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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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How long did it take you to complete @Mokong X\-C?


Does the game keep a time stat somewhere? I never saw/noticed one in game.


Checking my Wii U's Activity Log it shows I've played 51hours and 6mins on Deus Ex (across 32 sessions)


I took my time a lot, did a lot of exploring (scouting new areas and such) and doing side quests. Also did rush through the levels, took my time as was trying to be stealthy so spent a fair amount of time watching guards movements and patterns for the best time to move.


It may also be inflated a bit due to me reloading ALOT due to boss fights and some set pieces (like the start of 2nd visit to China for example) and if ever I was seen by a guard and set off a "hostile" alarm I would reload too (if I just "alarmed" them I'd leave it and wait for them to calm down but if I made a mistake and they actually saw me I would reload)





Ah crap my big End Game post is now lost on the previous page, gonna requote it here in the below spoiler box :heh:



Played my second longest ever Wii U gaming session yesterday, until the GamePad's batteries turned red on me, and it's all down to this beauty of a game (over 3 hours if you ask).


Started the Chinese section and cracked on with a few side quests. Finished finding 'Ning', the Barman, from the Hive, wanted me to extort some lady for money, but I made her give up her augment and threw it back at the Barman.



Didn't realise that was an option. I payed off the Barman to leave her alone (5000 credits) still got the Praxis Kit reward and got an extra acheivement (Gaurdian Angel) :)




Are you using the social enhancer augment for convos?


Oh interesting choice... I gave him the gun as a thanks for helping me out. Later in the game he contacted me and paid me back..... let me know if you hear from him again later, so I can see what is different



Actually on that one I decided not to pay the guy from LIMB who gave me info..... he said I'd pay for screwing him over but I don't think I ever heard from him again




I've had that glitch a few times, i wonder if its specific NPC's or locations which cause it? i reset loads in the detroit goign into gang territory, in this tunnel that had two guards i tranqued one then the other, the one nearest a barrel nearly always died from a tranq to the head.

when i finally got both to tranq correctly i went to an open area and tranq'd a guy near a flaming barrel and some broken cars and every time i shot him in the head with the tranq he died, in the end i gave up and walked past him stealthily


Oh well it's good to know I'm not the only one that happened to.


FYI it never happened to me again after I left Detroit for China for the first time so it might just be isolated to the post-Assembly Plant and pre-1st-china-visit part of the game.


I routinly checked every gaurd I downed that they had ZZzzzz's throughout tthe rest of the game and it never happened again.


I know the first time I saw it happen I was able to make it stop.


It was during the side quest for teh undercover cop, I had find some gang boss, outside his apartment was a gaurd I tranqd him and spotted he was "dead" after (But I did get XP points for "Merciful"), tried reloading and it kept happening, in teh end tried to take him down by hand but getting too close triggered a small convo with him telling me not to go any further. After that I tranqd him again and got the ZZzzzz's icon.


But the guys in the screen shots earlier in thread I had tranqd long before that section and only spotted Skull icon on my return to their area ages (and many saves later) so I just had to move on and hope it wouldn't have an effect.... it happened once more after that on the way to shutdown the broadcast signal in the gang area.



I was wondering actually this morning does "ending someones suffering" count against the Pacifist award? The Private Eye in one of teh side quests that asks you to end his suffering I actually talked out of wanting to die (later found out there is an acheivement for helping him die so was planning to do that on a 2nd play) BUT in the RBS station in the lab with Kavanagh there was a suffering patient who I did "help"... would that maybe have worked against me?



Spotted on the menu there is a New Game+ option now too....so does that mean I can start a new game and bring over all my Augs from previous game? Will my "kill" stats reset? Since I have most all augs unlocked might try blitz through it non-lethal (maybe ignore side quests to speed things up) and make full use of my maxed out Cloak and silent walking augs :D Might also help get that "Foxiest of Hounds" (set off no alarms) award...and teh award for completing hard mode :D



Anyway as for the end game




Really enjoyed Panchea. Man that section was full of tension, it was like the game became a Zombie Survival horror, it was brilliant :D Especially after the convo with Hugh Darrow and you have crazy people roaming the halls like zombies, LOVED IT :D


Was able to "talk" Darrow into giving me his codes too, don't think I failed to "convince" anyone all game, mwhahahahaha :awesome:


Found Taggart and Sarif too and listened to them both try to convince me of what to do so I knew the end game would involve a hell of a choice option.


Made my way downward, avoiding or tranqing the crazy folk (listening to some of their dialogue was funny :D) and reached the final boss.


Was prolly the easiest boss of the game. Didn't take me long to figure out how to beat it/her/them and did it on one go without dying or reloading.


Only parts that caught me off gaurd was I thought I had to remove the 3 girls in the machine and was waiting for some sort of context sensitive prompt, then I realised I hand to kill them :( Used my stun gun though :p


Did use a plasma rifle on Zhou though (the Pacifist decription said bosses don't count :heh:)


Then after that the choice.


Damnit it, on paper seems like a simple choice but damn what a moral dilema haha. I actually took a few mins to weight up the possible outcomes of each choice.I know it was only a game BUT....


Do I side with Darrow? All game I've been learning about and uncovering a conspiricy, something which should have been brought to light...but if I did so would I only end up playing Darrows pawn? If I exposed everything I learned would "mankind" turn racist/genocidal against "augmented-mankind", sure Augments could be used for evil means but the same could be said of any tech...would I deny normal people who had lost limbs or similar the chance to walk/write/see/etc again or for some born with physical defects maybe the first time?


Do I side with Taggart? Regulations and laws is something I would agree with, but doing it Taggarts way and allowing the Illumiati to continue shaping things in the background, centralising their power! Augmentation tech would still exsist and be allowed to progress but at what cost and to whose benifit?


