. Oh also the cutscene at the Garden Pods when Belltower arrived seemed a slightly odd colour.


I think the PC version got a patch. Guess the consoles not so much.


Yeah, I get massive rumble near a mech., but I really don't like the rumble on the Gamepad it buzzes too much, like a cheap rumble pack in the N64 days. The Wii U Pro Controller has such divine rumble on it. I find that during a conversation there are odd moments of twitchy/jumping camera. Where a character finishes a sentence and the camera moves in by only an inch,, and then after the next sentence it moves out again by that inch. It's strange, as well as Jenson's odd dancing at times. He moves funny, in that he doesn't stop moving in odd jerky ways, especially his head:grin:, and all the characters really needs to brush their teeth, they are this weird grey colour in the Wii U version, as if their wearing braces.

You'll meet a guy called Quinn in the DLC and he has a circle cut into his facial skin for aug's, the position of it makes him look like he's wearing a total head tooth brace.


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lol at the DLC, I'll look out for that. But I think teeth in the PS3 version are ok ;)


Hmm wonder why I'm now missing that rumble, it was perfect, the rumble doesn't make a noise, and gives a really awesome thudding in your hands, it's cool when you're sneaking under the floor beneath a mech. Ah well.


Yeah I get that weird camera movement in conversations :p so strange that these seem to be new problems for the directors cut, you'd think they'd have nailed it this time round.

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On my Wii U, so a quick post.


Finished this morning. Didn't know I was that near to the end. The tone changed to a survival horror feeling at Panachea, the eerily discordant music, the fast 'zombies' (thanks for the Typhoon explosive system and turrets). I met with Hugh Darrow, listened to what he had to say, couldn't talk him around, so when he sat down I popped a cap in his head, and then pulled his corpse off the chair and paraded him around for a bit (was a little concerned I shouldn't have killed him, but what the hey). Onto saving a besieged Taggart, listened to what he had to say, and gave him a bullet to his quivering in fear head also. Don't see why only one side of the argument should take a bullet and not the other.

Then, the finale. Man versus machine. Into the last room for the final choice of 3. Darrow's truth (nice I like the truth, but I like science), Taggart's distorted view, but with a spin that could lead to a heavily regulated industry (this tickled my fancy as if I were Jenson I wouldn't give up the augs.), or take down the whole facility killing everyone inside including myself. I felt this last decision would have just buried everything and leave humanity to make the same mistakes again (not to mention never seeing Megan again and getting to resolve the strange happenings between them at their 'reunion'). So I went with Taggart's truth. Choosing this path never let me meet with Sariff, I was expecting him to be pyschotic as he is aug'd.



What choices did everyone else make, and how did that affect your ending?

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There is a third option (other than flooding the place) from Sarif's point of view; you must have missed rescuing him... I think the quickest/way to get to him is jumping down that massive hole in the ground floor of that very large multi-leveled/scaffold style room where there's an empty track running alongside it.


I went with Taggart's option as well :) It was most inline with my own thoughts having played the game i.e. let humanity continuing to push further with this research but control it better to as not let this type of shit go down again!! I also didn't want to kill off the the character and all the innocents in the facility.


LOL at killing Darrow and Taggart :p I didn't even think of that being possible, haha.

I did talk Darrow round though I think, can't remember how we left it. He's a bastard though.


Also if you do/can go back and find Sarif, after you're done with the conversation, you can talk to him a second time without getting the same conversation, and I seem to remember this one being quite an interesting/misable one!


Also, if you watch to the end of the credits you get a tiny bit more to the story ;)


- Megan.

- White Helix labs. Really thought we might get to go there.

- Who the organisation were who shot the detective Sarif hired to find out the info on you. Unless they were just working for Darrow or something. I think this is the answer Jenson can't get out of the old nurse woman too?

- And of course the truth about him to, his real name, real parents, and back story.

- And getting revenge for his dog!




In my replay I've just saved Malik.


I moved through that construction site like an absolute Ninja! :p


I realised of course that they are already on hostile so it doesn't necessarily matter if they see you, but anyway, only one of them did I think ;) From the start I went right, jumped up on the dumpster and on the first floor, took those 2 out with a double take-down... dropped to the floor below where the two with the heavy duty guns were only just getting going... double take-down, which left me with the robot which having taken those two out early meant I could safely EMP grenade without the resulting explosion killing any of the downed soldiers. Then had two more guys left I could easily sneak up behind and take down. I think one started shooting at me, but I hid behind a pillar and the sucker had to reload, big mistake. Then it was taking out the two snipers and Malik was free to go :)


Was awesome! :D


There was one soldier dead from the start, which I hope was nothing to do with me, I was a bit confused by him, but I didn't kill him, so?


