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The Wire Season 1 Mafia


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I think maybe when the good/evil in the game directly reflects the good/evil from the source material, lie detectors shouldn't be allowed as it makes it very tricky for the mafia to create fake roles. I would've been much better off if I could make up a couple of my targets, but I knew Jonnas would probably catch me out, hence why I just twisted my real story, apart from my character name.

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I had a very enjoyable game - as yvonne says, my brain certainly melted with the code.


I ended up with 3 pager numbers;

410-921-5389 (Wee-bey -- Zell - evil)

410-844-4293 (d'angelo -- marcamillian - town)

410-921-1402 (barksdale)


... the last one I managed to send for wiretap on teh first night by googling "stringer bell's pager number". I only McNulty et al could've utilised such a resource...


Here are the codes I got, in no real order;

170060643406878232471 - edited into;






I wanted to gather a few results before sharing them, but then Sheikah forced my hand and I became a focus -- if I revealed my info then the mafia might've been panicked into really enforcing a lynch so I had to tread the fine line between proving my innocence yet appearing shady enough for the mafia to leave me be -- which they did. I still maintain that my playstyle is effective - cause enough controversy and the maff will keep you alive. The hubbub I caused indirectly made me really suspect mr-paul and nintendohnut from early on. The fact that the only 'defense' I got was from Sheikah who turned up both good and dead is, I think, why town leaned towards trusting me further down the line.


I do want to say sorry to tales and mr-paul! My secondary win condition (I'm one of a handful!) meant that I could tell myself it's ok to roleblock town. I genuinely misstepped roleblocking peeps twice, but with tales I figured it was a safe bet to keep blocking him simply because his idea that I looked dodgy was extremely laughable by that point.


RE: the codes; I was really disappointed in myself for not being able to do anything with them. I was convinced that the code was something along the lines of two digits = one character, but there wasn't much of a pattern to work with. At first I was going to get two codes to compare, then that wasn't enough, and ended up having to try each number once then retry a number to see how the code changed. I think if I had longer I could've done something, but alas! I was selfish. But when I saw that nobody else seemed to have any vested interest in the code then I presumed that it wasn't a central game mechanic, so I did put it on the backburner - again because I felt that revealing it might worry the maff into killing me.


Definitely one of my most enjoyable games. I'd get so nervous logging in each day as I was certain that today was teh day the mafia would go after me. As Jonnas highlighted early on, it seemed the Wire-watchers were getting picked off. I was certainly a very fitting Prez. I was literally laughing out loud at my own ineptitude at times. I very much believe in the Drunken Master strategy of appearing much more out of control than I actually am. I apologise to people who were pissed off in-game (sheikah, peeps, tales, and others) - it wasn't all charades but it wasn't all stupidity either :P


So! go watch the fucking show. The amount of games I've played (i.e. pokemafia games) where I've not known the source material well and struggled because of it... I'm just so glad that this game proved that a knowledge of source material is a benefit.


While the show exemplifies how the boundary between good and evil is blurred, I think Yvonne made teh correct decision in maintaining the show's polarity between cops and robbers. Sure, there's a lot of internal hatebreeding (that's not even a real word) in both worlds, but it fits.


The brilliant thing is that later seasons offer such brilliant potential for mafia games!


I forget what else I was going to say. Thanks yvonne!


p.s. to further emphasise; I have a notebook with pages of number scrawlings that make no sense whatsoever. Cube's code [that wasn't meant to be broken] was cracked simply because of the wealth of code that was available. This code was breakable but not for my skill level with the amount of code to hand (only because I just ignored the phonepad from the early GM post, that now seems to be related!).

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Wow, it is already over? :p For some strange reason I was unable to access N-Europe at college for pretty much all day so I'm surprised to see how many else have gotten online.


Good game, even though I didn't do anything. Or barely get to do anything for that matter. Me and Peeps were partners and I made him pretty much decide every target :p Hope he isn't angry about it ;) It would be awful if he didn't win when I know I did...


I felt bad for deciding all of the targets without you really getting a say (though I see now that's through your own choice :P) and then having them fail anyway!

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... FFS! :P




stringerbell 66*27438






















DANGELO 6769372432573968723624










DANGELO or-owe-pa-heal-sex-68



Why the fuck are these sites all limiting my convert!









... so turns out I can crack the code (I just have little incentive nowto finish...), and that it would've been rather useful! I'm gonna just go hide under teh "town won!" banner and pretend like this didn't happen.

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You got it :D


The format was usually character_name action player_name


jump the 5, then find the most likely word from analysis. I was considering posting the address to http://www.phonespell.org/ in code :D


If you'd have been boosted, your messages would have appeared with dashes at the word divisions to help


If you'd sent the phone number for orlandos (well, ritz bar) you would have received the next mafia forum post in code


If you'd sent in the phone number for the funeral home you would have gotten the next post in the funeral home in code

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Aye! That seems to be the first rule of mafia design - the things you plan will rarely happen - so I filled the game with mechanics so at least a few would trip. Jimmy & Bunk met up (even though Kima & Bubbles could have met up, as well as Hauk and Carver) and mafia never attacked ReZ, so Omar didn't convert into a vigilante.

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My win condition:

Win with town. Additionally you must jailkeep at least one killer (not necessarily on the night they kill)


If it's not necessary for it to be on the night they kill, then it would still count nights they kill. Therefore, me jailkeeping mr-paul would be jailkeeping a killer on the night he kills. But I prevent him from doing so.

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Ah yeah, that's my bad, that's very unclear language. When I wrote it I imagined a killer killing multiple times, and it not being necessary to catch them in the act, but they had to have killed someone. Sorry about that! Something I will do in future mafias is take more care with my role PMs as I think there was quite a bit of confusion in this game in places.

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I can see it both ways; If you jailkeep a killer before they kill, they aren't a killer and it doesn't count however the language can give rise to Diageo's interpretation but at the end of the day it doesn't matter now. GM's intentions over all, and the argument against is chances, not planned things ignored really. I read it more to Yvonne's point, but I can totally see Diageo's point of view. I'm not even sure the actual target occurence though, mr-paul wanted to kill Jonnas but for some reason went to Diageo who was actually jailkeeping mr-paul in the same night?

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