Do I side with Sarif? Expose Taggart and his Humanity Front, blame the "virus" on them and allow companies like Sarif's free reign to fulfill their ideas of how to improve mankind...unregulated? Even if Sarifs intentions are noble he isn't the only Augment Tech company.



Or do I do nothing, do I blow the base up, sacrific everyone on board, Darrow, Taggart, Sarif, the "crazy" people I tried not to hurt earlier, the nurse in the LIMB clinic who survived the "hordes" and myself? Would it be better to not play pawn to Taggart or Sarif? Is the world better off not knowing about the Illuminatis plans to control the world with there new biochip and obey-signal? On the one hand I did save Kavanagh earlier at RBS she was going to expose Belltower's secret human kidnappings and experiments, that is something right, it might not be the whole conspiricy but at least it should both ruin and stop the Belltower side of things.



After all this debating with myself I decided to opt for option 4, I had no right to make mankind as a whole believe in any of the other 3 choices, controlling peoples minds and opinions through the media was another part of the conspiricy, for Jensen to become part of that side seemed wrong so in the end as Jensen said in his closing monologue I decided it best for mankind to make their own choice. (wonder does this option maybe count as everyone on the base then dying at my hand and that is what cost me the Pacifist award?)




Don't think I've ever had to internally debate so much how I wanted a game to end when given a choice haha :D


Was a bit upset it just ends after pressing the button though. Thought there might be a "countdown-escape" sequence so Jensen would have a chance of surviving, sad that he may never appear in any future games I liked him :(



Is one of the endings considered teh official "cannon" ending?





So yeah I waited through the whole credits and saw a hidden little convo/scene. Involving a Bob Page (I remember seeing his name on some emails at some point) and Megan Reed....so is she not the "victim" I thought she was? The little witch :mad:


I guess this was an easter egg pointing at events in the first game which takes place after this one?





Adams backstory, I really enjoyed those side quests that revealed his past which seemed to suggest he was experiemented on as a baby or maybe even grown in a lab? But we never learned the full truth, the whole thing just ends with that Alzimers old lady and nothing more is said about it :(


Was hoping to find out more about his past and thought it might be somehow linked to current events happening the games story.





I got back to Alice Pod Gardens and the whole area is attacked by heavy duty gun toting Mercs intent on taking down a potential hacker rat. Didn't give him a gun to protect himself, he should carry his own piece, and those things don't come cheap, and he'd given me all the information I needed anyway. Was in the middle of escaping when life called me to see to things proper. Back on this in a couple of days time.




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Are you using the social enhancer augment for convos?


I started using the Social enhancement aug during the Barman side quest. And I can't rightly remember getting a Praxis Kit for it, so you may have done better than me there


Oh interesting choice... I gave him the gun as a thanks for helping me out. Later in the game he contacted me and paid me back..... let me know if you hear from him again later, so I can see what is different


Will get back to you. I love that there seems to be so much freedom in how you approach every situation. It really makes me want to play through again just to do it all differently.


Actually on that one I decided not to pay the guy from LIMB who gave me info..... he said I'd pay for screwing him over but I don't think I ever heard from him again


I'll tell you if something crops up from him in the future, too.



Was going to do a little more today, but COD: Ghosts arrived, started playing at 9:00am, when I looked up it was lunch, where did those 3 hours go.

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Started a New Game+ yesterday, see how far I get before I get Zelda on Friday (won't get to play tonight due to cinema goings though)


Plaing on Hard mode too (Give me Deus Ex), wasn't expecting some of the changes. Interactable items no longer have that orange outline so might be easy to miss an item by mistake. No waypoint/distance marker on your HUD but it still appears on your map, I like this :) No longer focused on the "X" and watching numbers tick down as you get closer. If you get lost can still look at the map to get a general direction :)


Don't get to use your Augs in teh intro (as expected) but I managed to sneak past all the guards without being seen and without using the gas tanks :D


After that as again expected kept all my unlocked Augs from previous play :D


Helped me get through the assembly plant pretty quick, just turned on cloak and silent running to get trough some of the bigger rooms.


Slightly annoying though is on Hard mode the you only get one auto recharge battery rather then 2 as in Normal. So gotta be quick and boost bars and other energy items are even more important.


Got as far as getting into the police station morgue, decided to take different routes from my first play so took the "back door" this time instead of convincing the door man to let me in.


Still accepted the first set of side quests you get too (i know I said I wouldn't but I can;t stop helping people :heh:), again tried to do things different so when doing the one for the guy in Jensens office instead of using my social aug to convince Tindle to had over what I wanted I decided to get the gang guys off his back so knocked them out :)


Also using the DIectors COmmentary, very interesting, also was handy at one point. Just before the social "battle" with Sanders got a commentary bit saying how they didn't program use of the Social Aug for this battle as they had paced the game to that point in a way it would be highly unlikely a player would have enough XP and Praxis points to unlock it by then....they obviously forgot bout players on New Game+ :heh: But was good I heard that commentary bit as I would have been wondering why I my social aug wasnt working otherwise, haha.

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...you can (I presume) save Malik in the downed chopper from being killed. I just can't kill enough grunts in time. Any advice?


Here's a copy and paste (with some edits) from a post I made on previous page on how I handled that section


If you have Gas Gernades that will make it easier.


What I did was, I had one praxis point to use so I unlocked my 5th and final energy battery and used items to fill them up, then ran to the right side from where you start, there is a crawl space though a wall, went through there, there's one enemy with his back to you, took him out with a handtohand takedown.


Turned on Cloak (think I had up to level 3 unlocked so each battery gave me 7 seconds I think), ran around corner took out one norml gaurd (who is tucked in against wall on right behind some boxes) and two Heavys with stun gun. If you have a Gas Grenade you'll prolly be able to get all 3 of these with one Gas Grenade, not 100% sure as I didn't have one (might want to have the lung upgrade that makes you immune to gas to protect yourself)




(Robot gets dropped in round this point if you've been fast enough, chuck an EMP towards it now if you like)



To right Upstairs, take an energy bar, turn on cloak again stun 3 guards up there. Turn off cloak, up ladder stun sniper. Drop down run across to other side stun one guard on ground level (should be tucked behind cover opposite you to the left slightly...if not might have run underneath you), then leg it up stairs take out last sniper.


