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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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PS4 has the second worst sales for the first 14 weeks of any game device (handheld and console) for the last two generations. Only thing worse is the Xbox 360


Well firstly that data is skewed slightly because different consoles release at different times. For example the Wii U launched around Christmas which helps it hugely.


Secondly, the PS4 is also the biggest selling console (worldwide) in its first 6-7 months ever, ahead of the Wii.


Yes, it struggling in Japan but remember:

-It's not aimed at Japanese gamers.

-The games are NOT aimed at Japanese gamers (no RPGs yet).

-Their focus on the west has CLEARLY proven to be the right decision.


Why? Well take the Wii U, a console aimed at Japanese gamers more so than western ones. Here's a console that has 18 months of momentum behind it as well as 2 Mario games, a Donkey Kong and a Pikmin title, and it's BARELY outselling the PS4. Focus on the West has clearly proven to be the right choice for Sony. I don't consider the Wii U outselling the the PS4 by such a small amount when it has so many more games tailored to that part of the word a success by any means.

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Well firstly that data is skewed slightly because different consoles release at different times. For example the Wii U launched around Christmas which helps it hugely.


Secondly, the PS4 is also the biggest selling console (worldwide) in its first 6-7 months ever, ahead of the Wii.


Yes, it struggling in Japan but remember:

-It's not aimed at Japanese gamers.

-The games are NOT aimed at Japanese gamers (no RPGs yet).

-Their focus on the west has CLEARLY proven to be the right decision.


Why? Well take the Wii U, a console aimed at Japanese gamers more so than western ones. Here's a console that has 18 months of momentum behind it as well as 2 Mario games, a Donkey Kong and a Pikmin title, and it's BARELY outselling the PS4. Focus on the West has clearly proven to be the right choice for Sony. I don't consider the Wii U outselling the the PS4 by such a small amount when it has so many more games tailored to that part of the word a success by any means.


Word for word, all of this.

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Well firstly that data is skewed slightly because different consoles release at different times. For example the Wii U launched around Christmas which helps it hugely.


Secondly, the PS4 is also the biggest selling console (worldwide) in its first 6-7 months ever, ahead of the Wii.


Yes, it struggling in Japan but remember:

-It's not aimed at Japanese gamers.

-The games are NOT aimed at Japanese gamers (no RPGs yet).

-Their focus on the west has CLEARLY proven to be the right decision.


Why? Well take the Wii U, a console aimed at Japanese gamers more so than western ones. Here's a console that has 18 months of momentum behind it as well as 2 Mario games, a Donkey Kong and a Pikmin title, and it's BARELY outselling the PS4. Focus on the West has clearly proven to be the right choice for Sony. I don't consider the Wii U outselling the the PS4 by such a small amount when it has so many more games tailored to that part of the word a success by any means.


Surely consoles are aimed at everybody. Who would say we are launching a console, but we only want to sell it in one part of the world?

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Surely consoles are aimed at everybody. Who would say we are launching a console, but we only want to sell it in one part of the world?


Clothes, food, electronics etc etc all have a different target markets because the market place is so varied and different. Japan has a completely different gaming culture compared to the rest of the world; you need a specific strategy there versus say Europe. A 'one size fits all approach' doesn't apply in this day and age because gaming has changed so much in the last 10 years, especially for Japan where dedicated consoles aren't really a thing anymore.

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Well firstly that data is skewed slightly because different consoles release at different times. For example the Wii U launched around Christmas which helps it hugely.


Secondly, the PS4 is also the biggest selling console (worldwide) in its first 6-7 months ever, ahead of the Wii.


Yes, it struggling in Japan but remember:

-It's not aimed at Japanese gamers.

-The games are NOT aimed at Japanese gamers (no RPGs yet).

-Their focus on the west has CLEARLY proven to be the right decision.