I also realised that in not going to the LIMB clinic at all last time through I missed out on 2 Praxis kits which I picked up this time (still didn't change my chip)... and also found a new side-quest in there too which I hadn't got before about taking down some other Aug. soldier!

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The more I play this the more I love it. I'm at Hengsha Gardens which is a huge hub world. I spent a few hours wandering around, paid off a bouncer to get into a club, then found two alternative ways to get in there - d'oh! The freedom you have to try and find new routes is incredible. I took on a side mission to off some pimp, Diamond Joe or something, and happened to find a sneaky way to my main objective.


This has got me hooked.


I hope others on N-E take the plunge and pick it up.

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.... question were you "greedy" on your first play? If you were ... and you understand what I mean then choose that part different when you get to her on your 2nd play. You'll get more info out of her, still not all answers but better than what you get with being greedy :wink:



Also well done on saving Malik... bet it was a big rush when you finally did it :D

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I wasn't greedy no, I wouldn't do that to the old woman :p


There were still questions left unanswered there though. Really need a sequel!


Yeah saving Malik was great!

I'm playing so much better this time through! I'm utilising my abilities together SO much better and using combinations of them, I'm loving it! It's also satisfying finding a box, using it to slide open and climb in through the window of a guard box and taking him out whilst he's sat at his computer! I'm also utilsing things like purposefully using footsteps to draw a guards attention up from the floor below etc...


I genuinely thought I stood a small chance of maxing out all my augs come the end of the game... that was until I just got to the boat and lost everything :weep: Is it possible to collect EVERYTHING you had back? or can you just get what the game gives you? The boat is a cool setting, stealthing through it being in such close proximity to guards is great.


The mission with Tongs son was fun this time through too :)

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I wasn't greedy no, I wouldn't do that to the old woman :p



haha, cool... I was greedy my first play :D

Made the other choice on 2nd.



that was until I just got to the boat and lost everything :weep: Is it possible to collect EVERYTHING you had back? or can you just get what the game gives you? The boat is a cool setting, stealthing through it being in such close proximity to guards is great.


The mission with Tongs son was fun this time through too :)


Ah so you're up to the DLC already, your speeding through it then.

You can't get everything back during the "Mission".


But once you get to the end of it you'll get all the gear back that you had so you'll start then in Singapore as normal.


It is a bit of a mind frak moment alright. Especially when you first get out of the jail cell and you hear the gaurds say your eqiupment is in a room upstairs and you expect when you get there you'll get everything back. But you only get bare bones stuff back and you're like "GAME WHY U DO THIIIISSSS" :D


In the directors comentary the devs talked about how they wanted the section to feel like a "new game" and wanted the player to be forced to go back to basics, as it with it being so "late" in the game if they let you keep everything you had to that point you'd lose some of the experience.


Overall I ended up loving the whole section, one of my favs in the game actually. Make sure to do as much exploring as you can :wink: It's a big area when the boat reaches port.


You can actually get an achievement for finishing the whole DLC section without using any weapons, grenades or Praxsis Kits/Points (yes no upgrading AT ALL). Seems hard but I managed it on my 3rd play...WHAT A RUSH :D


Let us know when you finish that section and how you got on...in detail (it a big section :wink:) and what "choice" you made at the end.... it'll seriously wreck your head :D

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haha, yeah when I got to my equipment I was like... 'WTF!... This is it? WHERE'S THE REST OF MY STUFF DAMN YOU'


I did read about the no upgrades run as one of the trophies so I might try for it :) I've only used hand to hand on guards so far I think.


I'm in the cargo bay atm (well... the first maybe if there are more) where you get to operate the gangway to get across. I put the energy cell back in the capsule down below and that's where I've stopped for now.


Having such a small jump and taking damage from a smaller height takes some thinking about again when navigating that room! It is a nice change of pace, probably a good decision for them to put it in there at this stage!




Oh also @Mokong, did you know you can shoot doors apart? I hadn't even thought about it, having only done stealth runs, but I saw it in one of the games video reviews or something.


Also, there's no mission attached to the sniper rifle you find on the petrol station roof is there, it's just there right? I wondered about it on my first run, it's just that door you can hack that leads to a window with a view of the roof makes it seem like there might be something more to it, but maybe it's simply to show you can get up there should you not have already explored it.