Then get attention of robot try to get it away from any sleeping gaurds (I know splash damage deaths don't count but I'm being extra careful :heh:) toss an EMP, done :D


Took a number of times to get right (and a few trail runs to work out the plan and figure out where everyone was) as some times I'd miss a stun shot which was really annoying as waiting for reload is wasting cloak time :)




Hope it helps. You have to be fast so maybe take a few practice runs to learn where all the guards are

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  • 2 weeks later...





I just finished my 2nd play of the game (on hard mode too) but still I didn't get the Pacifist award!!!!





I made 100% every single time I tookdown someone, by hand or by stun/tranq I double checked every single one had "Zzzzz's" showing and every single one did.




(for some reason right clicking the screenshot on miiverse won't give me the copy image location option so just check out my miiverse post to see screen of my awards screen https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAABUaW3v_jxwQ)


Well at least I got the Foxiest of Hounds award so it wasn't a total loss I guess, and of course the award for finishing hard mode.


But damnit Pacifist is want I wanted, it is why I played stealth again on my 2nd play instead of lethal :(



Ah well, I did make a few different choices this time and seen the differences they make, will post bout that tomorrow and about the Directors Commentary....off to bed now

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Figured out what went wrong... turned out was to do with the last boss



So killing bosses doesnt count against the award but turns out the gaurds that appear during the final boss fight do still count.


And you have to make sure they don't get killed by something else it seems.


I had used takedowns and the stun gun last night to take down the guards that appear, I did check them and they did have "Zzzz's" but I remembered this morning I noticed after the part when you've killed the 3 "drones" the floor becomes electrified, I did happen to be close enough to one guard to spot his Zzzz's changed to a skull from teh electricity on the floor. But I thought nothing of it as I thought damage not caused by me didn't count.


Turns out it does here. luckily had a save from before the boss fight so reloaded that today and did it again. This time made sure to take out the guards before killing the 3rd drone, and moved them to a safe spot where they wouldn't get eletricuted, finished off the boss and completed the game and got the award :D



Wonder if that was the issue on my first play too :heh: It prolly was, but because I had that glitch thing that wrongly marked tranqs guards with Skulls icons I just assumed it was that.


Phew, glad to finaly have that annoyance out of my system. Now I'll be free to someday do a 3rd replay and go all lethal :D


BTW, anyone have any tips for getting the "Gun Nut" award? for fully upgrading one gun? I kept a pistol on me the whole game and added every upgrade I could find that would work on it but never maxed it out I guess :heh:.... is there a particular gun that is easy to max out for that award?

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So I've finally started playing my PS3 version of this, it's not the Director's Cut, but hey ho.


Died a few times as I got used to things outside at the start of that level. Ended up stealth killing the first of the 3 guards, then getting up on the roof past the electricity, stunning the second guy, and then stealth killing the third.


I'm still not sure how I want to play this game though. I can get impatient watching guard patterns and even more so if I can't quite see a way past them all. Also sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on the game somewhat if I just stealth past through a room quickly.


Don't think there's any form of guide in this version but I found the hostages. First time my stealth in that lab turned into a firefight and then after I'd killed everyone and explored I walked into the office they were being held in but the bomb killed me. Second time I found an airduct that led into the hostage room before I even engaged with any of the badguys.


Love how many ways there are to seemingly go about a room. You could even walk along the overhead pipes above that lab, which reminded me of the reworked Facility level in Goldeneye 007, which also has great multiple routes.


The camera's are a bit annoying, but I'm getting used to them. Didn't find the terminal for hacking them and the drone gun at one point, I just airduct right past. Was there one?


Successfully stealthed killed everyone in the last main office room before the 'boss' which felt good... But yeah, I'm unsure how I want to approach the game.


I think the stealth run will be a bit boring, I also don't really want to go all guns blazing and violent, but I do enjoy the shooting. So I think I'm not going to try for either one or the other and just go with it.


Health seems to be very low though! and there doesn't seem to be much food lying about?!... or does this depend on your weapon selection at the start of a mission, so if I'd chosen the combat approach I'd find more food about?


Beer does nothing but blur your vision right?... Painkiller, don't seem to help your health either?

Also what do credits you find on badguys do?


I don't really understand what I'm doing with the hacking yet either... I just race around the circuit trying to activate all the flags first! ;p


So yeah, it's good! I may start the game again and just not worry about it as much.


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Restarted and went stealthy... though I had one really close call that I'm not sure if it blew it or not? :/


I dropped down from a ceiling vent behind a guy to take him out, but my landing was louder than I thought it would be and he started to turn around and say something, but the takeout did go through... I hope that didn't balls anything up.


Question: If guards or camera's are yellow alerted, does that have any effect on the stealth run through?


Spent AGES in/restarting one of the labs to take the guys out successfully.


The tranquilizer rifle came in handy and I think is a better weapon to play with than the stun gun.

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Restarted and went stealthy... though I had one really close call that I'm not sure if it blew it or not? :/


I dropped down from a ceiling vent behind a guy to take him out, but my landing was louder than I thought it would be and he started to turn around and say something, but the takeout did go through... I hope that didn't balls anything up.


Question: If guards or camera's are yellow alerted, does that have any effect on the stealth run through?


Spent AGES in/restarting one of the labs to take the guys out successfully.


The tranquilizer rifle came in handy and I think is a better weapon to play with than the stun gun.


