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What Do You Want From F-Zero UX?


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@Jonnas and @darkjak , I agree with both of you actually.


I think the entry level difficulty needs to be dropped down with a decent curve. I really like games where the end game sections are a genuine challenge as I think you should get rewarded for being genuinely good at the game.


Having it hard from the get-go is a MASSIVE mistake though. This game needs to be accessible enough for mainstream people to fall in love with the franchise and persist from there. Nintendo need to build the value of the IP and they're not going to be able to do that by shutting out the newbs.

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Having it hard from the get-go is a MASSIVE mistake though. This game needs to be accessible enough for mainstream people to fall in love with the franchise and persist from there. Nintendo need to build the value of the IP and they're not going to be able to do that by shutting out the newbs.


Yeah, sure, but is the entry level in F-Zero that huge? A non-gamer was staying at my house when I first got the game, she didn't have much trouble entering the game. The tournaments are easy on lower difficulties, and the first story missions stand as a decent challenge at that point.

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Yeah, sure, but is the entry level in F-Zero that huge? A non-gamer was staying at my house when I first got the game, she didn't have much trouble entering the game. The tournaments are easy on lower difficulties, and the first story missions stand as a decent challenge at that point.


That game is known for its high difficulty. May perhaps be the reason it didn't sell too well. Also, unlocking everything is rather tedious. You only earned money by completing the same four tournaments over and over again. After the likes of Need for Spped, Forza and so on, you expect way more variety. Just getting new tournaments where the tracks are swapped around could partially fix this.

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I think I posted something like this before, which pretty much ended up with the title 'F-Zero Effect', which was a cross between a Mass Effect style RPG mixed with F-Zero's racing elements as the main story mode.

I would love to see something like that. did anyone ever play Road Rash on the Saturn/PS1/3DO? You would go into a bar before races and chat to the other characters to built up relationships etc, you could also visit the bike shop next door in order to buy a new vehicle. This could be used in a F-Zero game as part of your ships customisation etc...meh food for thought.

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No i'm talking about having actual beat em up sections in between races. Could make the story mode more interesting. Plus it would be doing something new so Miyamoto would be happy.


mail it to nintendo :P lol its a nice idea.


what i always wanted to see from f-zero, is indeed something different, i want a game from captain falcon where you can actually walk with him, and get into your car to do missions or races (fights)

something like crackdown 2, where u can run extremely fast, etcm and also a multiplayer online, where u can do tournaments with alot of challengers.. and also that u can upgrade and designs your car as u see fit. it can be done easily with the 25gig disc space (and downloadable content).


what would be cool also 4 player co-op storymode. but its just an idea.

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