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Who's got 305ish alts on tonight's raid team? Happy to run it repeatedly :D


All my alts are 310+ so I'm good to go.


Seems there is some confusion about what the challenge actually is as some people have done it in two auras and not had the rewards. People are even saying they did it in more because they thought the challenge would be to have to survive all his different attacks.


It's starting to look like the challenge may be to have a different aura holder each time and for the aura holder not to die, those may be the only factors (plus the extra/tougher ads).


Others think wiping may ruin it, which screws up alt switching for checkpoints. I'm keeping my eye on Reddit to get more info


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Posted (edited)

Probably a bit beneath you guys now but anyone want to help with a normal mode raid on Thursday? Heyho's messaged me to see if I'm interested, not sure of time yet, or who else we might have(Frag/Psychick probs can't make it) - just putting some feelers out before getting other randoms.


EDIT: Wouldn't start until at least 8, as Heyho's gotta get the littler kids to bed.

Edited by Rummy
All my alts are 310+ so I'm good to go.


Seems there is some confusion about what the challenge actually is as some people have done it in two auras and not had the rewards. People are even saying they did it in more because they thought the challenge would be to have to survive all his different attacks.


It's starting to look like the challenge may be to have a different aura holder each time and for the aura holder not to die, those may be the only factors (plus the extra/tougher ads).


Others think wiping may ruin it, which screws up alt switching for checkpoints. I'm keeping my eye on Reddit to get more info

Wiping = spoiling it seems unlikely/too harsh. That'd mean if you wipe once you can't get it on that character all week?


Wiping = spoiling it seems unlikely/too harsh. That'd mean if you wipe once you can't get it on that character all week?


Looks like you're right. Also if you beat the Warpriest without meeting the criteria you can beat him again and it'll spawn a chest with the rewards.



You must have different aura holders with each damage phase. No guardian can hold the aura more than once otherwise you will not receive the challenge mode drops. You CAN have someone die and you do NOT need to beat him in two phases. I apologize for the confusion.

Good to know that the Warpriest strategy we used in NM/HM is a legit way!

Last quick shout for a normal mode raid tonight at around 8/9ish? Maybe if anyone wants to get some loot for an alt or so?


I've got my family coming over tonight so I can't help you unfortunately. Otherwise I'd have been happy to help.

Posted (edited)
I've got my family coming over tonight so I can't help you unfortunately. Otherwise I'd have been happy to help.


Ahh no worries! I'm sure we'll manage ok with randoms - I'm probably still the weakest link tbh!


Edit: dammit! Servers down for maintainence -.-

Edited by Rummy

Managed to NM it to the daughters last night, in addition to completing the warpriest's challenge which I was pretty happy with managing without too much prior planning and considering it's still only my third time running the raid. Sadly I already had a 310 artifact from the last time I raided, but I guess it could go to infusing on an alt? Only other semi-decent drop I got was a 310 machine gun, don't think I had much else so le sads. Plus point of this however is that my setup of choice now has me over 300 light, and I'm thinking of putting that 308 handcannon into my pulse rifle soon now.


Quite likely we'll continue Monday night, if anyone fancies jumping on for a bit to quickly do those last two bits for some easy lootings? Maybe even Sunday. I'll probs post here before anyhow :p


Totally forgot about Xur this week and won't be home... glad he's not selling any engrams and I already have Telesto, twice! Not bothered about The Stag.


Is the Telesto the fusion rifle you mentioned about before when I was talking about them? Is it worth me getting? Although the annoyance will be getting it up from 280. I need to find a way to get myself strange coins more/faster so I can buy Xur's equipment bits and scrap them for shards -.-

Posted (edited)

It's fun but I dunno, it'd never be my go-to weapon for anything. True of most exotics these days though.


If you can spare the coins go for it, otherwise I'd personally get 3oC.


But then again I have loads of exotics....


Saw some people on reddit talking about how fun it is, and how useful on nightfalls.


Mentioning you @Rummy in case you viewed my post before I edited in the other side of the coin!

Edited by Shorty

Cheers. I do love my void Long Far Gone in PvE and checked a video of the Telesto - can afford it and reckon I'd enjoy it just wondering if I should buy it right now or not though. Hadn't considered the 3oC much before(don't fully understand it either) but maybe something I should start looking into as I think I'm gonna try to run raids etc more often. Do exotic engrams come out a varying light level if they're year 2 items btw, or still at 280? I've only ever gotten Year 1s from engrams I think.


When you're light 300+ there's a small chance of them being 310. When you're 311+ there's a very high chance of them being 310. So always equip your best setup before decrypting.


3oC just increases the chance that the next ultra you beat will drop an exotic. If it doesn't, then the next use makes it even more likely.


Apparently the best way to get guaranteed exotics is to beat 3 strikes in a row (exclude Psion Flayers from the count), popping a 3oC during the third one. Should drop an exotic. Then go to orbit and repeat. Quite often get an exotic from the raid if you use a 3oC before Warpriest, Golgoroth and Oryx's shade phase.

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