Ah you should be fine, for the Stealth award, "Foxiest of Hounds", you just need to make sure no alarms get set off. If a gaurds thinks he sees something and you see "Alarmed" on the map that won't effect it, if a gaurd makes a confirmed sighting of you and you see "Hostile" on the map you can still be ok so long as you take him down before he alerts other gaurds and/or turns on an alarm.


Are you going non-lethal too?


If yes you should be ok to not even have to worry bout hidding bodies so long as they are "asleep". If it happened that a patrol spotted a downed guard that is asleep he'll just wake him up, they might be alarmed for a bit but aren't gonna set off an alarm.


If you are going lethal then make sure to hide any dead gaurds as best you can so any potential patrols that come to that area later won't see him. If they see a dead body they will set off the alarm...not you don't have to be even still in the same room or nearby for this to happen. Patrols continue till you finish and leave an area.


A good indicator is if after finishing a section you get the "Smooth Operator" XP bonus, means you did that area without setting off alarms (though if the next section is still part of the same area or level patrols might still be active to find bodies) in the previous till you finish the area completely and get back to one of the city hubs.


So yeah if you are going for Foxiest of Hounds (pure stealth) best to also go non-lethal. It also a good idea to try hack and turn off any Alarm panels if you can too that way guards won't be able to use them even if they did later find a body you left behind.



Oddly on the Foxiest of Hounds award I noticed it doesn't seem to "stay" on your awards list after you turn off the game??? It's vanished from my list on my current play but luckily still have a save from my previous play at start of final boss so can just reload and do that again to regain it.



I'm currently on my 3rd play, going lethal and flying through it since I don't have to worry bout restarting if I get seen :D


Though I'm not using weapons on bosses as noticed there is awards for beating the first 3 without using any guns or gernades, done the first 2 so far :)


Also noticed there is an award for beating the "DLC" section without using and weapons, gernades OR PAXIS KITS.... now that sounds a hard one, will give it a go when I get there though and see how it goes haha

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@Mokong X\-C Thanks for the tips man!


Yeah I'm going stealthy, I have been hiding bodies somewhat, but I'll know not to worry too much now necessarily. Yeah I did notice other guards waking a sleeping guard up and then go on alert, so I restarted, but that seems to be ok now then too! ;)


Couple of questions:


If you see hackable garages/lock-ups on the street can you just go ahead and do them?


Also, on that same theme, I've got a few side quests now... One I got a whole ago was getting into a guys apartment, the guy with the security gates. I'm guessing you aren't just meant to go through these?... I have seen there is a rooftop jump heading in the direction of the guys apartment, but I'm not powered up enough to make it. Is that related to the same sidequest and I come back later, or is that something else? Maybe I do just hack the gate? ;p although there's also a suspended fire escape ladder near the gates too.


I've now got to get into the police station, but the 'way in' is saying I'm not experienced enough to hack it. Do I need to do some sidequests to get enough XP to reach that level first or am I missing something here? No spoilers though please ;p


Oh and the man and wife I saved during the first mission, they have a hackable safe... is that just a test of character type thing? I feel they are nice people and I shouldn't be steeling from them!

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@Mokong X\-C Thanks for the tips man!


Yeah I'm going stealthy, I have been hiding bodies somewhat, but I'll know not to worry too much now necessarily. Yeah I did notice other guards waking a sleeping guard up and then go on alert, so I restarted, but that seems to be ok now then too! ;)


Yeah so long as they don't set off an alarm you are fine as the stealth award is tied to the alarm system. They'll only go for an alarm if they see you or find a dead body.


Small tip for later, you come across some areas where you can freely walk and talk to enemy gaurds obviously you're fine in these situations if they see you, you can tell by if their "arrow" on the map radar is green (ok) or grey (don't let them see you)...well that's how it is on the WiiU but I assume it same for you on PS3.... BUT if they see you walk into a restricted area without clearnance or using/hacking a computer then you're likely to hear alarms follow :wink:



Couple of questions:


If you see hackable garages/lock-ups on the street can you just go ahead and do them?


Yes hack away :) YOu might get lucky and find Pocket Secretaries with access codes for them in some apartments too. But I hacked all of them (found the codes after hacking :heh:)


Also, on that same theme, I've got a few side quests now... One I got a whole ago was getting into a guys apartment, the guy with the security gates. I'm guessing you aren't just meant to go through these?... I have seen there is a rooftop jump heading in the direction of the guys apartment, but I'm not powered up enough to make it. Is that related to the same sidequest and I come back later, or is that something else? Maybe I do just hack the gate? ;p although there's also a suspended fire escape ladder near the gates too.


This is the side quest for the guy that appears in your office yeah? And the appartment you're looking for is Brian Tindales yeah?


If that's right, you can find away into that building anyway you want :wink: Your method of entry has no effect on the quest... though how you get in might reward with more XP points ;) YOu can hack the gate if you want or you use the fire escape, the game is all about choice :wink:

It's also possible to find the code for the gate but I think if I remember right it is on Tindales own computer so that would only good to you if you entered via fire escape and left via the gate.


I've now got to get into the police station, but the 'way in' is saying I'm not experienced enough to hack it. Do I need to do some sidequests to get enough XP to reach that level first or am I missing something here? No spoilers though please ;p


Nope, you don't have to. There are two other ways into the Police Station. The best way is through the front door ;)


If you talk the the guy at reception on entering the front door you can have a "social battle" with him. Get it right and you'll talk him into letting you have access to the Morgue. You can then walk right into the station and to the morgue without worrying about being seen by the cops inside.... but if you need to get into anyones office (like for a sidequest :wink:) don't let anyone see you where you're not meant to be or hacking doors.


If you got yourself the Social Enchancer Augment that'll make winning Social Battles a bit easier but you'll have to pay close attention to the "readings" so you'll know which options to choose when you get a chance to try "force the conversation".


Oh and the man and wife I saved during the first mission, they have a hackable safe... is that just a test of character type thing? I feel they are nice people and I shouldn't be steeling from them!


