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Ho, The Motherland!


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'Sup my Pokemanizzles?


I'm coming back to the UK for a brief two-week Christmas stay from the 16th of December. Two important things:


1: Anyone up for a mini meat? Canterbury is the nearest transport accessible hub for me, but I can also do London as The Allfather works in Orpington and travels every day. I'm thinking either the 18th, 19th or 20th. I should be on the road to recovery from jet lag by then (8 hour time difference)


2: What, if any, important pop culture shit did I miss? I'd like to be at least reasonably upon the things my family are going to yak at me about. No YouTube links.


Ta muchly, yo.

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Avengers, Batman, Gangnam style... erm... I pretty much live under a rock so I don't know if anything real is going on :p


1: Avengers is, was and will remain "The Tits".


2: Batman is, was and will remain "The Shits".


3: The next time I hear "Gangnam Style" I am going to murder someone's face.


Things like... I don't know is everyone still singing "Go COMPARE!" all the time? And is Churchill still doing insurance and saying "ouh, yes!"


Who won Dancing with the Stars? Was anybody funny on one of those godawful X Factor shows?

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I would be very interested in socially interacting with you, Iun I get back to our ancestral soil on the 19th, but I don't really know what my obligations are currently. Theoretically I could make 20th, but I think I may be 'expected' to spend time with friends/family (plus potential for jetlag - 11 hour time difference BIATCH -- though I hear going the other way is easier).

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What ever happened with the whole Mrs Iun situation? Did you move back home, did she become more reasonanble?


Moved back in, "reasonable' has yet to be achieved.


I would be very interested in socially interacting with you' date=' Iun I get back to our ancestral soil on the 19th, but I don't really know what my obligations are currently. Theoretically I could make 20th, but I think I may be 'expected' to spend time with friends/family (plus potential for jetlag - 11 hour time difference BIATCH -- though I hear going the [i']other[/i] way is easier).


Socially? Iplan on hiding under a pile of coats and flinging frozen peas at people in absolute silence.


Where did you bury the body?


Same place I'm going to bury yours *eyes narrowed*

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