Why? Well take the Wii U, a console aimed at Japanese gamers more so than western ones. Here's a console that has 18 months of momentum behind it as well as 2 Mario games, a Donkey Kong and a Pikmin title, and it's BARELY outselling the PS4. Focus on the West has clearly proven to be the right choice for Sony. I don't consider the Wii U outselling the the PS4 by such a small amount when it has so many more games tailored to that part of the word a success by any means.


So basically, you're throwing together a list of reasons, like I did last year and got trashed for doing so.


Numbers are numbers and are facts. Other consoles and handhelds in the list weren't released around Christmas and still have much higher numbers.


I never said it was the case worldwide, I said it was the case in Japan. Sony defence force, much?

Edited by Serebii
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So basically, you're throwing together a list of reasons, like I did last year and got trashed for doing so.


Numbers are numbers and are facts. Other consoles and handhelds in the list weren't released around Christmas and still have much higher numbers.


Numbers and facts have context behind them. You'd get fired from any business job within a week if you didn't realise that. Also my post has nothing to do with yours from last year, it's completely separate from it. And I specifically mentioned the Wii U, not any other consoles.

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Numbers and facts have context behind them. You'd get fired from any business job within a week if you didn't realise that. Also my post has nothing to do with yours from last year, it's completely separate from it. And I specifically mentioned the Wii U, not any other consoles.

Your defence was akin to mine last year, trying to make the situation not seem bad.


I was not talking in a worldwide situation, I was talking Japan only. I stated the facts and yes, every single release has mitigating factors that explain figures. That doesn't stop the figures being true.


The data wasn't "skewed" in any sense. It is pure factual data, exempt from bias.


So what it doesn't include a holiday? That's not my fault, that is Sony's problem for not releasing it before one. It in no way makes my data untrue, or biased.

Edited by Serebii
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Numbers are numbers and are facts.


Numbers are indeed facts. That's not to say facts can't be abused with shaky interpretations or selective usage.


Saying 'bad times for PS4' as a general statement after Japanese figures is somewhat ridiculous, I think, because as we all know it is globally one of the best, if not the best, selling consoles of all time (for this point in its life).


You might want to think about the way you phrase things.


Your defence was akin to mine last year, trying to make the situation not seem bad.

The difference is that you try too hard to make a situation not seem bad when it is bad (often to many a forumer's frustration). Here, you're trying to make a situation seem far worse than it actually is. In fact, overall, the situation is pretty good.

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Numbers are indeed facts. That's not to say facts can't be abused with shaky interpretations or selective usage.


Saying 'bad times for PS4' as a general statement after Japanese figures is somewhat ridiculous, I think, because as we all know it is globally one of the best, if not the best, selling consoles of all time (for this point in its life).


You might want to think about the way you phrase things.



The difference is that you try too hard to make a situation not seem bad when it is bad (often to many a forumer's frustration). Here, you're trying to make a situation seem far worse than it actually is. In fact, overall, the situation is pretty good.

I never said it was bad times for the PS4. My post, and I quote, was stating pure fact, referring to Japanese sales (which is evidence by the post I quoted)


PS4 has the second worst sales for the first 14 weeks of any game device (handheld and console) for the last two generations. Only thing worse is the Xbox 360



You're the one skewing your own biased view twisting what I said to try and discredit and/or attack me. Nothing in that post said it was bad times for the PS4. All I said was this fact.

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"it's not aimed at Japanese gamers"

"The games are not aimed at Japanese gamers"

"...the Wii U, a console aimed at Japanese gamers"


You said "Who would say we sell it in one part of the world".


You're clearly talking about a manufacturer of a console, since they're the ones selling it.


And Sony haven't said that. Why would they? They have aimed it to appeal more to the West, but obviously it is also designed to appeal to Japan. The games just haven't arrived en force yet.

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"it's not aimed at Japanese gamers"

"The games are not aimed at Japanese gamers"

"...the Wii U, a console aimed at Japanese gamers"


Aimed does not mean exclusive to. Just because action/FPS titles and, as a result, Sony and MS consoles are aimed at western gamers (where they are more popular) doesn't mean they won't try and sell the console to the Japanese, but the truth is that no home console will sell as well in Japan regardless of however many RPG's are put out on it because the gaming market there is very different.


