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‘One Or More Of The Big Three Will Drop Out Of The Console Market'


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Back to the discussion at hand. For me the most likely culprit to go would be Sony. Their financial position is and has been terrible for a long time and developing a whole new system seems like a difficult stretch.


The problem for Sony is that they still don't have enough strong 1st party content. Sure they have some great 3rd party support... which has mostly walked away and I've loved some of the indie work on PS3 but it's not going to keep a system afloat like say Nintendo's content.

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The problem for Sony is that they still don't have enough strong 1st party content. Sure they have some great 3rd party support... which has mostly walked away and I've loved some of the indie work on PS3 but it's not going to keep a system afloat like say Nintendo's content.
I couldn't disagree more.
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I could disagree with you more, if that would help.
It wouldn't.


Mario and Pokémon are pretty much the only character driven franchise that Nintendo can rely on to produce the sales figures anymore. And as for their Wii created casual properties, their success will very much depend on how many they can persuade to make the transition over to Wii U.


Sony have in Naughty Dog arguably last generations hottest and most anticipated developer (Uncharted, The Last of Us). Likewise they also have Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond) and Team Ico.


Along with first party franchises such as Gran Turismo, God of War, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper etc... indie developers ThatGameCompany and Giant Sparrow.


Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear are also two of the biggest gaming franchises and most associated with their consoles.

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It wouldn't.


Mario and Pokémon are pretty much the only character driven franchise that Nintendo can rely on to produce the sales figures anymore. And as for their Wii created casual properties, their success will very much depend on how many they can persuade to make the transition over to Wii U.


Sony have in Naughty Dog arguably last generations hottest and most anticipated developer (Uncharted, The Last of Us). Likewise they also have Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond) and Team Ico.


Along with first party franchises such as Gran Turismo, God of War, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper etc... indie developers ThatGameCompany and Giant Sparrow.


Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear are also two of the biggest gaming franchises and most associated with their consoles.


Glad to see it's not easy to touch a nerve with you.


I'll agree that Quantic Dream and Naughty Dog are excellent developers but team Ico have nothing to show after an entire generation. ThatGameCompany are also no longer tied to Sony.


I won't go into the quality of particular 1st party franchises apart from to say that some of them aren't as strong as they used to be.


As for GTA, that will go wherever the money is as Rockstar have always wanted it to be a blockbuster and is very much in the realms of a multiplatform series now. Kojima productions is one of the only big 3rd party franchises that stays loyal to the platform, which I expect to change once the numbers stack up.


All of this is irrelevant anyway as the main point of argument still remains: Sony are still financially pretty fucked.

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Mario and Pokémon are pretty much the only character driven franchise that Nintendo can rely on to produce the sales figures anymore. And as for their Wii created casual properties, their success will very much depend on how many they can persuade to make the transition over to Wii U.


Sony have in Naughty Dog arguably last generations hottest and most anticipated developer (Uncharted, The Last of Us). Likewise they also have Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond) and Team Ico.


Along with first party franchises such as Gran Turismo, God of War, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper etc... indie developers ThatGameCompany and Giant Sparrow.


Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear are also two of the biggest gaming franchises and most associated with their consoles.


You're right about Nintendo. Their only big sellers these days are Mario and Pokemon. Which is a shame because almost all of their properties should be and then we'd get a bit more variety.


This probably going to be an unpopular opinion but Quantic Dream and Team Ico are both terrible. Quantic Dream seem to get away with it because they're 'artsy'. Heavy Rain was boring and Beyond is looking to be similar. On Team Ico, what exactly have they done recently? We're in an almost FF Versus XIII situation with The Last Guardian. Which is a shame because Team Ico games are actually worth playing.


I bought a PS3 specifically to play Gran Turismo 5 and it ended up being incredibly underwhelming. I used to play Forza thinking it was a stop-gap between GT4 and GT5. Now I think Forza has taken over from it.


I like the God of War series, it has a few too many QTEs but generally it's a good action game.


inFamous was a good new property but I didn't go out and buy the second straight away. I do plan to pick it up though!


I've always found the Killzone series to be the game which the 'development machine' churns out when set to maximum generic shooter. I'm sure if you scratch beneath the surface it has a bit more to it but I'm still not at that point with it.


The Resistance series is okay. I like the alternative-past setting.


I'm not a fan of LittleBigPlanet. I was massively hyped for the first but, after getting it on day one, found it to be a mediocre platformer and limited creation tool. Maybe the second one is because I'm a Software Developer and not a designer of any kind.


I love Naughty Dog. I have ever since Crash Bandicoot! I think they put out amazing games and I'm really looking forward to The Last of Us.


Similarly I love Insomniac too since the Spyro days. I think one of the main reasons I only think Resistance is only 'okay' is because I prefer the Ratchet & Clank series. :laughing:


I'm reserving judgement on Sly Cooper until my pre-order of the latest one turns up. Mainly because it's not made by Sucker Punch anymore.


Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear Solid are both multiplatform now, right?


After saying all that, I don't think Microsoft's lot is any better.


I like Banjo Kazooie (is that heresy to say on a Nintendo board?), Forza, Viva Pinata, Crackdown (original only!), PGR and Fable. Out of those I think only Forza and Fable are still active. I could leave all their other properties.

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