You can do what you want, again that is what the game is about..... just close the door so they don't see you.... if they see you they might not remain so friendly.




I only just noticed I missed your original post so I'll answer questions from there too :D


Health seems to be very low though! and there doesn't seem to be much food lying about?!... or does this depend on your weapon selection at the start of a mission, so if I'd chosen the combat approach I'd find more food about?


No, health is the same no matter what option you choose

As standard you have 100HP but this can be increased to 200 with various items. But if you take damage and go below 100HP you can hide in a corner and heal but it will only heal as far as 100HP. If you have for example 200HP and take damage but stay above 100HP it won't autoheal back.


You can upgrade your "Skin" aug I think it is so that you take less damage but this doesn't increase you're overall HP. But if you are playing for stealth you shouldn't be getting into many gunfights...other than bosses of course :heh: Taking cover is still essential even if you maxed out your Skin aug.


Beer does nothing but blur your vision right?... Painkiller, don't seem to help your health either?

Also what do credits you find on badguys do?


Beer will give you 5 extra HP, so do other drinks, can't remember if they give more HP but the stronger the drink the more blurred your vision gets :wink:


Painkillers give you I think 25 extra HP


You've prolly figured the Credits out by now but just in case, they are cash and ca be used in the few "shops" and at LIMB clinics to buy items.


I don't really understand what I'm doing with the hacking yet either... I just race around the circuit trying to activate all the flags first! ;p


Essentially yeah. One of your upgrades will reduce your chances of starting a trace when you capture or fortify nodes, if you are playing for Stealth best upgrade that aug, think it called "Capture Stealth" or something like that.


Actually that's something I forgot previously, if you are playing for Stealth you don't want to EVER FAIL A HACK! Even though you might have say 3 attempts to hack a level 3 terminal, if on your first hack attempt the Network Security traces all teh way back to your entry node it will set off an ALARM and you won;t get the stealth achievement at end of game!

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@Mokong X\-C Thanks man!


I think I'm really stuck getting into the Police Station.


I tried going in through the main entrance, but no I don't think I had the Social Enhancer upgrade and the guy didn't let me in. I just got some XP points for talking things out with him.


I don't seem to have the experience level to hack the door in the sewer :/


Maybe the fire escape option is available to me, but I now can't remember why I didn't take that way either... maybe it was too high? I have to go back and have a look.


I'm annoyed now I didn't do the Social upgrade :p or did I?... hmm. Hopefully I'll have time to give it a go over the weekend.

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@Mokong X\-C Thanks man!


I think I'm really stuck getting into the Police Station.


I tried going in through the main entrance, but no I don't think I had the Social Enhancer upgrade and the guy didn't let me in. I just got some XP points for talking things out with him.


You sure he didn't give you access to the morgue? Did you try to walk into the next door (it a glass door), if you haven't been given access a cop will stop you, if you have he won't.


Or you don't happen to have a save from before you talked to Haas (the guy at reception) that you can reload and try again do you?


Maybe the fire escape option is available to me, but I now can't remember why I didn't take that way either... maybe it was too high? I have to go back and have a look.


It should be, I don't think you need teh Jump upgrade aug to get to it? If it is too high there might be a box or something near by you can bring over and use as a step to help you jump higher.... but remember if you go in that way.... don't get seen.


That be the hardest way in as you';; be entering from the roof... and the morgue is in the basement.... did you unlock the Cloak aug? :D


I'm annoyed now I didn't do the Social upgrade :p or did I?... hmm. Hopefully I'll have time to give it a go over the weekend.


You might know this but just had a though and thought best to ask.... you do know you have to manually choose which upgrades to unlock yeah? When you get enough XP to "Level Up" you get a Praxsis Point which you use to unlock or upgrade the ability of your choice. Most abilities need 2 Praxis points to unlock originally, then 1 more for each upgrade... but I think the Social Enhancer only needs 1 point to unlock.... you can also buy Praxis kits at LIMB clinics or sometimes you'll find them...very rarely though...some side quests might reward you with one too.



When you do have the Social Enhancer you might not get how it works at first, if you can't figure it out give me a shout :)

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Yeah I didn't get let in through the door, I walked past them and they shot at me ;p


I seem to remember looking around for something for the fire escape but, hmm I'm not sure what went on there now/why I didn't think it was viable.


I think I've somewhat screwed my upgrades up.

I think I spent two upgrades on hacking, perhaps unnecessarily... if you see a level two door, you have to be at level two hacking etc right and so on (I can't really remember how the hacking trees work now, and there are maybe 4 different ones aren't there).

And my remaining two upgrades to max out the speed at which my battery recovers, so that I don't have to wait to sneak up on guys and take them out.


Urgh I don't really want to, but I think I might have more fun starting again and reconsidering my options.


I might have to set up a few alternate saves for the game as I go as well, as I've just been playing off the one. Save system is a bit annoying, but only I guess because I think of it as a shooter and should be able to go back and play missions, when in fact it's not :p

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Restarted, but am now past where I'd got to. Considered my augmentations better.


I now know why I didn't take the fire escape... because I couldn't even find one! :p

Only after leaving the police station via the roof did I find how you get to it, and whilst I thought I had been been completely to the end of the sewers before I had somehow missed this exit!? couldn't believe it.


Anyway, I talked my way in to the police station this time, and well I have to say I am looking forward to a future playthrough because I actually think the stealth approach (having not being let in) would actually be much more fun than basically having free reign of the place ;p. It will be a nice bit of stealth in what will otherwise be an all out action second runthrough ;)


Would have preferred to find details on the bad cops computer to confront him with, rather than him just confessing for example. Although damn it does look like stealthing your way through the police station could be damn hard!!


I question how you get into the police station from the sewers with that laser grid up on the other side of the door?... I went to disable it from the police station side but it set an alarm off (so I restarted that bit)!