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I also realised that in not going to the LIMB clinic at all last time through I missed out on 2 Praxis kits which I picked up this time (still didn't change my chip)... and also found a new side-quest in there too which I hadn't got before about taking down some other Aug. soldier!


I missed the side-quest also, I just thought that I'm not going near the place.


Let us know when you finish that section and how you got on...in detail (it a big section :wink:) and what "choice" you made at the end.... it'll seriously wreck your head :D


I saved Kavanagh, shame about the others. What happens if you choose differently?



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I saved Kavanagh, shame about the others. What happens if you choose differently?


haha I clicked on this and got your second spoiler box :D ok ok I won't look :p


Did you see my spoiler box to you about my choice for the ending etc... Also to watch to the end of the credits (which I didn't initially) :awesome:

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haha I clicked on this and got your second spoiler box :D ok ok I won't look :p


Did you see my spoiler box to you about my choice for the ending etc... Also to watch to the end of the credits (which I didn't initially) :awesome:


Yeah, I read it, but it was too late for me. Now, normally I'll sit through all the credits, but for some dumb reason I clicked skip and have missed it. May load up my last manual save point and play through the last hour again when I can just to see it.


As the unresolved things go, it was the story between Megan and Jenson that bugged me the most, and I'd love to see a sequel just to see how they get on, especially if she's been having too much involvement with the Hyron project. Things could get interesting.

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How awesome was being on the deck of the boat during that storm! Beautiful.


Doing a no praxis run on the DLC there's a few places I can't get to it seems, but surprisingly there's a lot of secret paths to find to that'll get you most places.


Have reached the detention block and stopped for now.


Dunno if I'm gonna be able to find all the weapons parts for Quinn, and I can't see how you get into his shop either, but maybe I will do, or I need my augs.

Yeah, I read it, but it was too late for me. Now, normally I'll sit through all the credits, but for some dumb reason I clicked skip and have missed it. May load up my last manual save point and play through the last hour again when I can just to see it.


As the unresolved things go, it was the story between Megan and Jenson that bugged me the most, and I'd love to see a sequel just to see how they get on, especially if she's been having too much involvement with the Hyron project. Things could get interesting.

There might have been an autosave when you enter the button room you could load? It's worth a look ;) Edited by Retro_Link
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Dunno if I'm gonna be able to find all the weapons parts for Quinn, and I can't see how you get into his shop either, but maybe I will do, or I need my augs.


2 of them are in loading bay 2, the other is in a room where you can crawl through a vent to get it, but I can't remember where.



Later on, there's backtracking to be had on this DLC.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back on this again having had a few days away, am playing through the DLC section still.


It's awesome BTW, it fills in so much more of the story!

You actually get to see the human computer etc... where as without the DLC the games final boss battle does seem to sort of come out of no where! It's a bit WTF.


And you also hear more about Megan and all the different research.


However, it seems I've hit a crossroads in terms of this playthrough...


I was doing a Pacifist/Foxiest of the Hounds Run, along with a no Praxis upgrades run of the DLC but it appears you can't do both on the same run?


I'm at the gas flow controls and it's asking me to gas someone, which would count as a fatality right?


Alternatively I could choose to let them all live via the 3rd method, but this would require upgrading my Aug's so that I can lift the box that leads there.


Dammit. Is this right?


Also, is the 3rd Rocket launcher part in that cargo container suspended from the ceiling by any chance? If so I can't get up there using my no Aug's run.


Still haven't found the back way into that Irish dudes place either, which I guess I either can't thanks to a no Aug's run, or it's yet to come? Don't think I've missed it.

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Alternatively I could choose to let them all live via the 3rd method, but this would require upgrading my Aug's so that I can lift the box that leads there.


Hold on... how did you know about that without having the augs to find it?

Did you look up a guide?


You were meant to be posting about how you struggled with the choice of who to save and who to let die and how cruel and evil the devs were to include such a section! :heh:


I don't know if taking either of the first two choices will have an effect the Pacifist award or not. I got that award on my 2nd play but I can't remember which choice I made at that part....


It wont have an effect on Foxhound though, for that just make sure nobody sets off any alarms. Even though the guards at this point will be on alert just make sure your still never seen and you'll be fine.


As for Quinn, I think he will call you at some point after the gas bit, you will be able get into his shop and get some items but it is optional and you won't get a waypoint marker for it.

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