That said, it is incredibly sad to see Japan shrink so much. Over a decade ago it accounted for around 40% of the home console gaming market and now it's nowhere near that. It's the same for Japanese developers too; they were world class in the early 2000's but seem to have fallen back so much since then :(

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I never said it was bad times for the PS4. My post, and I quote, was stating pure fact, referring to Japanese sales (which is evidence by the post I quoted)





You're the one skewing your own biased view twisting what I said to try and discredit and/or attack me. Nothing in that post said it was bad times for the PS4. All I said was this fact.


By focusing on one region you're able to argue a point that really isn't true at all if you look at a more general setting.


Nobody is saying the Japanese outlook isn't valid, but as with any reporting of statistics, balance is key. That's why Goron said what he did.

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You said "Who would say we sell it in one part of the world".


You're clearly talking about a manufacturer of a console, since they're the ones selling it.


And Sony haven't said that. Why would they? They have aimed it to appeal more to the West, but obviously it is also designed to appeal to Japan. The games just haven't arrived en force yet.


That's what I was asking. I was responding to Goron who said PS4 was not aimed at Japanese gamers.

What exactly is the point of your post? You misquote me, assume I'm talking about Sony (God Forbid) and end up making the same point as me.


By focusing on one region you're able to argue a point that really isn't true at all if you look at a more general setting.


Nobody is saying the Japanese outlook isn't valid, but as with any reporting of statistics, balance is key. That's why Goron said what he did.


it's the Japanese sales figures, of course it's based on one region... JAPAN.

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By focusing on one region you're able to argue a point that really isn't true at all if you look at a more general setting.


Nobody is saying the Japanese outlook isn't valid, but as with any reporting of statistics, balance is key. That's why Goron said what he did.


We were talking about the Japanese sales figures. Jesus Christ.

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And for the purposes of balance, he explained why that was so. It's really not a big deal.


You misquote me, assume I'm talking about Sony (God Forbid) and end up making the same point as me.


You were talking about Sony, in the post I quoted, since you asked 'who would sell a console in a region where XYZ'. Sony are the ones selling the console, ergo you were addressing Sony.


Don't get pissed off with me because you have difficulties structuring cogent sentences.

Edited by Sheikah
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I can accept that Sony saw the West as more important than Japan and that's where the focus was but in no way I'm accepting Sony were expecting the PS4 to be selling this low so quickly.


7k a week so soon after launch is abysmal.

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And for the purposes of balance, he explained why that was so. It's really not a big deal.




You were talking about Sony, in the post I quoted, since you asked 'who would sell a console in a region where XYZ'. Sony are the ones selling the console, ergo you were addressing Sony.


Don't get pissed off with me because you have difficulties structuring cogent sentences.


i didn't mention Sony, I asked a general question in response to Goron saying Wii U was aimed at Japan and PS4 was aimed at the West. So not fucking ergo at all.

Are we resorting to personal insults now?

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'Aiming' does not mean that they're not selling it to another territory though! Goron said it was aimed at the west, not that they only want/have plans for it to sell in one territory. More business lies in the west. But at the same time, there are many games they will release on the PS4 that will appeal to Japan. They just needed to make sure it appealed to the west off the bat to get people to move over from Xbox. That pressure isn't there in Japan.


The PS4 has literally no competition in the east aside from PC, for the kind of experience it offers. When Final Fantasy XV/whatever releases over there, it will almost certainly be on PS4. Same for Kingdom Hearts and many other RPGs.

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Japan is about is increasingly irrelevant as a market. I don't think anyone should be seriously surprised by the numbers and when it comes to being outsold by the Wii U and whatnot? Well, that unit sales difference is a drop in the ocean when taken as part of global sales.


I think what's confusing the argument is that Japan might be more important to Nintendo than anyone else because they don't have a chance anywhere else. For Sony and Microsoft, Japan is almost a side project.

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