Getting a little bit more used to hacking and what options you have at each node, it's still a bit confusing though.


I got into the police lock-up and hacked the safe getting Megan's bracelet :/


I also got into Tindall's apartment this time, via the fire escape and leaving through the main gate.

The first time round I went into the wrong apartment on the floor above :p where upon entering a room I was surprised to be confronted with a triggered explosion!! I realised my mistake and started again, haha.


Was cool hiding in the bathroom as that guy broke into the apartment too!


I ended today's play in the lobby of my apartment building just about to talk to Megan's Mum again.


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Anyway, I talked my way in to the police station this time, and well I have to say I am looking forward to a future playthrough because I actually think the stealth approach (having not being let in) would actually be much more fun than basically having free reign of the place ;p. It will be a nice bit of stealth in what will otherwise be an all out action second runthrough ;)


Would have preferred to find details on the bad cops computer to confront him with, rather than him just confessing for example. Although damn it does look like stealthing your way through the police station could be damn hard!!




I question how you get into the police station from the sewers with that laser grid up on the other side of the door?... I went to disable it from the police station side but it set an alarm off (so I restarted that bit)!



Haha yeah on my 2nd play I went in via the sewers and made my way upward to get to the Captians office and the other guys office. It is a totally different expereince :D


Speaking of which sure didn't you still have to get into the Captains office? you would have had to do that stealthly.... how did you get in?


As for the laser grid, can't fully remember, as I said I talked my way in on first play but I went via the sewer on 2nd play but of course that was a New Game+ so I most augs and upgrades unlocked. Actually can't remember if there is a panel now to hack and turn off from the sewer side? You might need the cloak to be able to walk through it? Or maybe there was a vent hidden somewhere?




Getting a little bit more used to hacking and what options you have at each node, it's still a bit confusing though.


Yeah took me awhile to get used to it too on my first play. best advise is when ever you get a praxis point/kit upgrade the aug that reduces your percentage chance of tripping the Network Security Trace.... unless you really think you need something else for something. If you can max that out all nodes will be 15% chance of getting noticed on capture.


Fortifying is another one, if you can fortify nodes along the route the the trace goes you can slow it down. But you have to capture a node before you can fortify it...you can also fortify your entry node. But the percentage chance of starting a Trace is different for Fortify and there is a seperate Aug upgrade to reduce the Fortify percentage.


Oddly though on my 1st play I NEVER used fortify :D So it is possible to just capture, you just have to be fast and make good use of your Nuke viruses and Stop Worms (I think the GamePad use for this helps also cause you get a touch interface for it which is really awesome, actually feel like Jensen holding a hacking device in my hand :D)


But on my 2nd play I used it alot cause it was only then that I really got a feel for how it worked :heh:



Was cool hiding in the bathroom as that guy broke into the apartment too!



Can you just hide on that guy? Does he just go away after awhile or something? lol, everytime I did that part I ran up to him and knocked him out with my fists :heh:





Anyway on my current replay I've just reached the portion that would have been the DLC on the original (do you have that Retro?), trying for this award to get through it all without using a weapon, gernade or praxis kits, doing well do far, got as far as meeting the doc last night and called it a night, will try finish it later today. It's not been as hard as I thought so far, but I think this may be mainly due to me having played through this area twice before :heh:


Though my capture augs reset and not being able to use praxis kits means I can't hack anything :heh: Gotta find the codes and then in the tower section even if you find the code for the security computer you can't turn off the robots that patrol the upper floor :heh: So that was interesting trying to get past them without shutting them off.


The next part will likely be harder though as there more gaurds which is why I left it till today so I'm not tired trying to sneak past them :heh::)

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Haha yeah on my 2nd play I went in via the sewers and made my way upward to get to the Captians office and the other guys office. It is a totally different expereince :D


Speaking of which sure didn't you still have to get into the Captains office? you would have had to do that stealthly.... how did you get in?


As for the laser grid, can't fully remember, as I said I talked my way in on first play but I went via the sewer on 2nd play but of course that was a New Game+ so I most augs and upgrades unlocked. Actually can't remember if there is a panel now to hack and turn off from the sewer side? You might need the cloak to be able to walk through it? Or maybe there was a vent hidden somewhere?


I just tried watching a youtube video to remind myself which one the Captain's Office was (because tbh they all blurred into one) and OMG the part I clicked on in the video happened to show me things I didn't even know you could do in there! Using a code you find on one computer to hack the one next to it which gives you access to the camera's!!? and also it showed the baddie who gets away at the end of mission one (eyepatch guy) is in one of the cells??... When I walked past the cells and casually looked into them nothing like that happened. I stopped watching after that ;p hopeful;y when I stealth my way through the police station on my second run, I'l discover these types of things easier.


Is the Captain's Office the one with the shotgun in it? if it is, there was a code for that on one of the computers. If it's another one, then yeah I guess I did stealth in through one of the vents, but I wouldn't really call it that, because the police guards really take no notice of you.


Hmm yeah I'm intrigued about the laser grid.


Yeah took me awhile to get used to it too on my first play. best advise is when ever you get a praxis point/kit upgrade the aug that reduces your percentage chance of tripping the Network Security Trace.... unless you really think you need something else for something. If you can max that out all nodes will be 15% chance of getting noticed on capture.


Fortifying is another one, if you can fortify nodes along the route the the trace goes you can slow it down. But you have to capture a node before you can fortify it...you can also fortify your entry node. But the percentage chance of starting a Trace is different for Fortify and there is a seperate Aug upgrade to reduce the Fortify percentage.


Oddly though on my 1st play I NEVER used fortify :D So it is possible to just capture, you just have to be fast and make good use of your Nuke viruses and Stop Worms (I think the GamePad use for this helps also cause you get a touch interface for it which is really awesome, actually feel like Jensen holding a hacking device in my hand :D)


But on my 2nd play I used it alot cause it was only then that I really got a feel for how it worked :heh:

Yeah I've had one Stop Worm which go off automatically right, get me out of being caught on one occasion.


