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Bayonetta: one of the best games I've ever played, and also the worst one ever!


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After completing it on Hard setting yesterday, I've arrived to 2 conclusions:


1 - Bayonetta's incredible combat system is second only to Ninja Gaiden Black, and that alone makes it one the best hack and slash to ever exist alongside NGB, Devil May Cry 3 and to a lesser extent God of War 2 (because while it may be superior to the other 3 in every single category except for the combat system, that's exactly what makes the others kings of their genre). The visuals are quite nice too, and the setpieces quite enjoyable.


2 - It's the single most annoying and overall terrible game I've ever played. The music is so obnoxious I was forced to turn it off after 3 hours. The story is the worst thing ever conceived and doesn't even work on a "so bad it's good" B Movie level. Terrible voice acting... CONSTANT interruption of the only thing that matters (the action) with either score/medal screens or cutscenes. The cutscenes should be 10 times shorter and if we're being honest shouldn't even exist. The game's major selling point is sabotaged at every turn by it's combat flow being constantly interrupted (repeating myself I know). The characters are incredibly unlikeable, "small" enemies are boring and repetitive. The mapping of the controls has 2 incredibly glaring flaws which it doesn't allow you to do anything about.


I could go on, but really, there's just no other way to put it other than EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE COMBAT SUCKS. And to be honest none of it would matter that much if it weren't for the fact that it constantly prevents you from enjoying the game by breaking up the action way too frequently and for way too long. Watching the cutscenes is optional, but being interrupted by them isn't and quite frankly it drove me crazy like no other game has ever done before.


Am I alone here? Am I the only one who thought this way? Jesus Christ, most annoying game ever!

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Actually, I'd say that you're right to an extent, though while I don't remember the cut-scenes being as annoying or breaking the flow that much I don't actually remember much from the actual scenes bar a few stand-out ones so ultimately they were forgettable. :heh:


The game is so much fun once it gets going though and I honestly think that if they spend more time on the core hack and clash gameplay mechanics and less time on drawn-out scenes then Bayonetta 2 could end up being a very worthy sequel indeed. :)

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Actually, I'd say that you're right to an extent, though while I don't remember the cut-scenes being as annoying or breaking the flow that much I don't actually remember much from the actual scenes bar a few stand-out ones so ultimately they were forgettable. :heh:


The game is so much fun once it gets going though and I honestly think that if they spend more time on the core hack and clash gameplay mechanics and less time on drawn-out scenes then Bayonetta 2 could end up being a very worthy sequel indeed. :)


One can only hope. :D


Also, forgettable? Indeed. But there were sooooo many of them. And some were 20 mins long. 'twas insanity. :(

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Plot, characters and voice acting are usually pretty bad in the genre - Ninja Gaiden's characters are empty shells and the plot may not exist. Dante and the other guy in DMC4 were annoying as hell, and the plot was much worse than Bayonetta's.


The one that could change that is the MGS one.

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Plot, characters and voice acting are usually pretty bad in the genre - Ninja Gaiden's characters are empty shells and the plot may not exist. Dante and the other guy in DMC4 were annoying as hell, and the plot was much worse than Bayonetta's.


The one that could change that is the MGS one.


Indeed. Never played DMC4, but 3 was obnoxious as fuck. 1 was alright didn't really bother you much. And like I said, that's fine... because in those cases it didn't get in the way of the game. In DMC3 and NGB you get like... 1 cutscene per hour? In Bayonetta there's one every 10 minutes. And they grind on you in the most annoying way possible.

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I don't get who plays character action games for the plot, or for any aspect of the experience that doesn't involve direct interaction. In every game of the the genre I straight up skip every cut scene as soon as it appears on the screen, because I know that shit is going to be second only to ECT in terms of destroying my grey matter.


Unfortunately the problem with Bayonetta was that it's visual design was fucking disgusting and distractingly salacious too, in a way that not even Team Ninja could manage.


You can tell, the way these games are going, some day soon a studio is just going to stop pussyfooting around and just go ahead and make a game where you kill enemies using your gigantic vagina flaps.

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