And I used a nuke for the first time yesterday to slow things down, was handy!


Can you just hide on that guy? Does he just go away after awhile or something? lol, everytime I did that part I ran up to him and knocked him out with my fists :heh:

First time I got the stuff off that computer I heard a noise, and thought... is that someone coming home?... I put it down to noise outside until they shouted again right outside the bedroom door! Just when I thought 'shit maybe I can hide in the bathroom the guy burst in even before I was off the computer and shot me ;p


So I reloaded the auto save which actually didn't give me as much time, the guy was already inside [tense!], but I just had time to get into the bathroom, but not to close the door! I hid around the corner as the guy came to the bathroom doorway asking if anyone was there. He then wrongly (haha!) thought the cost was clear and went and sat down at the dining table, so I snuck up behind him and took his sorry ass down! ;p


Anyway on my current replay I've just reached the portion that would have been the DLC on the original (do you have that Retro?), trying for this award to get through it all without using a weapon, gernade or praxis kits, doing well do far, got as far as meeting the doc last night and called it a night, will try finish it later today. It's not been as hard as I thought so far, but I think this may be mainly due to me having played through this area twice before :heh:


Though my capture augs reset and not being able to use praxis kits means I can't hack anything :heh: Gotta find the codes and then in the tower section even if you find the code for the security computer you can't turn off the robots that patrol the upper floor :heh: So that was interesting trying to get past them without shutting them off.


The next part will likely be harder though as there more gaurds which is why I left it till today so I'm not tired trying to sneak past them :heh::)

Booo, no I don't have the DLC. When I bought the PS3 version in the sale for £4 :p I could have bought the DLC packs too for a little more money, but I wasn't sure if I would like the game at the time or not so didn't bother. The DLC in the definitive edition is actually built into the main game is it!? Whenever I get a Wii U in the future maybe I'll consider getting it. Or I might look into the cost of the DLC otherwise :)


Oh yeah an I punched my first civilian yesterday! :p haha, I had no idea you could! I pressed the wrong button and just smacked him! oops!

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I just tried watching a youtube video to remind myself which one the Captain's Office was (because tbh they all blurred into one) and OMG the part I clicked on in the video happened to show me things I didn't even know you could do in there! Using a code you find on one computer to hack the one next to it which gives you access to the camera's!!? and also it showed the baddie who gets away at the end of mission one (eyepatch guy) is in one of the cells??... When I walked past the cells and casually looked into them nothing like that happened. I stopped watching after that ;p hopeful;y when I stealth my way through the police station on my second run, I'l discover these types of things easier.


Is the Captain's Office the one with the shotgun in it? if it is, there was a code for that on one of the computers. If it's another one, then yeah I guess I did stealth in through one of the vents, but I wouldn't really call it that, because the police guards really take no notice of you.


Hmm yeah I'm intrigued about the laser grid.




The Captains office was one of the ones you had to go in for the side quest for Megans mom.... speaking of which I'm curious.... what did you do with teh braclet?


Anyway... you met Zeke in the prison cells????WTF?? I never seen that? Didn't know it was possible to get him locked up?


So what exactly did you do during your encounter with Zeke (Eyepatch guy)?


On my first play I talked him out of taking the woman as a hostage and let him go, the cops weren't able to catch him (incidently this leads to a little side quest later)


Did the same on my 2nd play, on my current play I decided to not talk (as I was going lethal) and managed to shot him before he could shot the woman.... his body later appeared in the police morgue with the hacker.






Yeah I've had one Stop Worm which go off automatically right, get me out of being caught on one occasion.


And I used a nuke for the first time yesterday to slow things down, was handy!


Booo, no I don't have the DLC. When I bought the PS3 version in the sale for £4 :p I could have bought the DLC packs too for a little more money, but I wasn't sure if I would like the game at the time or not so didn't bother. The DLC in the definitive edition is actually built into the main game is it!? Whenever I get a Wii U in the future maybe I'll consider getting it. Or I might look into the cost of the DLC otherwise :)


Oh yeah an I punched my first civilian yesterday! :p haha, I had no idea you could! I pressed the wrong button and just smacked him! oops!


Yeah it's built right into the directors cut. There's a few weapons, not sure which they are but I guess one is the sniper rifle you can find next to a dead sniper early in the game.


The main DLC was an extra level that they've slotted seemlessly into the main story. I wouldn't have known it was teh DLC level if I wasn't told when I was wondering why all my augs had reset to factory zero (there's a very good story reason for this, the developer reason was when they made teh DLC originaly they wanted it to feel like a new expereince for old players so they reset the augs...in the directors cut you get everything back at the end of teh "DLC" section

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@Mokong X\-C

I think I'm gonna have to go back into the police station and make sure I've done everything, I'm sure I have, but I can't remember what info I got for Megan's Mum from there?...


- The dodgy cop, confessed to me so that's one piece of info

- There was the lock-up detailing the investigation



No no, I didn't see Zeke in jail, I just saw it in a youtube video just now...






When I met Zeke I had the same as you, he let the hostage go and then left...


although curiously... when I started the game from the beginning again I decided to take a bit of time this time and properly read all the options you can say to him... because I took extra time, even though I picked the same options, the scene played out differently!! different facial expressions, different responses and he ended up leaving with the hostage!! I started the scene again, answered quickly, and the the scene played out as I remembered it!


This has left me really curious as to just how many ways and responses there are for conversations in the game, it's pretty impressive!!


I do wonder how you get him in the prison cell?! and I'm now interested to try the shooting option on my next playthrough.


Question: Who is his brother that he talks about? He just seems to randomly drop him into the conversation as if we are supposed to know about him or as if he's come up before?


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@Mokong X\-C
I think I'm gonna have to go back into the police station and make sure I've done everything, I'm sure I have, but I can't remember what info I got for Megan's Mum from there?...


- The dodgy cop, confessed to me so that's one piece of info

- There was the lock-up detailing the investigation



You should have had an objective to find evidence on the Captains computer too... I wonder if maybe how you talk to the ex-Cop guy has an effect on the number of objectives you get?




Watched the video and it hit me.... he likely ends up in the jail cell if you choose to fight him and take him down in a non-lethal way :heh: Lol, so obvious now.... haha so gonna do a 4th play just to do that :D


Can't believe there's still consequences I've not yet seen haha



As for the brother...just keep playing you should figure it out eventually.



Oh and since you let Zeke go then, you should end up getting a call from Pritchard about a note left for you that starts a side quest...well not much of a quest but be sure to do that before getting in the chopper again :wink:


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@Mokong X\-C Yeah it really is incredible how many different scenario's there are for characters!


When you talked to the cop on reception, did it end up with you saying about the drugs in the bin, and him saying that he would never forget this (menacing)? ;p


Also when I talked to Tindalls round the back of the petrol station it ended with me saying it's his problem and he should sort the bad guys out himself. I felt a bit bad about this because yes he's blackmailing the guy who came to see me about it but they were both involved, one guy was just forgiven but the other has just been left to deal with the consequences.



Where is the Captain's office, is it the one on the top 3rd floor on a corner with a security camera outside it and a vent just round the corner in a little alcove?

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When you talked to the cop on reception, did it end up with you saying about the drugs in the bin, and him saying that he would never forget this (menacing)? ;p


Yeah I got the same on my first and 3rd plays, (2nd play I entered via sewers and you don't get to talk to Haas if you've already been to teh morgue) think the pointing out of the drugs only happens when you use the Social Aug... I tried to do it without the Aug on my 3rd play but he wouldn't let me in so I just reloaded and used the aug :heh:


Also when I talked to Tindalls round the back of the petrol station it ended with me saying it's his problem and he should sort the bad guys out himself. I felt a bit bad about this because yes he's blackmailing the guy who came to see me about it but they were both involved, one guy was just forgiven but the other has just been left to deal with the consequences.


Lol, I did the same on my first play. On my 2nd and 3rd I opted to "help" him with the dealers...results are still the same. I did always choose the "scolding" option or whatever it was to give out to the other guy when I gave him back the recording though.



Where is the Captain's office, is it the one on the top 3rd floor on a corner with a security camera outside it and a vent just round the corner in a little alcove?


Can't remember what floor, but I think it is 2nd? After walking into the station you go up the stairs to the next floor, there's like a little seating area for like lunch breaks I guess, you can also look down on the floor below. Can't remember if there was a camera tho, but I do remember there was a vent that leads inside the office. I tried to hack the door first time but a nearby cop saw me, so reloaded and used the vent (with a box covering me from teh cops view). When you get a side quest do you get a blue "X" marker on your map for the objectives? If you do and you got to them all then you must have been in there.



You get much more player yesterday? Where abouts are you know.... there should have been at least one more "big" side quest to find before moving to the next area, prolly my fav in the game :)





Anyway I had a good session last night and finished the "DLC" section and got my Factory Zero award :D




Overall wasn't as hard as expected, though again know which routes to take and where stuff was is a big help.


Getting off the boat was straight forward enough, only had to take down a few guards that I couldn't avoid. Last room of the boat you can find a pocket secretary on the floor (if you entered via lift just wait for teh two guys talking to walk away, one of them drops it) which has the code for the laser grid. It just a matter of timing then to shut down the lasers and pick the right moment to enter the door so none of the guys or the camera can see you.


The RBS station easy enough for the first part too, once you know where the vent in the first room is again just a matter of timing to sneak past the guards to get to it without being seen. Same with the 2nd section on route to meet Keitner. You can't hack much though since you can't use praxis kits if you want the award so gotta watch out for cameras or find codes but most in the 3rd section after meating Keitner most guards are alone so easy enough to take them down without being seen.


The first "hardish" part was getting to the tower section and realising you can't shut down the robot patrols or hack the laser grid (couldn't find codes for them either?) so you gotta sneak past the robots but also wait for one and follow behind it when it crosses a laser grid to get through then quickly duck into an open cell or behind a box before the robot turns around. Annoylingly you have to do that 3 times because of the little back track section to get the prostectic Eye to Quinn.


Then after meeting with Kavangh and Burke becomes aware or you and sends in more guards that's when it gets harder. The hardest part on the way towards Burke was prolly the last room before him (which is the first room when you first arrive at RBS), because no matter if you go through the door or the vent you have to cross into line of sight of the turrent.


What I did was I used the vent first and waited for the guard patrolling near the door to walk between some containers so I could take him down without drawing attention. Then went back to vent and used the door. I tried running across the room but it's impossible to avoid the turrents sights and you stay exposed just long enough for it to start firing. So I doubled back and used the door, with the guard down only had the turrent to worry about, time it right and you and sneak through door and take cover on the left without being seen. At worst the turrent will probably get suspicious but so long as you take cover before it starts firing you are fine.


The room with Burke then was the hardest, especially cause at first I didn't realise you HAD TO take out all the guards in it to move on. So at first I spent ages trying to get to and take out just Burke, when I finally did and didn't get the call from Quinn I thought I glitched something till I checked teh objectives menu and realised I had to take out all the guards in the room too *facepalm*


But I eventually managed it, like the ghost that I was, got through the whole thing without being seen (not a requirement for award I think, but makes it easier) and without firing a weapon or upgrading my augs :D



Also got the award for using a takedown on Burke without being seen, didn't know there was an award for that on previous two plays I used a stun gun on him.... this time I stabbed him with my arm swords.... mwhahahahaha


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